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Ch.3 Lesson 1 Feudalism Ineffective Kings
7.33 Describe the development of feudalism and manorialism its role in the medieval European economy and the way in which it was influenced by physical geography the role of the manor and filetype:ppt Ineffective Kings Kings were __________________ against these invaders. The invaders were swift and the kings could not mount a defense before the invaders had come and gone. As a result, the responsibility for protection fell to ____________________ These lords promised to ____________ the people and their homes in their area . In return the people ____________ their service and loyalty to this lord. This system of loyalty and protection became known as feudalism. When were the Middle Ages? The Middle Ages in Europe began with the Fall of Rome and lasted about _____________ _______________________________________ Sometimes called the “________________”, because of the loss of Roman achievements and education. What was life Like In Europe After the Fall of The Roman Empire? After the empire collapsed, life was dangerous and difficult in Western Europe. Trade declined and people worked hard simply to survive and to have enough to eat. They also needed to protect themselves from conquest by invading barbarians and neighboring kingdoms. Society of Feudalism Was a means to create a social/political order and provide _________________ No ___________________________– You lot in life was determined by the family you were born into Most everyone was a _____________ of someone else Vassal is someone who promises protection in return for land Cause: Evidence: Effect: VII. Manor System The _______________ was where the majority of people lived during the Middle Ages. Since much of Europe was devastated by war, powerful lords and ladies built fortified castles where they could live, along with their respective staff. These massive plots of land became known as manors. A manor was _________________________, meaning that everything needed to survive could be located on the property. For example, manors had housing for all the people who worked for the lord and lady, food sources, water sources, and specialty shops. Please look at the following diagram, which depicts a typical medieval manor. Violence All around __________________ threatened the population of Western Europe. __________________ invaded from the area around modern-day Hungary. They raided into Germany, Italy, and other parts of Western Europe. _________________ invaders came from the South. They conquered the Iberian Peninsula and the island of Sicily. __________________ were the greatest and boldest of the invaders. They originated in Scandinavia in Northern Europe. Vikings were ruthless and they targeted monasteries, farms and villages. They chose these targets because they were usually poorly defended. Ch.3 Lesson 1 Why Feudalism The challenges after the fall of Rome gave rise to the system historians call __________________________ (FEWD-ahl-ism). Feudalism established order and provided ___________________________________ Why did Europe have a need for a system that provided protection and safety?
Bell Work You are a peasant in the Middle Ages, living on the land of a noble. Although you and your family work very hard for many hours of the day, much of the food you grow goes to the noble and his family. Your house is very small, and it has a dirt floor. Your parents are tired and weak, and you wish you could do something to improve your lives. Is there any way you could change your life? This slide show mirrors pp 506 – 510 or most of 17:3
Objective & Standard I can describe the development of feudalism and manorialism during the Middle Ages
SPI 7.33 Describe the development of feudalism and manorialism, its role in the medieval European economy, and the way in which it was influenced by physical geography (the role of the manor and the growth of towns)
When were the Middle Ages?
The Middle Ages in Europe began with the Fall of Rome and lasted about 1000 years. 476 AD to 1450AD Sometimes called the “Dark Ages”, because of the loss of Roman achievements and education.
What was life like in Europe after the Fall of Rome?
After the empire collapsed, life was dangerous and difficult in Western Europe. Trade declined and people worked hard simply to survive and to have enough to eat. They also needed to protect themselves from conquest by invading barbarians and neighboring kingdoms.
Cause Possible Evidence Effect Feudalism No Central Authority
Constant Warfare Smaller Kingdoms Decline of Education Increased Power of the Church Cause Fall of the Roman Empire
THINK/ PAIR/ SHARE What was life in Europe like after the Fall of the Roman Empire? A’s tell B’s B’s tell A’s I will now pick someone to explain to the class.
Violence all Around Invaders threatened the population of Western Europe. Magyars invaded from the area around modern-day Hungary. They raided into Germany, Italy, and other parts of Western Europe. Muslim invaders came from the South. They conquered the Iberian Peninsula and the island of Sicily. Vikings were the greatest and boldest of the invaders. They originated in Scandinavia in Northern Europe. Vikings were ruthless and they targeted monasteries, farms and villages. They chose these targets because they were usually poorly defended.
European Invaders Describe the Vikings invasion routes.
Assign map of invaders to Europe Ch:17 hisgeo Invaders of Europe Describe the Vikings invasion routes.
Why Feudalism? The challenges after the fall of Rome gave rise to the system historians call feudalism (FEWD-ahl-ism). Feudalism established order and provided protection and safety. Why did Europe have a need for a system that provided protection and safety?
