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Basic Digital Logic Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Digital Logic Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Digital Logic Systems
Review Basic Digital Logic Systems Digital Design Review

2 Outline Number Systems / Binary Encoding Boolean Algebra
Combinational Circuits Sequential Circuits Digital Design Review

3 1. Number Systems Digital Design Review

4 Positional Number System
For base-10 numbers: 289 = 2x x x100 Works for other bases Base 6: (we indicate base explicitly) 2356 = 2x62 + 3x61 + 5x60 Fractional Numbers: = 7x x x x x10-3 52.18 = 5x81 + 2x80 + 1x8-1 = /8 = Digital Design Review

5 Binary Numbers Digital Systems
Everything must be represented internally using {0,1} Base 2 or “binary” = 1x23 + 1x21 + 1x20 = = 1110 Binary digits = “bits” k-bit unsigned number represents values 0 to 2k-1 Convention: Most significant bit (MSB) Least significant bit (LSB) Digital Design Review

6 Conversion Between Bases
Like long division: Example: convert to base 6 112 (3x62) 4 (0x61) => 3046 (4x60) Digital Design Review

7 Conversion Between Bases
12.625 (1x23) 4.625 (1x22) 0.625 (0x21) (0x20) (1x2-1) 0.125 (0x2-2) (1x2-3) => Other bases Example: convert to binary Should be able to do this to understand meaning In practice: use a calculator (except simple conversions) Digital Design Review

8 Hexadecimal Base 16 is Hexadecimal (“Hex” for short) Run out of numbers for digits, so use letters For example 1A2F16 = 1x x x x160 = Why are hex numbers useful? Shorthand for binary. Going back and forth equally easy Worthwhile to memorize hex digits and binary equivalents Hex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Dec Equiv. 10 11 12 13 14 15 0000|1010|0110| binary 0 A hex Digital Design Review

9 Other Codes Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Gray Codes ASCII
Single decimal digit maps to 4 bits Simplifies display / conversion of decimal numbers Example: = BCD More bits needed, but it is still often useful Gray Codes Adjacent numbers differ only by one bit ASCII “American Standard Code for Information Interchange” 7-bit code for alphabet and some control characters ‘A’ = 4116 or 6510, ‘.’ = 2E Decimal Gray 000 1 001 2 011 3 010 4 110 5 111 6 101 7 100 Digital Design Review

10 Unsigned Arithmetic Addition of unsigned (non-negative) of any base can be done with “elementary school” method Add 2 binary numbers, just need simple rules 0+0+0=00, 0+0+1=01, 0+1+1=10, 1+1+1=11 C = “carry” bit Addition of two k-bit numbers Can lead to k+1 bit number Carry in the left-most position means “overflow” has occurred 1 1 1 1 Digital Design Review

11 Signed Magnitude How do we represent negative numbers?
How about usual thing with written numbers? Use one bit to mean + (0) or – (1) Digital systems: called the “sign” bit Example: +310 =+ (0112) = 0011SM -310 =- (0112) = 1011SM Advantages: Simple. Sign and number separate Digital Design Review

12 Signed Magnitude Disadvantages Two representations of 0
Arithmetic more complicated Arithmetic with signed magnitude 5 + (-2) = 5 – 2 = 3 5 – (-2) = = 7 -5 – 1 = - (5 + 1) = -6 Must consider signs and do add/sub accordingly Digital Design Review

13 2s Complement Use the usual positional notation, but we invert sign of leftmost weight Note: MSB can still be considered a “sign” bit indicating if number is + or – For + number, remaining bits can be interpreted as unsigned number 11112C = -1x23 + 1x22 + 1x21 + 1x20 = = -110 10112C = -1x23 + 0x22 + 1x21 + 1x20 = = -510 01112C = -0x23 + 1x22 + 1x21 + 1x20 = = +710 Digital Design Review

14 2s Comp: Sign Extension How do we make 2’s complement number longer? (maybe need more bits) Answer: duplicate the sign bit. 00112C = C = C = 310 10112C = C = C = -510 Digital Design Review

