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College of Nursing and Health Sciences

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1 College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Pre-Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Pre-Athletic Training, and Pre-Exercise Physiology Academic Advising

2 Group Advising Agenda Review Requirements for Core
Review Requirements for Application to programs FAQs Campus Resources Time Management Advising Process Registration

3 BSN Worksheet AREA F (Courses appropriate for PreNursing Major – 18 hours Course Credit Grade Notes Course Sub: Sent/Approved BIOL 2651 4 BIOL 2652 BIOL 2900 PSYC 2103 3 NURS 2700

4 (Note: COMM 1110 or COMM 1100 may sub for ACED 2050)
Dental Hygiene Courses Area A – 9 Sem. Hrs. Area F – 21 Sem. Hrs. SEM GRADE HOURS ENGL 1101 English Composition I ______ ___3___ SOCI 1101 Intro to Sociology ENGL 1102 English Composition 2 PSYC 1101 Fundamentals of Psychology MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling ACED 2050 Communications for the Workplace OR (Note: COMM 1110 or COMM 1100 may sub for ACED 2050) MATH 1111 College Algebra BIOL 2651 Human Anatomy and Physiology I ___4___ BIOL 2652 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Area D – 8 Sem. Hrs. BIOL 2900 Microbiology CHEM 1151K Survey of Chemistry I CHEM 1152K Survey of Chemistry II Area E– 6 Sem. Hrs. POLS 1101 American Government HIST 2111 United States History I HIST 2112 United States History II

5 Athletic Training Courses

6 Exercise Physiology Courses

7 AREA A- Essential Skills
Refer to page 88 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA A- Essential Skills ENGL 1101-Composition I – 3 hours ENGL 1102-Composition II – 3 hours MATH 1111 (College Algebra) or MATH 1101 ( Math Modeling) – 3 hours For PreNursing, AT, and EP = MATH 1111 or MATH 1101 because it is a prerequisite for MATH 2620 For PreNursing, AT, and EP = Can take MATH 1113 or MATH 1113H, MATH 2261 or MATH 2261H, MATH 2262 to fulfill this requirement

8 Refer to page 88 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA B- Perspectives PERS (EP recommends 2485, 2499, or 2430) – 2 hours PERS (Different area from first) – 2 hours There are seven areas. Perspectives on Ethics/Values: PERS 2100s Perspectives on Tradition and Change: PERS 2200s Perspectives on Human Expression: PERS 2300s Perspectives on the Environment/Physical World : PERS 2400s Perspectives on Race/Gender: PERS 2500s Perspectives on Cross Cultural Understandings/Expression: PERS 2600s Perspectives on the World of Work: PERS 2700s (NOT APPLICABLE FOR DENTAL HYGIENE MAJORS)

9 AREA C- Humanities/Fine Arts
Refer to page 89 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA C- Humanities/Fine Arts ENGL 2111, 2112, OR 2113 – 3 hours (World Literature ) One Humanity of your choice. – 3 hours ART 1100 or ART 1100H, COMM 1100, COMM 1110, DANC 1500, MUSC 1100, MUSC 1110, MUSC 1120,MUSC 1130, MDIA 2000, THEA 1100, PHIL 2010 or PHIL 2010H, PHIL 2020 or PHIL 2020H, REL 2020, WGST 2010, ENGL 2111 or ENGL 2111H, ENGL 2112 or ENGL 2112H, ENGL 2113 or ENGL 2113H, FREN 1001, FREN 1002, FREN 2001,FREN 2002, GRMN 1001, GRMN 1002, GRMN 2001, GRMN 2002, JAPN 1001, JAPN 1002, JAPN 2001, JAPN 2002, LATN 1001,LATN 1002, LATN 2001, LATN 2002, RUSS 1001, RUSS 1002, RUSS 2001,RUSS 2002, SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2002H (NOT APPLICABLE FOR DENTAL HYGIENE MAJORS) (COMM 1100, COMM 1110 Suggested for AT Majors)

