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Non-Classroom Teacher (NCT) Student Learning Objectives

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1 Non-Classroom Teacher (NCT) Student Learning Objectives

2 Presentation Objectives
Understand who are NCTs Understand what is an SLO Understand the components of the SLO template The main objectives for this presentation today are to walk away with a thorough understanding of what an SLO is comprised of and the process used to create an SLO. Understand expectations for the SLO process from the beginning through the end

3 Who are NCTs? NCTs are Bargaining Unit 5 employees who are not teachers of record for any classes. They do not plan, deliver, and assess instruction for students. NCTs are professionals who support students, educators, parents, and other members of the school community. NCTs also perform systems and process roles, critical to the overall operations of schools and offices. NCTs are Bargaining Unit 5 employees. The role and responsibilities of NCTs vary greatly and although some may service students, NCTs are not teachers of record for any classes, nor do they plan, deliver, and assess instruction for students. NCTs are professionals who support students, educators, parents, and other members of the school community, as well as operational roles (i.e., registration, referral process, etc.).

4 Some Examples of NCTs Curriculum Coordinators
Department Heads/Grade Level Chairs Literacy/Math Coaches Registrars School Librarians School Counselors Student Services Coordinators Student Activities Coordinators Technology Coordinators Resource Teachers Although this list identifies most of the more common NCT titles, it does not identify all titles possible. Most NCTs work at schools such as SSCs, SACs, librarians, curriculum coordinators, etc., while resource teachers typically are district and state office positions referred to as “Non-school level NCTs.” Regardless, all NCTs serve specific roles in support of student achievement.

5 SLO Core Value Teachers are at the heart of a child’s education and profoundly impact student achievement. Thus, a high priority is placed on the enhancement of our teachers’ professional practices and the structures that support them. SLOs are founded on the core value that teachers are at the heart of a child’s education and profoundly impact student achievement. Thus, a high priority is placed on the enhancement of our teacher’s professional practices and the structures that support them. Note: Although the word, “Student” in SLO, emphasizes utilizing student data to measure outcomes, for many NCTs, this may not be practical as they do not have direct access to students. Therefore, the term, “SLO” should be understood to be a goal based on data most appropriate to the work of the NCT.

6 School Academic Financial Plan
Working in Alignment State Strategic Plan Complex K-12 Construct School Academic Financial Plan Classroom Common Initiatives: Academic Review Team (ART) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Response to Intervention (RTI) Formative Instruction Induction & Mentoring Educator Effectiveness System (EES) In Hawaii, a clear benefit of SLOs in the EES, is that these work in alignment with common ongoing initiatives. A tri-level approach is employed whereby the State, complex, and school work in alignment to support the classroom as outlined in the State Strategic Plan. This provides the foundation for the complexes’ K-12 construct of which the school’s academic plan addresses. The following priority strategies should be incorporated at every school level: Academic Review Team (ART), Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Response to Intervention (RTI), Formative Instruction, Induction & Mentoring, and the Educator Effectiveness System (EES). The requisite high-yield strategies become the vehicle to support the personalized needs of our schools. 9/16/2018

7 Primary Measures of the EE System for NCTs
Framework for Teaching Working Portfolio Core Professionalism Hawaii Growth Model (School level NCTs) Student Learning Objectives Professional Practice Student Growth and Learning Hawaii’s EE system consists of measures to evaluate professional practices and responsibilities, and student growth and learning components of the system. These measures are: Framework for Teaching working portfolio, core professionalism, student growth percentiles generated by the Hawaii Growth Model (applies to school level NCTs), and measures based on goal setting as evaluated by Student Learning Objectives (2 SLOs required for all NCTs). This training will provide an overview on the last component: Student Learning Objectives.

8 What is an SLO? A goal for all teachers, including NCTs, is set at the start of the year or semester Specific and measurable, based on available baseline data Aligned to professional standards, or school, complex, or state office priorities Simply stated, an SLO for NCTs is a goal set at the start of the year or semester, targeting specific functions of the work of the NCT. It is specific and measurable, based on available baseline data, and are aligned to professional standards, or other school, complex, or state office priorities.