15 2s Comp: Negating How do we flip the sign of a 2s complement number?
With signed magnitude: just flip bit. For 2s complement, invert all bits and add 1 (use modulo unsigned arithmetic) Why does this last conversion fail? +510 = 01012C =>(inv)=> = 10112C = -510 -510 = 10112C =>(inv)=> = 01012C = -510 +0 = 00002C =>(inv)=> = 00002C = 0 -810 = 10002C =>(inv)=> = 10002C = !? Digital Design Review

16 2s Comp: Addition This is the main advantage of 2s complement
Just do normal arithmetic (regardless of sign bit) We can also have overflow when we add 2s complement numbers. How do we detect it? Only possible for same sign. Check sign bit, if it changes => overflow. How do we avoid it? Sign extend, then add 1 1 1 1 1 1 Digital Design Review

17 2. Boolean Algebra Digital Design Review

18 Boolean Algebra Named after George Boole in 19th century
Map: TRUE  1, FALSE  0 Operators: AND a·b or just ab OR a+b NOT a’ or a DeMorgan’s (DM) Rules (AB)’ = A’ + B’ (A+B)’ = A’B’ Easily proven using a truth table ... Digital Design Review

19 Truth Tables Simple 2-variable truth tables
Can obviously extend to more than 2 input variables (output variables) A B F 1 A B F 1 A B F 1 A B F 1 A=B F=1 OR F=AB’ Digital Design Review

20 Truth Tables  Boolean Alg.
Sum of Products (SOP) form OR the true rows in the truth table F = A’B + A B’ A B F 1 A’B’ A’B AB’ AB Digital Design Review

21 Truth Tables  Boolean Alg.
Product of Sums (POS) form AND the false rows in the truth table F’ = A’B’ + AB F’ = [(A’B’)’ (AB)’]’ (DM) F = (A+B) (A’ + B’) (DM) A B F 1 A’B’ A’B AB’ AB Digital Design Review

22 Boolean Eq.  Truth Table
Repeatedly evaluate expression for all combinations. Can be more efficient to fill just TRUE terms F = A’B + A B F = A + A’B A’B AB A B F 1 A’B A A B F 1 Digital Design Review

23 Boolean Identities Single Variable
Two Variable useful for reducing # of terms on complex exp. Simplification Theorems Consensus Theorem difficult to find opportunities to use cons. thm. A · 0 = 0 A · 1 = A A + 0 = A A + 1 = 1 A · A’ = 0 A + A’ = 1 A · A = A A + A = A A + A’B = A + B A(A’ + B) = AB AB’ + AB = A (A+B’)(A+B) = A AC + A’B + BC = AC + A’B Redundant (A+C)(A’+B)(B+C) = (A+C)(A’+B) Digital Design Review

24 Boolean Identities (cont’d)
Communitive, Associative, Distributive Thms AB = BA A+B=B+A Communitive (AB)C = A(BC) (A+B)+C = A+(B+C) Associative A(B+C)=AB + AC Distributive A+BC = (A+B)(A+C) Distributive Duality: For a valid equality, its “dual” is also true Dual: Replace AND ↔ OR ↔ 0 Example: A(B+C) = AB + AC know this is valid, then A + BC = (A+B)(A+C) Note: An expression is not equivalent to its dual! Be careful of precedence. Digital Design Review

25 Canonical Forms Purpose SOP form “minterm” expansion
Means: “Write a an expression in most standard way.” Trivial to tell if two expressions are identical SOP form “minterm” expansion “minterm” = product term having all variables A B F 1 m0 m1 m2 m3 F = A’B’ + A’B + AB = m0 + m1 + m3 = ∑m(0,1,3) Digital Design Review

26 Canonical Forms POS form “maxterm” expansion A B F 1 M0 M1 M2 M3
1 M0 M1 M2 M3 F = (A’ + B)(A’ + B’) = M2 · M3 = π M(2,3) Digital Design Review

