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Chapter Ten Violent Crime

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1 Chapter Ten Violent Crime

2 Causes of Violence Personal Traits Ineffective Families Human Instinct
Exposure to Violence Substance Abuse Firearm Availability Cultural Values National Values LO1: Be familiar with the various causes of violent crime.

3 Class Discussion/Activity
Read “Honor Killings” on page 260 of your book. What causes honor killings? Why the victims are almost always girls?

4 Forcible Rape The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Not a sexual crime Used as a weapon in war LO2: Define rape and be familiar with why men commit rape.

5 Incidence of Rape UCR Data Population density influences rape
85,000 rapes reported each year Population density influences rape NCVS Data 250,000 rapes and sexual assaults per year LO2: Define rape and be familiar with why men commit rape.

6 Types of Rapes Date Rape Marital Rape Statutory Rape
LO2: Define rape and be familiar with why men commit rape.

7 Causes of Rape Evolutionary/Biological Factors Male Socialization
Psychological Abnormality Social Learning Sexual Motivation LO2: Define rape and be familiar with why men commit rape.

8 Rape and the Law Proving Rape Consent Legal Reform
LO3: Discuss the issues involving rape and the law.

9 Class Discussion/Activity
Read about the Duke rape case on page 266 in your textbook. Consider the following as you discuss if the rights of the defendants or the rights of the victims should have higher priority: Have you heard about people who were accused of rape and then acquitted? How did it damage their life (e.g. job, reputation, etc.)? Do you think that the Duke students who were accused will be looked at differently even though the charges against them were dropped? What type of evidence would be sufficient in a rape trial to convict the defendant? How realistic are these expectations?

10 Murder and Homicide Degrees of Murder First-Degree Second-Degree
Premeditation and Deliberation Second-Degree Malice aforethought Manslaughter Voluntary/non-negligent Involuntary/negligent Deliberate Indifference LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

11 Nature and Extent of Murder
Since 1991 the murder rate has been steadily declining. Tends to be an urban crime. Victims and offenders tend to be males. Over half of murder victims are African-Americans. Victims and offenders tend to be under twenty-five. Offenders tend to have long criminal careers. “Born and Alive” LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

12 Murderous Relations Intimate Partner Murder Acquaintance Murders
Stranger Murders Sexually-Based Murders School Murders LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

13 Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, and Spree Killers
A person who kills three or more persons in three or more separate events Thrill Killers Mission Killers Expedience Killers LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

14 Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, and Spree Killers
Female Serial Killers Female killers tend to be older than their male counterparts. Female killers tend to be substance abusers. LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

15 Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, and Spree Killers
Revenge killers Love killers Profit killers Terrorist killers LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

16 Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, and Spree Killers
A killer of multiple victims whose murders occur over a relatively short span of time and often follow no discernible pattern. LO4: Recognize that there are different types of murder.

17 Assault and Battery Nature and Extent of Assault
Acquaintance and Family Assault Child abuse Neglect Child sexual abuse Causes of child abuse Parental abuse Spousal abuse Dating Violence Relational aggression LO5: Understand the nature and patterns of robbery.

18 Robbery Robbers in Action Acquaintance Robbery
Robbers select targets that are vulnerable, accessible, and profitable Acquaintance Robbery Victims are often reluctant to report. Some are motivated by street justice. Robbers know patterns and traits of victims. Victims are often convenient targets. LO5: Understand the nature and patterns of robbery.

19 Class Discussion/Activity
Why are robberies more likely to occur in the winter months? Come up with a plan to rob a bank. How would you ensure that you get the money and escape (e.g. how would determine which bank to target, etc.)? How do police use their knowledge (including GIS) to catch robbers?

20 Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
Hate Crimes Roots of hate Thrill-seeking Reactive Mission Retaliatory Nature and extent of hate crimes Controlling hate crimes Free speech LO6: Be able to discuss newly emerging forms of violence, such as stalking, hate crimes, and workplace violence.

21 Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
Workplace Violence Third leading cause of occupational death or injury. Stalking Women more likely to be stalked than men. 75% of victims know their stalker in some way. 30% of stalkers are former intimate partners of their victims. LO6: Be able to discuss newly emerging forms of violence, such as stalking, hate crimes, and workplace violence.

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