9 SLO Process Through a data-driven process, schools and offices identify and monitor priorities and implementation efforts Administrator set priorities based on school, complex or state office goals NCT set customized SLOs aligned to school, complex, or state office goals NCT and administrator agree on SLOs NCT reviews progress and schedules Midterm Check-In as needed NCT and administrator collaboratively monitor and review implementation and results Data Team Process Revise strategy (as appropriate) The SLO process is integrated into the collaborative practice of data analysis, goal-setting, and implementation of formative instructional cycles that focuses on student work and the strategies that improve learning. Using the Academic Review Team process, administrators, school leaders, and teachers identify and monitor priorities and implementation efforts. The process is defined as follows: 1. Using the Data Team Process, teacher teams set grade level or department objectives based on current and historical data that aligns to the school priorities if possible. Sole teachers for a particular grade or content area and do not have a school team with which to collaboratively develop Student Learning Objective goals with are encouraged to work with teachers of the same content or grade level within a complex. 2. Individual teachers then set expected targets for their class based on the starting points of their students (baseline data). However, in order to ensure consistency and rigor of expectations across all classes, teachers should be working in collaboration with other team or department colleagues to set critical objectives. SLOs can then be individualized by the employment of specific instructional strategies for each teacher’s student needs. 3. Using the SLO Planning Document, Quality Assessment Criteria, and Rubric for Rating the Quality of Student Learning Objectives, administrators and teacher work together in assuring the rigor and reliability of the plans. 4. Teachers teams meet regularly throughout the course of a semester or school year to support the implementation of evidence-based practices, monitor student progress through the analysis of student work, and determine next steps. It is an ongoing cycle of formative assessment review and instruction. 9/16/2018

10 Key Components of the SLO Document

11 Goal A description of what will be achieved at the end of the year or semester that reflects standards or researched-based best practices and supports the big idea. The goal includes: what it looks like when achieved a big idea supported by the goal standards or best practices associated with the goal rationale for the goal An SLO, for NCTs, comprises four aspects: a goal, evidence, targets, and implementation strategies. A goal is: A description of what will be achieved at the end of the year or semester. It includes a big idea, relevant standards or best practices, and a rationale for why this goal is meaningful. Explaining the goal with enough specificity allows for a solid SLO, which is the foundation that the other three parts of the SLO are built on. Think of a goal as the foundation to the SLO. Goal: what will be achieved at the end of the year or semester that reflects the standards or best practices and supports the big idea

12 Goal Sample Goal: Targeted students will attend school regularly and have no more than 8.5% days of absences of the total number of school days. Big idea: Students must attend school regularly to access learning opportunities This is an example of a NCT (School Counselor) addressing improving school attendance as a goal.

13 Professional Standards of Practice
Framework for Teaching (Charlotte Danielson) 3c. Using counseling techniques in individual and classroom programs American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards A:A2.2 Students will demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning A:B1.1 Students will demonstrate the motivation to achieve individual potential PS-B1.2 Students will understand consequences of decisions and choices Hawaii DOE Strategic Plan 1A Objective: All students are engaged and ready to learn Included in the goal are the American School Counselor Association national standards, Danielson component, and strategic plan goal that the SLO addresses.

14 Goal Sample Rationale: Students who are not in school regularly have fewer opportunities to learn what will enable them to succeed in school. Research suggests that students with better attendance score higher on achievement tests than students who are more frequently absent. Our school has decided to focus on improving school attendance and it is reflected in our Academic and Financial Plan. Interval necessary to address goal: X year semester The goal also has a rationale that addresses high expectations and the interval necessary to meet the goal.

15 Evidence and Success Criteria
Evidence should be designed to best measure the attainment of the goal for the SLO. The evidence should be: - standards-based, reflecting professional standards, as applicable - designed to best measure the outcome of the goal - accompanied by clear criteria or rubrics to define progress or qualities of the evidence - high-quality measures used to evaluate the degree to which the goal was achieved. The selection of evidence used in measuring progress towards the goal should consider: - availability and reliability of appropriate data from which to determine a baseline, monitor progress, and determine goal results. -specific information about how the evidence will be scored, including clear scoring criteria or rubrics., and sufficiency of evidence provided. It should describe each evidence that will be used to measure the SLO Goal. It should also describe how each evidence will be scored including the corresponding rubric and/or scoring criteria to be used to determine levels of goal attainment. How often the collection of informal data to monitor progress toward this goal should be considered as well.

16 E=Evident; P=Partial; N=Not Evident
Quality Criteria Quality Criteria Purpose: To assess the quality of evidence used in the Student Learning Objective (SLO) process for non-classroom teachers (NCTs). E=Evident; P=Partial; N=Not Evident E P N A. Focused on Professional Responsibility The goal is clearly defined and understandable to the NCT and the administrator. 2. The goal is very specific and strategic to the specified role of the NCT. B. Focused on Improvement The evidence is measurable and reflects improvement in one or more of the following: (check those that are aligned to the goal) Access Accuracy Behavior Knowledge or skills Responsiveness 4. The evidence is gathered from multiple measures of data that may include perceptual data, system/process data, demographics, student or teacher behavior or learning. 5. Data are collected at multiple intervals of time and adjustments are made as needed. C. Enough Evidence- Sampling 6. There is enough evidence collected to make a judgment about attainment of the SLO goal(s). D. Criteria 7. Clear criteria are set to determine levels of quality and not just quantity. COMMENTS/ FEEDBACK: A quality criteria handout provides NCTs and administrators with attributes of what good evidence should include. This check is included in the SLO planning document.

