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AP Test Registration 2018.

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1 AP Test Registration 2018

2 Why should I take the exam?
Earn College Credit - The amount of college credit awarded varies from college to college. Check the college websites for more information. Advanced college placement avoids repeating work and could save the cost of up to two years of study. Gain Skills that will help You Succeed in College Earn AP Scholar Awards Ghosh Incentive Program – helps reduce the cost of the exam

3 Help Save Yourself Money
Students who take five years or more to graduate can spend $8,000- $27,000 for each additional year in college. The typical college cost per year for a four-year public institution is $8,142 for in-state students and $19,670 for out-of-state students.* Students attending private institutions might expect to incur $27,389 for each additional year it takes to earn a bachelor’s degree.* * Costs include tuition, fees, and books and supplies only, and do not include room, board, and other living expenses. Average Estimated Undergraduate Budgets, (Enrollment-Weighted). The College Board, ”Trends in College Pricing,” 2009.

4 AP Credit Policy Information
Information about AP credit and placement policies at many colleges and universities is available at Search by college or university name or by letter of the alphabet You will see two things for each school: A link to the college’s own Web page that details its AP credit and placement policies. A statement by the college or university about its AP policy.

5 Ghosh Incentive Program
Students who complete two or more AP examinations and earn at least one score of “3” or higher on the examinations will receive reimbursement for the cost of the tests. A student must take at least two AP exams in the same year to qualify. Each student’s low score will be thrown out, and all other scores of “3” or higher will receive a reimbursement of $20. Students who receive scores of “4” or “5” will receive $30. All students who qualify for reimbursement from the Incentive Program will also receive commemorative t-shirts and certificates. There is no limit on the number of AP exams that a student can take or on the number of exams for which a student will be reimbursed

6 Information You have until Friday, March 2nd to register for AP exams
Online registration - Pay via credit card online or mail check/money order to address Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

7 Registration Procedures
The exam fee for 2018 is $94 per exam. ONLY way to register is online: Assistance is available for eligible students with financial need: Free/Reduced Lunch Students – Enter Code on Website We do not want financial need to stop students from taking AP tests Talk to your AP Coordinator if you need financial assistance

8 Week 1 Test Schedule In order for your school to pay the late fee for these, you MUST note that on the online registration site Presenter can add to this information with the following points: Advanced Placement® is a program developed and overseen by the College Board, the not-for-profit organization that is responsible for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, and other programs and services in college readiness and college success that help more than seven million students each year prepare for a successful transition to college.

9 Week 2 Test Schedule In order for your school to pay the late fee for these, you MUST note that on the online registration site Presenter can add to this information with the following points: Advanced Placement® is a program developed and overseen by the College Board, the not-for-profit organization that is responsible for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, and other programs and services in college readiness and college success that help more than seven million students each year prepare for a successful transition to college.

10 What if I can’t take a test on the assigned day?
Reasons for which late testing will and will not be allowed are listed below. Only those students affected by the conflict may test late; all other students must test on the regularly scheduled date. No additional fee: Additional $45 fee per exam paid by student: Conflict with state mandated tests Academic contest/event Disabilities accommodation issue Athletic contest/event Religious holiday/observance Conflict with non-AP exam Three or more AP Exams on same date Family commitment Two AP Exams on same date and time Ordering error Participating in a School conference or district athletic championship (events indicated on exam calendar) School will pay the late fee Extra-curricular School event or contest Presenter can add to this information with the following points: Advanced Placement® is a program developed and overseen by the College Board, the not-for-profit organization that is responsible for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, and other programs and services in college readiness and college success that help more than seven million students each year prepare for a successful transition to college.

11 Late Exam Schedule In order for your school to pay the late fee for these, you MUST note that on the online registration site

Information You have until Friday, March 2nd to register for AP exams DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! There is only 1 way to register for exams Online registration - Pay via credit card online or mail payment to address Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

13 District AP Information
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

14 Jefferson Registration Website
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

15 Jefferson Registration Website
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

16 Kennedy Registration Website
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

17 Kennedy Registration Website
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

18 Washington Registration Website
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

19 Washington Registration Website
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

20 Free/Reduced Lunch Status
Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

21 Payment for Exams Presenter Notes:
Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

22 Talk to your Schools AP Coordinator Jefferson – Ms. Maxted
Questions? Talk to your Schools AP Coordinator Jefferson – Ms. Maxted Kennedy – Mrs. Richey Washington – Ms. Johansen Presenter Notes: Some of you may be familiar with our program and for many of you this will be new information. Our program continues to grow and evolve, so we hope you’ll find this information helpful. This is your meeting so as we go through the information, please jot down your questions and I’ll stop periodically to answer them.

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