27 Proving Boolean Expressions
Methods Truth table Minterm/maxterm expansion (same terms?) Manipulate one side to = other (identities) Manipulate both sides with identical operations Digital Design Review

28 Boolean Minimization Make expression as “simple” as possible (low number of terms) AB’ = AB = A(B’ +B) = A· 1 = A Less complicated expression  Fewer gates, less area, runs faster Attempt to find minimal cost solution What is minimal representation? Depends on technology and contraints. Digital Design Review

29 Boolean Minimization Example technologies MSI - 7400
Min. chip count One type of gate preferable NMOS NOR gates Literal count (count # of terms) *CMOS NAND gates FPGA Minimum number of Lookup Tables (LUTs) Digital Design Review

30 Incompletely Specified Funcs
A B C F X Y Z W A B C F 1 X Suppose we know N1 will never generate 101 or 111 Can pick don’t cares to help minimize logic. “Don’t cares” Digital Design Review

31 K-Maps Karnaugh Map (K-Map for short)
Graphical way of obtaining minimal solutions Take advantage of logical adjacency to reduce exp. Consider: F = A’B’ + A’B = A’ From simplification theorem AB’ + AB = A Terms A’B’ and A’B are adjacent in gray code (differ by 1 bit) See adj. terms  Immediately use simp. thm. F = ABCD + AB’CD = ACD A B F 1 Digital Design Review

32 K-Maps (cont’d) 2 Variable Rearrange truth table (gray code) B A
K-map more compact (can see adjacent bits) A B F 1 A B F 1 F = B F = B B A 1 F = A’B + AB = B Can write F=B from K-map without using simplification theorem Digital Design Review

33 K-Maps (cont’d) Minterm (SOP) Method - Draw rectangles (ovals) to group as many 1s as possible. - Repeat until all 1s circled - Now OR the resulting terms (1 per oval) A B F 1 B A 1 F = B A B F 1 B A 1 F = A + B Digital Design Review

34 K-Maps: Don’t cares Can put X’s (don’t cares) in K-map
What do we do with them? Doesn’t matter! We can circle them or not, in order to have as few terms (biggest ovals) as possible. B A 1 X Digital Design Review

35 K-Maps: 3 Variable BCA BCA BCA 1 0 0 m0 m4 0 1 m1 m5 1 1 m3 m7 1 0 m2
1 0 0 m0 m4 0 1 m1 m5 1 1 m3 m7 1 0 m2 m6 BCA 1 0 0 X 0 1 1 1 1 0 X = 0  F = A’C + BC A B C F X 1 BCA 1 0 0 X 0 1 1 1 1 0 Exploit don’t cares  F = C Digital Design Review

36 3. Combinational Circuits
Digital Design Review

37 Combinational Logic Definition Outputs depend only on inputs
No “memory” or “state” Can have propagation delay But, eventually output determined by simple Boolean algebra Digital Design Review

38 Gates Logic Gates (or just “gates”) Goal
Basic building block in digital systems Goal Review different types of gates Understand how to connect to get desired (arbitrary) Boolean expression Define performance (delay) Digital Design Review

39 Basic Gate Notation A B F A A F NOT: F=A’ F B AND: F=AB OR: F=A+B
Example: F=AB’ + C A B F C Digital Design Review

40 Gates from Transistors
Gates Come from FETs n-Type FET p-Type FET D D Drain +3V 0V Gate G “on” G “off” Source S S D D Drain +3V 0V Gate G G “off” “on” Source S S Digital Design

41 Inverter (NOT Gate) Vcc=3V Vin Vout Digital Design Review

42 Inverter (NOT Gate) Vcc=3V Vcc=3V 3V ON OFF 0V OFF ON 3V 0V
Digital Design Review

43 NAND Gate Vcc F = (AB)’ A B A B F 1 F A B Digital Design Review

44 NAND Gate F=(AB)’ Vcc Vcc off on 1 1 1 1 A off on B A B F F 1 1 A A 1
A off on B A B F F 1 1 A A 1 B B Digital Design Review

