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The Gothic Architecture

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1 The Gothic Architecture
Salisbury Cathedral has the tallest spire in England

2 The Gothic east end of Cologne Cathedral represents the extreme of verticality. (nave, dating to the 19th century).

3 "Gothic architecture" does not imply the architecture of the historical Goths. It has a much wider application. The term originated as a pejorative description. It came to be used as early as the 1530s by Giorgio Vasari to describe culture that was considered rude and barbaric.

4 It is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture. Originating in 12th-century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as “the French Style” with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance as a stylistic insult. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch the ribbed vault and the flying buttress. Plan of Wells Cathedral. The classica period 1.

5 Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castles, palaces, town halls, guild halls, universities, and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings. It is in the great churches and cathedrals and in a number of civic buildings that the Gothic style was expressed most powerfully, its characteristics lending themselves to appeal to the emotions. The classial period 2.

6 The movement has had significant influence throughout the United Kingdom as well as on the continent of Europe, in Australia and the Americas, and perhaps the number of Gothic Revival structures built in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries exceeds the number of authentic Gothic structures that had been built previously. The classical period 2.

7 The Gothic Revival is an architectural movement which began in the 1740s in England. In the early nineteenth century, increasingly serious and learned admirers of neo-Gothic styles sought to revive medieval forms, often driven by Catholic beliefs, citation needed in contrast to the classical styles which were then prevalent. The revival period 1

8 Gothic architectural features
The various elements of Gothic architecture emerged in a number of 11th and 12th century building projects, but were first combined to form what we would now recognise as a distinctively Gothic style at the 12th century abbey church of Saint-Denis in Saint-Denis, near Paris. Verticality is emphasized in Gothic architecture, which features almost skeletal stone structures great expanses of glass, wall surfaces supported by external flying buttresses, pointed arches ribbed stone vaults, clustered columns, pinnacles and sharply pointed spires. Windows contain beautiful stained glass. Design rise taller than ever. The ambulatory at the Abbey of Saint-Denis.

9 Gothic architecture is characterized by tall minarets pointed arches, large windows and stained glass painted with Bible stories. And the pointed arch, flying buttress and the long beam-column create a sense of flying. The majestic appearance,the vast space in the church and the long windows with stained glass produce a strong religious atmosphere. The plane of the church is based on the Latin cross, but there is a pair of towers added on both sides of the doors at west.

10 Light The clerestory windows of Catedral del Buen Pastor de San Sebastián.

11 Height The Gothic east end of Cologne Cathedral represents the extreme of verticality. (nave, dating to the 19th century).

12 Vertical emphasis Sainte Chapelle.

13 Majesty Notre Dame de Paris.

14 Pointed Arch Flying Buttress Stained Glass Beam-Column

15 Pointed Arch It is simply known as the Gothic Arch and was reconstructed from cylindrical vault of Roman architecture. There are four stones at the end of the arch supporting the power from the top so that the height and the span of the arch are no longer restricted and the arch can be made as large and high as possible.

16 Flying Buttress Buttress, also known as kongfuduo, is a supporting facility to share the pressure from the main walls. It has been largely used in Roman Architecture. The original buttress was solid and covered by the roof. The buttress with Gothic style is exposed out to be known as flying buttress. Due to the further requirements of the height, the role and appearance of buttress have been greatly enhanced. It is coved with complicated decorates and elaborate carvings.

17 Stained Glass Gothic architecture gradually abolishes the gallery and aisle and increases the size of the window. These windows are high enough, almost to be used as the walls. The stained glass, covered with religious stories which help to illustrate the doctrines to illiterate people is of high artistic achievement. The stained glass creates a mysterious but brilliant scene, which express people’s longing for the kingdom of heaven.

18 Beam-Column Many columns, no longer simple round, come together and emphasize the vertical lines, which makes the whole architecture to form an organic whole with simple lines and grand appearance. Plan of Amiens Cathedral.

19 Basic shapes of Gothic arches and stylistic character

20 Equilateral arch In other words, when the arch is drafted, the radius is exactly the width of the opening and the centre of each arch coincides with the point from which the opposite arch springs The Equilateral Arch gives a wide opening of satisfying proportion useful for doorways, decorative arcades and large windows. Windows in the Chapter House at York Minster show the equilateral arch with typical circular motifs in the tracery.

21 Flamboyant arch The Flamboyant Arch is one that is drafted from four points, the upper part of each main arc turning upwards into a smaller arc and meeting at a sharp, flame-like point. These arches create a rich and lively effect when used for window tracery and surface decoration. Flamboyant tracery at Limoges Cathedral

22 The Depressed or four-centred arch is much wider than its height and gives the visual effect of having been flattened under pressure. Its structure is achieved by drafting two arcs which rise steeply from each springing point on a small radius and then turn into two arches with a wide radius and much lower springing point The depressed arch supported by fan vaulting at King's College Chapel, England.

23 The Regional Differences
French Gothic architecture English Gothic architecture Germany architecture Spanish architecture Italian architecture

24 height impression of verticality two large towers


26 Notre-Dame de Chartres
The first Gothic architecture in the world

27 extreme length internal emphasis upon the horizontal double transepts

28 huge size modular nature their breadth openness

29 Stoned Architecture

30 special complexity tall arcades low clerestories

31 polychrome decoration
few and widely spaced columns simple proportions Fresco

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