17 Evidence and Success Criteria Sample
Planned evidence and criteria used to determine levels of performance: (check all that apply) Early Warning System (EWS) Data – 90% of 7th grade students listed as “approaching off track” for attendance in the first quarter of the school year will be in the “on track” range by the end of the school year. Parent Involvement Data – 90% of parents of 7th grade students in the “approaching off track” range for attendance will sign and return attendance intervention plans. This sample narrates the evidence that will be used in relationship to the goal and how it will be scored.

18 Expected Targets Identifies the expected outcomes for each target area, if more than one, by the end of the year or semester Describes data source(s) that will be used to establish the starting point for measuring progress towards the SLO Goal Describes actual results for each starting point data source Describes expected target for each focus area, if more than one, by the end of the year or semester Targets: -Should identify the expected outcome by the end of the year or semester, -May differ for different levels of achievement or outcome if more than one target, and -Consist of measurable starting and ending points Expected targets should: -Describe data source(s) that will be used to establish the starting point for measuring progress towards the SLO Goal (e.g., eCSSS, PDE3, eSIS, etc.). -Describe the actual results for each starting point data source (e.g., teacher pre-workshop proficiency level, school-wide student growth/attendance data, complex-wide/state-wide teacher performance or student data, process/transaction performance, etc.). -Describe expected target for each goal by the end of the year or semester.

19 Expected Targets Sample
Use the SMART Goal format: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound 90% of the 35 seventh grade students who are “approaching off track” for attendance will be in the “on track” range in the Early Warning System at the end of the school year. This expected target sample describes actual results for the starting point data source.

20 Implementation Strategies
Describes the key strategies that are planned for each target area. Describe the key strategies that you will use to achieve the goal for all targets. Describe how the strategies will be modified to successfully achieve the goals. Strategies are: -Appropriate and evidence-based -Address all target areas -Address modifications required to meet the goal Strategies should: -Describe the key steps/actions that you will use to achieve the goal for all targets. -Describe how the strategy will be modified to successfully achieve the goal.

21 Implementation Strategies
Key Strategies (for all focus areas of the goal): Personal phone calls will be made to parents/guardians on the day of the student’s absence. Using the data driven problem solving process, the student’s team will assess why the student is not attending school and develop customized intervention strategies with the student and parent based on individual identified needs. An attendance intervention plan will document the plan and progress. Identified students will check in at least weekly with the counselor. A teacher mentor will be selected for the identified students. This sample describes the key implementation strategies specifically for the different aspects of the goal.

22 SLO General Timeline

23 Beginning of Term NCT Administrator
Begin to determine areas of need for setting goals, targets, and evidence required to determine goal attainment. As appropriate, consult with administrator. Ensure SLO process and expectations are implemented. Determine areas of priority that aligns to school, complex or state needs and as appropriate to the work of the NCT. Collect evidence on starting points by reviewing appropriate sources of data to establish a baseline. Review the NCT’s baseline data and Student Learning Objectives. Complete the SLO template for the chosen goal and submit to administrator prior to conference. Set schedule for beginning-of-term conference. The following slides provide an overview of the general SLO process timeline between the beginning of the term, midterm, and end-of-term. The SLO process begins with the collection of data and identification of areas of need. Documents that support the SLO development include: SLO Planning document, Non-classroom Teacher Student Learning Objective template, and rubric for rating the quality of the SLO.

24 Planning Information for Writing the Goal:
SLO Planning Document Goal: A description of what will be achieved at the end of the year or semester and supports the big idea. Planning Information for Writing the Goal: What is the goal? Goal: What will be accomplished at the end of the year or semester and supports the big idea. What is the big idea supported by the goal? Why is this important and meaningful to accomplish? What standards, as applicable, support the big idea? List all that apply, including the text of the standards (not just the code). What is the rationale for this goal? Why was this goal selected? How does it support systems, students, teachers, or others? What interval is necessary to meet this goal? ☐ semester ☐ year-long This document supports the development and discussion about each of the SLO components.