45 AND Gate? Does this work? Limitations Why? Not really. nFETs pass 0
Vcc Does this work? Not really. Limitations nFETs pass 0 pFETs pass 1 Why? Operation depends on Vgs (not just Vg) 1 A on 1 B on F A off B off Digital Design Review

46 NOR Gate F = (A+B)’ A B F 1 Vcc A on B on 1 F A off B off
A on A B F 1 B on 1 F A off B off Digital Design Review

47 Analysis/Synth. Rules nType can pass “0” pType can pass “1”
For all input combinations output must be connected to VCC or GND (Not both, and not floating) For logic with both p- and n-type FETs p-type stack (pull up) n-type stack (pull down) n- and p- stacks are complimentary (series/parallel) Digital Design Review

48 Other Gates XNOR (Equiv.) XOR A B F=(A==B) 1 A B F=AB 1 A A F F B B A
1 A B F=AB 1 A A F F B B A Uses: Parity check (odd  1) Adder circuits Bit flipping = F B Parity check (even  1) Digital Design Review

49 Functionally Complete Logic
Definition Set of gates that can be used to realize all logic functions Minimal set Just one gate NAND NOR Digital Design Review

50 Multi-Input Gates Extend gates by adding inputs Problem?
Larger propagation delay due to series connected FETs. Increase speed with higher current (larger area) Gate width tradeoff: area, speed, power 4-input NAND Digital Design Review

51 Bubbles Alternate Gate Representations Choice can indicate meaning
Location of bubble: Are we concerned about TRUE or FALSE values? (a) Output is FALSE when one input is TRUE (b) Output is TRUE when both inputs FALSE A A B F NOR F B (a) F=(A+B)’ (b) F=A’B’ Digital Design Review

52 Positive/Negative Logic
Alternative Interpretation Positive Logic (no bubble) 1 = asserted (TRUE) 0 = negated (FALSE) Negative Logic (bubble) 0 = asserted (TRUE) 1 = negated (FALSE) (a) OR gate with + input and – output (b) AND gate with – input and + output A A B F F B (a) F=(A+B)’ (b) F=A’B’ Digital Design Review

53 Examples AND OR NOT Mixed Digital Design Review

54 Which do you use? Consider readability
What are you trying to describe? TRUE when all inputs FALSE FALSE when any input TRUE Digital Design Review

55 Bubble Matching Good convention Helps with readability
Nice, we can mentally cancel bubbles Immediately see logic A A B F B F C C D D F=((AB)’(C+D)’)’ F=AB + C + D Digital Design Review

56 2-Level Logic Can do any logic with 2 levels
AND  OR (SOP) OR  AND (POS) Main advantage: Speed A B G=AB + ACDE + ACF A C G D E A C F tprop= tAND + tOR Digital Design Review

57 Multi-Level Logic Alternate: Multi-level Which is better? A B A C G
G=AB + ACDE + ACF D E A C F D G=A[B+C(DE+F)] E F C B G A Digital Design Review

58 Multi-Level Logic Which is better depends
Speed: Worst-case delay Example: 2-level (2T), multi-level (5T) Area: # of transistors (most precise) Gate count (approximate) 2-inp. NAND (4 trans) 3-input (6 trans) 2-level (12N), multi-level (10N) Tradeoff: “Best” depends on Technology Speed/size/area requirements General: 2-level (fast, big) multi-level (slow, small) Digital Design Review

59 Hardware Adders Full adder (1 bit) “Add up number of 1s”
How implemented? Half adder:  a lot less logic! Where useful: Incrementer a b cin s cout 1 cout + s b cin a s = a  b  cin cout = a b + b cin + a cin s = a  b cout = a b Digital Design Review

60 Adder/Subtracter Module
add/sub’ + + + + a3 a2 a1 a0 b3 b2 b1 b0 Digital Design Review

61 Multiplexers S chooses which input gets routed to output. S F A 1 B A
1 A S F A 1 B F B 1 S 2:1 MUX F = S’A + SB S chooses which input gets routed to output. Digital Design Review