10 AREA D- Science & Math (Pre-Nursing)
Refer to page 89 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA D- Science & Math (Pre-Nursing) CHEM 1151K-Survey of Chemistry I – 4 hours CHEM 1152K-Survey of Chemistry II – 4 hours College of Nursing recommends CHEM 1151K and 1152k because it is prerequisite and co-requisite for BIOL 2900 CHEM 1211/11L and 1212/12L are also accepted as a prerequisite and co-requisite for BIOL 2900 however, students must complete a form with the Biology department PRIOR to registering for microbiology Transfer students with BIOL 2900 (Microbiology)may complete a Physics or Biology sequence MATH Statistics – 3 hours

11 AREA D- Science & Math (Dental Hygiene)
Refer to page 259 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA D- Science & Math (Dental Hygiene) CHEM 1151K-Survey of Chemistry I – hours CHEM 1152K-Survey of Chemistry II – 4 hours

12 AREA D- Science & Math (Athletic Training)
Refer to page 89 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA D- Science & Math (Athletic Training) BIOL 1030/1040L– 4 hours LAB SCIENCE – 4 hours MATH/TECH – MATH Statistics is the suggested course. – 3 hours

13 AREA D- Science & Math (Exercise Physiology)
Refer to page 89 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA D- Science & Math (Exercise Physiology) BIOL 1010/ 1020L, BIOL 1030/1040L, BIOL 1107K, BIOL 1108K – 4 hours CHEM 1151K or 1211/1211L – 4 hours MATH/TECH – Any D.2.b elective preferred – 3 hours Area D Specifications: EP majors may follow D.1, D.2, or D.2.b. However, you must choose at least one class in chemistry and at least one class in biology.

14 AREA E- Social Sciences (PreNursing, AT, and EP)
Refer to page 90 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA E- Social Sciences (PreNursing, AT, and EP) HIST 2111 OR United States History – 3 hours POLS American Government – 3 hours Any two of the following – = 6 hours AFAM 2020/WGST 2020, ANTH 1102 or ANTH 1102H, ECON 1500, ECON 1900H, GEOG 1100, GEOG 1101, GEOG 1102, GEOG 1103, HIST 1011 or HIST 1011H, HIST 1012 or HIST 1012H, HIST 1013 or HIST 1013H, POLS 2101, POLS 2401 or POLS 2401H, POLS 2501, PSYC 1101 or PSYC 1101H, SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H, SOCI 1160 College of Nursing Strongly recommends PSYC 1101 and SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1160

15 AREA E- Social Sciences (Dental Hygiene)
Refer to page 259 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA E- Social Sciences (Dental Hygiene) HIST 2111 OR United States History 3 hours POLS American Government

16 AREA F- Courses for Pre-Nursing Major
Refer to page 253 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA F- Courses for Pre-Nursing Major BIOL Anatomy & Physiology I – 4 hours BIOL Anatomy & Physiology II – 4 hours BIOL Microbiology – 4 hours PSYC Human Growth & Dev’t – 3 hours NURS Pathophysiology – 3 hours

17 AREA F- Courses for Dental Hygiene Major
Refer to page 259 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA F- Courses for Dental Hygiene Major SOCI Intro to Sociology – 3 hours PSYC 1101 – Fundamentals of Psychology – 3 hours ACED 2050 – Communications for the Workplace – 3 hours (COMM 1110 or COMM 1100 may sub for ACED 2050) BIOL Human Anatomy and Physiology I – 4 hours BIOL 2652 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II – 4 hours BIOL 2900 – Microbiology – 4 hours

18 AREA F- Courses for Athletic Training Major
Refer to page 256 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA F- Courses for Athletic Training Major Athletic Training Core Courses Other Core Courses HSAT 2050 HSAT 3430 HSAT 4300 BIOL 2651 BIOL 2652 ACED 2400 PSYC 2103 KSPE 2150 KSPE Activity KSPE Activity (1020 suggested) KSPE 2000

19 AREA F- Courses for Exercise Physiology Major
Refer to page 258 in Undergraduate Catalog AREA F- Courses for Exercise Physiology Major BIOL Anatomy & Physiology I – 4 hours BIOL Anatomy & Physiology II – 4 hours MATH Statistical Methods – 3 hours ACED 2400 – Computer Tech- 3 hours MATH or SCI Elective – 4 hours

20 Important Notes - PreNursing
The PreNursing program requires a separate application process for entry into the program. You must complete your CORE before the semester you intend to begin the nursing program. For example, students applying for a Fall semester start must complete any outstanding courses by the end of summer semester before that Fall semester begins. Keep up with your GPA. Must have a 2.8 OVERALL GPA and a 2.8 Nursing GPA in order to apply to the College of Nursing Program. (However, strive for higher grades based on competition for entry.) Always have a “Plan B” such as additional programs. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