Ineffective Kings Kings were powerless against these invaders.
The invaders were swift and the kings could not mount a defense before the invaders had come and gone. As a result, the responsibility for protection fell to local lords. These lords promised to protect the people and their homes in their area . In return the people pledged their service and loyalty to this lord. This system of loyalty and protection became known as feudalism.
Society of Feudalism Was a means to create a social/political order and provide stability No social movement – You lot in life was determined by the family you were born into Most everyone was a vassal of someone else Vassal is someone who promises protection in return for land
What is Feudalism?
Fill in the box on your graphic organizer.
Political System “Political” has to do with who is in charge of the government, how people in the government get along with one another, and how they get along with other governments. Many Kings and large landowners (lords) rule countries or kingdoms. Monarch: another word for king or queen. What is another name for a large landowner? Another name for a king? What were Kings in charge of?
Economic System “Economic” has to do with how people earn a living and exchange goods or services. Most people live and work their entire lives on manors (a farm and its people and villages controlled by a lord, sometimes protected by a castle.) Few goods came from outside the manor. Tell your partner what is included on a manor.
Social System “Social” has to do with how different groups of people in a society get along with one another and who is considered more important. Society becomes highly structured, with kings at the top, followed by lords (or nobles), knights, and peasants. Knights become highly valued and respected for their loyalty and military skills. Who is most important in the medieval social system? Why are knights important?
Feudal Hierarchy This is the feudal hierarchy of medieval Europe. A Hierarchy is any system of people or things ranked above one another. Fill in your graphic organizer .
King – provides money,. recruits army on demand,
King – provides money, recruits army on demand, grants land to his lords. Lords and Vassels – protect the king and manage the territory. Kinghts – protect both the King and lords. Peasants and Serfs –work the land. F E U D A L I S M
The roles of Feudalism Serfs– The lowest of the low. They were tied to the land(couldn’t leave) Knights– Protected the lords and kings in return for land(lord’s vassal) Lords– Swore loyalty to the King in exchange for land (king’s vassal) King– Most powerful. Gave out land and provided money.
At the bottom were the serfs.
Peasants worked the land. At the bottom of the system were serfs, peasants who were not free to leave the lord’s land without permission, and they had to farm his fields in exchange for a small plot of their own. During the Middle Ages, people were born into a social class for life. They had the same social position, and often the same job, as their parents.
Knights Warriors, or knights, fought on behalf of their lords.
(Suits of armor were made of steel which protected knights in battle, but weighed around 65 pounds.)
Noble Lords & Vassals In the feudal system, people pledged loyalty to a monarch or a noble lord—a ruler or powerful landholder. In return, they became vassals of the lord. They received protection from that lord and served in the lord’s army in exchange. Think/pair/share: Describe the relationship between lords and vassals.
Noble Lords and Vassals continued….
The king kept some land for himself and gave fiefs : land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service (FEEFS), or land grants, to his most important lords, who became his vassals. In return, each lord promised to supply the king with knights in times of war. A lord then enlisted lesser lords and knights as his vassals. Often, these arrangements were written down. Many of these contracts to this day are in museums.
Monarchs In theory, all the land in the kingdom belonged to the monarch (usually a king, but sometimes a queen). A great deal of land was also owned by the Church. Think/Pair/Share: What did monarchs control that made them powerful in the middle ages?
Think/Pair/Share People in the Middle Ages were born into a social class for life. How would you feel if you were born as the son of a knight? How would you feel if you were born as a serf? What did you gain/lose? Do you think the social system of feudalism was fair?
Review What is a serf? A peasant who is not allowed to leave his lord’s land without permission. What is another word for king or queen? Monarch What is the term for the land a lord gives in return for loyalty? Fief What group of people are between a king and a knight on the feudal hierarchy? Nobles, lords (also church officials)
Manor System The manor system was where the majority of people lived during the Middle Ages. Since much of Europe was devastated by war, powerful lords and ladies built fortified castles where they could live, along with their respective staff. These massive plots of land became known as manors. A manor was self-sufficient, meaning that everything needed to survive could be located on the property. For example, manors had housing for all the people who worked for the lord and lady, food sources, water sources, and specialty shops. Please look at the following diagram, which depicts a typical medieval manor (next slide).
Life on a medieval manor
Life on a medieval manor
Life on a Medieval Manor
Manorialism Questions:
Why do you think most manors were located along a river or stream? Which social group had the best housing? Which social group had the worst housing? Which social group needed to leave the manor on a regular basis? Assign Ch:17 intreader
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