62 F = S1’S0’A + S1’S0B + S1S0’C + S1S0D
Larger MUXs S1 S0 F A 1 B C D A 00 B 01 F C 10 D 11 S1 S0 4:1 MUX F = S1’S0’A + S1’S0B + S1S0’C + S1S0D Can just keep following pattern... Digital Design Review

63 Larger MUXs Can form by cascading smaller MUXs A A 00 B 1 B 01 F C 10
A 00 B 1 B 01 F C 10 D 11 F S0 1 C S1 S0 S1 D 1 S0 Digital Design Review

64 Multi-bit Wires Routing multi-bit signals (busses)
Don’t want to draw all those wires! Name: 4-input 2:1 MUX A 4 F B 4 1 4 S Digital Design Review

65 Decoder 2:4 Decoder “decodes” binary input value
F0 F1 F2 F3 I1 I0 F0 F1 F2 F3 1 2:4 Decoder “decodes” binary input value Min term generator Tells index of minterm presented at input Digital Design Review

66 Decoder Uses Code Op 00 pass 01 add 10 and 11 not Select which function (unit) is enable e.g. in a Arithmetic Logic Unit Logic functions (just OR min terms) I1 I0 F0 F1 F2 F3 A F(A,B) = ∑m(0,3) B Digital Design Review

67 Using MUXs, Decoders Making everything out of low-level gates
Highest degree of control over design But may be difficult to read Higher level MUXs, Decoders Easier to read, understand function Simpler to maintain design Most CAD tools good at optimizing mapping of MUXs/Decoders to gates for given target technology Digital Design Review

68 ROMs Implement “random” logic Same as a look-up table (LUT)
Addr Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8x1 ROM A’ I2 B’ Q Address I1 Q I0 A C’ Implement “random” logic Same as a look-up table (LUT) Used extensively in FPGAs Digital Design Review

69 Basic Delay in Gates Definitions
tprop,fall Vin tprop,rise Vout trise tfall t Definitions tprop,fall / tprop,rise: 50% swing to 50% swing trise: 10% to 90% tfall: 90% to 10% Want to know: “how fast will design run” Note that trise tfall and tprop,rise  tprop,fall Usually consider: worst prop. delay Also, not worry about rise/fall Digital Design Review

70 Critical Path Analysis
“How fast will this run?” B A C Q D E F Critical path If we change input, how long before output has correct result? Example: responds to A much faster than D Want to know longest time or critical path Not all gates equal: add up delay different gates / different technologies Digital Design Review

71 Input “glitches” Which happens? Depends: Technology
could be t B F ? or Which happens? Depends: Technology How narrow pulse is relative to tprop, trise, tfall Digital Design Review

72 Glitches (Transients)
B C A F Consider: What is the output? For static inputs: F=AA’=0 Single rising edge on A Pulse generator? Point: Inputs to comb. logic change  Transient period outputs fluctuate before final stable value A B C F Digital Design Review

73 Hazards/False Outputs
Definition Output takes on a value that is not predicted by the Boolean expression for either old or new inputs Dealing with Hazards Circuits where only a single input changes at a time Include redundant terms (in k-map) Can eliminate hazards Synchronous design Signals only sampled on clock Period made long enough to be past transients Digital Design Review

74 Variations in Gate Delays
Gate delay variation due to Temperature Vcc changes (imperfect power supply) Process variations Loading of gate vs. fast slow Digital Design Review

75 4. Sequential Circuits Digital Design Review

76 Complex Algorithms Require Digital Memory Elements
Series of operations to be performed Order, timing important Storage for intermediate results Means we have memory Digital Memory Elements Latches Flip-flops SRAM, DRAM Digital Design Review

77 SR Latch Memory requires feedback Circuit has two stable states
Can control with R/S inputs R Q Q’ S Digital Design Review