21 Important Notes – Dental Hygiene
The dental hygiene program requires a separate application process for entry into the program. While it is strongly advised that ALL core courses be completed prior to application to clinical program, ALL sciences MUST be completed prior to the beginning of the FALL semester. (BIOL 2651, BIOL 2652, BIOL 2900, CHEM 1151K, and CHEM 1152K) Keep up with your GPA. You must have an overall 2.5 for the A.A.S. in Dental Hygiene but the program is competitive so strive for higher grades. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Only 14 students are entered every fall semester. Must apply by May 15 for Fall Semester start

22 Important Notes – Athletic Training
The athletic training program is competitive. Must have completed 24 semester hours, which includes HSAT 2050 (Intro to Athletic Training), HSAT 4300 (Injury Care and Prevention), and HSAT 3430 (Kinesiology), to apply Keep up with your GPA. You must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.75 for the program but strive higher to be competitive Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Only 16 students are entered in the spring semester.

23 Important Notes – Exercise Physiology
To be admitted, you must have: completed areas A-F of the Core Curriculum, have a minimum GPA of 2.75 overall, and have a “C” in all Area A, D, and F core requirements Admissions Cycle: Student begin in the fall semester. Deadline is May 1. Graduate School Opportunities: Exercise Physiology, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, Direct-Entry Nurse Practitioner, Chiropractic, Medical or Osteopathic School, Public Health, etc.

24 In order to apply to the upper division nursing major you must:
Have a 2.8 cumulative overall GPA Calculate your nursing GPA- Must have a 2.8 Complete of Pre-Nursing Core Requirements prior to beginning coursework – requirements include: Five out of seven/Two out of three needs to be met Successfully complete the TEAS® (Test of Essential Academic Skills) Complete Mandatory Applicant Information Session Advising dates are posted online. Submit NursingCAS Application All of this information is located on the College of Nursing’s website. -Click on College of Nursing and Health Sciences Admissions -Basic Pre-Licensure Program (BSN), More Information

25 Five of the Seven Highlighted Must be Completed at Application
Five out of Seven Rule 1. BIOL 2651 2. BIOL 2652 3. MATH 2620 4. Lab Science Sequence 1 (CHEM 1151K) 5. Lab Science Sequence 2 (CHEM 1152K) 6. BIOL 2900 7. NURS 2700 These are the five science courses to complete prior to applying to the nursing program. These are the two remaining courses you’ll take after application, but before you start the program. Five of the Seven Highlighted Must be Completed at Application

26 Two out of Three Rule 1. ENGL 1101 AND 2. ENGL 1102 OR 3. PSYC 2103
9/16/2018 Two out of Three Rule 1. ENGL 1101 AND 2. ENGL 1102 OR 3. PSYC 2103

27 Requirements to Apply to the Dental Hygiene Program
Refer to CON & HS Web Page Requirements to Apply to the Dental Hygiene Program VSU Enrollment and Declare DHYG Major Completion of Core Courses including (BIOL 2651, BIOL 2652, BIOL 2900, CHEM 1151K, CHEM 1152K) and Residency Requirements Completion of VSU Residency Requirement (21 Hours completed at VSU) Minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and C in all core courses (but strive higher on GPA) Required Shadowing Experience Health Occupations Aptitude Test (HOAE) Two Personal References One Page Career Choice Essay Documentation of meeting Physical Requirements Permanent Records and Health History Profile See VSU website at : Click on CON & HS Admissions -Associates of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene, More Information

28 Requirements to Apply to the Athletic Training Program
Refer to CON & HS Web Page Requirements to Apply to the Athletic Training Program Overall grade point average (A student must have a 2.75 overall grade point average (includes transferred coursework) after the completion of all prerequisite/application required coursework.) Course work (Completion of 24 semester hours and a grade of “C” or better in HSAT 2050, HSAT 3430, and HSAT 4300) Directed Observation (Rotations at various clinical education facilities fall and spring semester (number of rotations indicated in the syllabi for HSAT 2050 and HSAT 3430) and Skills test  Interview (end of spring semester) Favorable recommendations from three non-familial sources Completion of required admissions paperwork, to include criminal background check (as a part of HSAT 2050) Ability to provide own transportation to clinical education sites Official Transcript Hepatitis B vaccine inoculation or signed waiver Documentation of  required immunizations Attendance at specified OSHA training and adherence to OSHA regulations Ability to meet the published technical standards of the program Disclaimer: Fulfillment of the eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. See VSU website at : Click on CON & HS Admissions -Bachelors of Science in Athletic Training, More Information