25 SLO Non-Classroom Teacher Template
The SLO Template for NCTs and administrators to review.

26 Sample of Rubric for Rating Quality of SLOs
Acceptable Quality Quality Needs Improvement Insufficient Quality Goal A description of what will be achieved at the end of the year or semester based on professional standards, as applicable, supporting the big idea. Goal: A statement that thoroughly describes what will be accomplished by the end of the year or semester. Big Idea: A declarative statement that describes how achieving the goal will improve teaching, learning, behaviors, systems or processes. Standards: Standard(s) listed are clearly aligned to the goal and the full text of each specified standard is provided. Rationale: Clearly explains why the goal is an appropriate focus and how the goal addresses high expectations. Goal: A statement that partially describes what will be accomplished by the end of the year or semester. Big Idea: A statement that insufficiently describes how achieving the goal will improve teaching, learning, behaviors, systems or processes. Standards: Standard(s) listed are minimally aligned to the goal and partial text of each specified standard is provided. Rationale: Generally explains why the goal is an appropriate focus and how the goal addresses high expectations. Goal: A statement that does not describe what will be accomplished by the end of the year or semester. Big Idea: No big idea is identified. Standards: Standards are not aligned to the goal and/or are not identified. Rationale is trivial or missing. Rubrics are provided for rating the levels of quality for each SLO component: Goal, Evidence and Success Criteria, Expected Targets, and Implementation Strategies.

27 Beginning of Term Conference
During the Beginning of Term Conference: Discuss the SLO process and plan utilizing: SLO Planning Document Rubric for Rating the Quality of Student Learning Objectives If SLO is acceptable, administrator indicates approval date in PDE3 and the NCT can upload the plan. If SLO needs improvement, administrator establishes next steps and due date. After the Beginning of Term Conference: Submit any requested revisions by specified due dates The NCT implements strategies and activities to meet the approved SLO. The beginning of term conference allows the administrator a first look at the Student Learning Objective set by the NCT based on the goal data. Clarifications and corrections can be requested at this time. If the SLO is acceptable, the administrator indicates an approval date in PDE3 and the NCT can upload the plan.

28 Mid Term (Optional) NCT Administrator
Schedule the Mid Term Check-In with their administrator (optional). *NCT initiated. Review any midterm check-in forms submitted and examine all available data to evaluate overall progress Collect and organize important interim evidence related to the SLO. Determine if approval will be granted for revision request. Submit the midterm check-in form to the administrator if revisions to expected targets are requested by either the NCT or the administrator. The Mid Term Check-In is a time when NCTs can request to revise their SLO goal based on supporting data. If goals are too low or high, for example, a NCT can request to change the expected targets that better align with the collected data. Goal targets may also be adjusted if there are significant changes in what is being measured. Please note that it can occur at any given time before the mid-point of the beginning term. It is optional based on the NCT’s needs.

29 Midterm Check-In Form (Optional)
NCTs should fill out the Midterm Check-In Form when a request for an SLO revision goal is needed. It should be submitted to the administrator prior to the Midterm meeting.

30 Mid-Term Check-In (Optional)
During the Mid-Term Check-In: Discuss the data collected to gauge the current progress using the midterm check-in form Collaborate with the administrator to develop and modify original expected targets, as appropriate Review any proposed changes to the SLO and determine whether to grant approval for the revision request Administrator enter midterm check-in date on PDE3 to indicate approval of any revision of expected targets At this point, changes to the SLO must e considered final and revisions are no longer permissible. After the Mid-Term Check-In: If the expected target revision is acceptable, administrator indicates approval date in PDE3 and the NCT can upload the revised plan. Continue to collect data, refine strategy, and reflect on practices in working towards meeting expected targets Mid-Term Check-Ins are optional based on the need of the NCT to make adjustments to the SLO goal. At this point, changes to the SLO must be considered final and revisions are no longer permissible.

31 End-of-Term NCT Administrator
Schedule the end-of-term conference with administrator. Review the SLO plan template along with accompanying evidence and end-of-term reflection form. Collect all final evidence and any additional information related to expected targets Submit the completed End of Term Reflection form prior to the End of Term conference. In preparation for the final phase of the SLO process, NCTs should organize related SLO data to demonstrate evidence of goal outcomes. They should also complete and submit the End-of-Term Reflection to their administrators.

32 End-of-Term Reflection
The End of Term Reflection should be completed by the NCT and submitted to the administrator along with accompanying evidence prior to the End of Term Conference.

33 End-of-Term Conference
During the End of Term Conference: Discuss the evidence collected and the SLOs rating guided by support documents Determine a final rating for the two (2) required SLOs If an SLO was not met, discuss support for future implementation and relevant professional development opportunities NCT uploads supporting records and submits the two (2) SLOs for evaluation in PDE3 Administrator completes a final rating in PDE3 The final step of the SLO process is the End-of-Term Conference. This is where the NCT and administrator dialogue about the results of the two (2) SLO plans required. A final rating will be completed at this time using the Student Learning Objectives Rating Rubric.

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