78 SR Latch To see stability... Can repeat for Q=1 and Q’=0. Same thing.
R Q Q’ S 1 1 Digital Design Review

79 SR Latch “Set” Operation. 1 1 R Q Q’ S 1 1 1 Digital Design Review

80 SR Latch “Reset” Operation. 1 1 1 R Q Q’ S 1 1 Digital Design Review

81 SR Latch Transition Table R S Qnext Q 1 Undefined R Q Q’ S R Q S Q’
Q 1 Undefined R Q Q’ S R Q S Q’ Digital Design Review

82 SR Latch Summary Features Problems? Provides 1 bit of memory
Control by temporarily raising S or R Problems? Output can change at any time when S/R change Think about glitches! Inconvenient to have two inputs to control How do we store just the bit on a line? Digital Design Review

83 Gated Latch Circuit responds when Gate=1
Q R Q S Q’ S Q’ G S Gate Circuit responds when Gate=1 Sometimes called a “transparent latch” or a “lodable latch” Digital Design Review

84 D-Latch Stores value on input D when G is high
Q D Q S Q’ Q’ G Gate Stores value on input D when G is high Keeps old value otherwise Now we can store a value, just when we want Digital Design Review

85 Using Latches Any problems? Level sensitive
Consider “toggle” circuit Output: 10 or 10 each time we assert Gate Will this work? Q D G Gate F Digital Design Review

86 Toggle Circuit Timing Circuit oscillates  Bad
Q D G Gate F Gate D F Circuit oscillates  Bad Feedback with gated latch is difficult Digital Design Review

87 Master/Slave Flip Flops
Idea Use two latches to get “edge” sensitive behavior Master Slave Q1 D Q D Q D Q G G clk D Q Edge sensitive latch called a “flip flop” clk Digital Design Review

88 Flip Flop Operation (1) When clk=1, only first latch is transparent
Q D G Q1 Master Slave clk 1 1 1 When clk=1, only first latch is transparent Transitions on D only go through first latch! Digital Design Review

89 Flip Flop Operation (2) Consider storing a 1 in the flip flop
Q D G Q1 Master Slave clk 1 1 1 1 1 Consider storing a 1 in the flip flop The bit got stored and sent to the output on a falling edge of clk (1=>0) Kind of like an “airlock” Make rising edge device with another inverter Digital Design Review

90 Utility of Flip Flops Example toggle circuit:
Q  D only on 01 transition of clk Oscillation does not occur Can store 1 bit, sampled at an edge Q D clk F Digital Design Review

91 Flip Flop Timing D Q clk tsetup thold tclk-q (a) tclk-a Time until new latched value appears at output (b) tsetup Time before clock that D must be stable (c) thold Time after clock that D must be stable Digital Design Review

92 Flip Flop Timing: tclk-q
D Q Q’ Extra inverter makes + edge sensitive. clk (a) tclk-q : Time for new output to appear on Q Gate gets to slave, value propagates through Digital Design Review

93 Flip Flop Timing: tsetup
D Q Q’ clk (b) tsetup: Time D must be stable before clock Slave becomes transparent. Correct value must be at input! Time to go through master stage. Digital Design Review

94 Flip Flop Timing: thold
Q Q’ clk (c) thold: Time D must be stable after clock Master latches. Should be value there at clock. Time to lower gate on master. Digital Design Review

95 Registers Definition Example Storage element One or more flip flops
Four D flip flops in parallel: 4 4 D Q clk Digital Design Review

96 Types of Registers (1) Loadable Register
Standard flip flop (or register) loads on every clock May want to selectively load input One idea: Problems? Adds delay to clock “clock skew” What about glitches? Q D clk EN CLK Digital Design Review

97 Types of Registers (2) Loadable Register Better way Q D CLK EN 1 EN Q
1 EN Q D Digital Design Review

98 Types of Registers (3) Shift Register Uses?
Extensions: Enable, Direction, Parallel Load, Clear, ... Q D Sin Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 CLK Digital Design Review

99 Counters Implementation Synchronous circuit made from a register
Steps up or down on each clock edge Input (next value) computed from output (current value) +1 block from half adders Q D CLK +1 Digital Design Review