29 Requirements to Apply to the Exercise Physiology Program
Refer to CON & HS Web Page Requirements to Apply to the Exercise Physiology Program Successful Completion of the Academic Core Area A-F Minimum Grade of “C” in all courses required for in Area A, Area, D and Area F of the Core.  This would include any lab sections in Area D and Area F.    Refer to the Exercise Physiology Checklist for specific course requirements.  Completed application online by May 1 deadline Minimum GPA of 2.75 Overall for Fall 2014 (3.00 GPA After Fall 2014 Admission) HOBET/Entrance Exam After Fall 2014 Admission Exercise Physiology as the declared major See VSU website at : Click on CON & HS Admissions -Bachelors of Science in Exercise Physiology, More Information

30 Frequently Asked Questions
Does meeting all the criteria for admission guarantee admission? No, it does not guarantee admission. What do I do if I can’t get into a class I need? Talk to your advisor and request an override into the class from that department. What happens if I drop a class (or enroll in a class) that I wasn’t advised to take in that semester? You may not be able to apply when you intended and you may impact financial aid standing. What happens if I don’t attend an advising session? You won’t be able to register for classes. What are the grades I must obtain in order for me to receive credit for them? For Pre-nursing –”C” or better required for AREA F & ALL Sciences; Science courses (can only be repeated once, including NURS 2700 ) For Dental Hygiene-A “C” or higher in all core courses For Athletic Training- Minimum 2.75 GPA and “C” or higher in HSAT 2050, HSAT 3430, and HSAT 4300 For EP, Minimum GPA of 2.75 and “C” or higher in Area, A, D, F core If I repeat a class, what happens? For PRENURSING- The most recent grade will be used even if it is lower. FOR DHGY-All attempts are used for overall GPA (no limit on number of times a student can take a course) For AT, all coursework will count toward the overall GPA (including transferred coursework) For EP, all coursework will count toward the overall GPA calculation How do I get an override into classes? In order to receive an override you would need to contact the department in which that course is taught for the override process in that department.

31 Campus Resources Student Success Center Career Services
Free Tutoring Sunday-Friday and online On Campus Student Worker positions Career Services Career Counseling Part-time, off campus jobs Counseling Center Test Anxiety Individual Sessions Group Therapy Financial Aid Questions about eligibility Federal Work Study Program Dean of Students Hardship Withdrawals

32 Time Management “Rule of Thumb” for Study Hours: (Plan for two hours for every hour registered. It is a good start.) Do not overload yourself. (If you are working more than 20 hours/week, consider taking no more than 12 hours.) Use a calendar, to . . . Plan ahead (write down due dates for exams, assignments, etc. and the days when you’ll work on these items) Work ahead (always work a few days ahead in case something uncontrollable happens) Study Time (write down the times you’ll study so nothing else will conflict with this allotted time)

33 Advising Process You must see an advisor each semester to be advised.
After discussing your course selection, your advising flag will be lifted Use Suggested Degree Plan Implications if you do not use Degree Plan Do not forget to check DegreeWorks in your Banner account. Log into your Banner account Click on Student Records Click on DegreeWorks (an advising tool)

34 Registration Log on to your Banner Account
Click on “Student Services and Financial Aid” (a tab on top of the page) Click on Registration Click on Select Term, then submit to enter courses For instructions on this, go to for a complete list of student guides.

35 Ask Questions! If you have any questions, please ask us!
Advising is a joint effort between you and your advisor so realize there are no “dumb” questions. Do not forget that it is your responsibility to review the CONHS website and the VSU Undergraduate Catalog (located online.) If you have any issues or problems, contact (in order) your advisor, the advising director, the assistant dean over your program, the associate dean, the dean. WE WILL ADDRESS YOUR NEEDS! Failure to understand VSU and CONHS policies may result in delayed program completion or denial of admission to program.

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