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Guess the Age Mat 075 Fall 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Guess the Age Mat 075 Fall 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guess the Age Mat 075 Fall 2016

2 Can you guess the age? Your group will get two minutes to decide how old each person is. Write your result on your group response sheet.

3 Can you guess the age? After two minutes you will rotate the picture.
We will repeat the steps until all groups have seen all 10 pictures.

4 Actual Age

5 Find the difference 25 30 Below 5

6 Share your responses Place your results on the board.

7 Discussion Why aren’t the results the same for each group?
What does variability mean? With out doing any calculations, which group do you think is the best at guessing age?

8 Discussion What other ways can we determine the best guessing group? Who is the winner if we use those methods? Let’s look at each individual photo, is it easier to guess the age of some people and harder for others? Which individuals seem to be the most difficult for guessing the age?











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