100 State Memory (register)
Synchronous Circuits General synchronous circuit Counter State Machine Q D Input Forming Logic Next State State Memory (register) Comb. Logic Current State Digital Design Review

101 Synchronous Circuit Design
Designing a General Counter State transition table Current state  Next state Boolean eq. for next_state = F(curr_state) Place flip flops between D Q F NS CS Digital Design Review

102 Generalization of Sync. Circuit
Finite State Machine (FSM) Can be used to realize general sequential algorithms Moore outputs (depend only on state) Mealy outputs (depend on state and inputs) Current State Q D Input Forming Logic Next State Output Forming Logic Inputs Outputs For Mealy Outputs Digital Design Review

103 Generalization of Sync. Circuit
Finite State Machine (FSM) Input Forming Logic Q D Output Forming Logic Outputs Next State Current State Inputs For Mealy Outputs Digital Design Review

104 FSM Design Process Similar to Counter
Input Forming Logic Q D Output Forming Logic Outputs Next State Current State Inputs For Mealy Outputs Process Similar to Counter Write state transition table Implement using comb. logic Write truth-table or Boolean eq. for output logic Insert registers Digital Design Review

105 State Graphs Graphical representation of a state transition table
Helps you visualize FSM operation Value in state register Current State Next State 00 01 10 11 Q1 Q0 N1 N0 1 Digital Design Review

106 Inputs Represented with labels (signal name) on arc
Means if sig=1, take the path (arc) clr inc’ 00 inc inc clr inc’ clr inc’ 01 11 clr inc inc 10 inc’ Digital Design Review

107 Proper State Graphs Conflict-free State Graph Complete State Graph
Only one possible next state for all possible inputs Is previous counter with inputs conflict free? Solve by introducing priority. Complete State Graph All next states are specified. “Incomplete” means we have omitted some cases inc 10 11 What happens when inc=‘0’ in 10? Digital Design Review

108 Outputs Put names of asserted signals next to (or in) state bubbles
A / MID 00 01 10 11 TERM Means MID=1 in state 01 when A is asserted “Mealy output” Means signal TERM=1 in state 11 (0 otherwise) “Moore output” Digital Design Review

109 Example Sequence recognizer “011” (Moore) Xin S0 X’in Xin Xin
Seq. Rec. clk X’in Z S1 X’in Z S3 X’in Xin Xin S2 Digital Design Review

110 Example Sequence recognizer “011” (Mealy) Xin S0 X’in Xin Seq. Rec.
clk Xin/Z Z S1 X’in X’in Xin S2 Digital Design Review

111 One-Hot State Machines
Definition More than one state, multiple flip flops for state “One hot” means only one flip flop active (stores a 1) at a time Uses? Simpler to design by hand Finding next state logic tedious for very many states Can eliminate output glitches Digital Design Review

112 One Hot Example go’ State transition table A go stop / Y run’ stop’ B
CS NS X Y A 1 B go run stop CS NS X Y go run stop CS NS X Y A 1 B C D go run stop CS NS X Y A 1 B C D go run stop CS NS X Y A 1 B C A go stop / Y run’ stop’ B D X run C Digital Design Review

113 One Hot Example A go’ D stop A Q D State transition table A go B run’
CS NS X Y - A 1 B C D B Q D X B run C Q D C D stop’ D Q D stop Y Dns = Ccs + Dcs stop’ Ans = Acs go’ + Dcs stop Bns = Acs go + Bcs run’ Cns = Bcs run Digital Design Review

114 One Hot Example Glitches? Mealy output Y Can have glitch
go’ D stop A Glitches? Mealy output Y Can have glitch Moore output FF does single trans. from CS to NS No glitch Q D A go B run’ B Q D X B run C Q D C D stop’ D Y Q D stop Y Digital Design Review

115 Summary Number Systems / Binary Encoding Boolean Algebra
Combinational Circuits Sequential Circuits Fundamental concepts and terms we need for the rest of the course. Digital Design Review

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