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English Society The Early Stuarts Fight with Parliament The Civil War

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Presentation on theme: "English Society The Early Stuarts Fight with Parliament The Civil War"— Presentation transcript:

1 English Society The Early Stuarts Fight with Parliament The Civil War Restoration & Revolution 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 The document, signed by John I, that stated that no one, not even the King, is above the law.

3 What was the Magna Carta?

4 An elderly woman who knew about medicine or lived alone with a cat.

5 What is a Witch

6 Group of Ultra Conservative Protestants who desire simple churches and believe in strict morality.

7 Who were “Puritans”?

8 Name three “Ordeals” that courts would use to prove someone was a witch.

9 1. Ducking Chair 2. Prick moles to see if they bleed or there is pain 3. Throw off a cliff, if they fly they are a witch 4. Throw in a lake, if drown they are a witch 5. any strange animals enter the room while they are torturing the suspect

10 Defeating the Spanish Armada allowed England rule the seas and begin collecting many of these.

11 What is colonies?

12 A king, queen, emperor or empress with unlimited power..

13 What is an absolute monarch?

14 James I, Charles I, Charles II and James II are members of this royal family.

15 What is the Stuarts?

16 The term for the belief that the Stuarts had about their unlimited power which they believed was sanctioned by God.

17 What is “The Divine Rights of Kings”?

18 This is reason why the Scottish upset with Charles I.

19 What is he tried to make them worship in the style of the Church of England?

20 This parliament was dissolved After only being in session for 3
Weeks when they refused to give Charles money to fight the Scot.

21 What is the “Short Parliament”

22 The Royal Court where people had no legal rights
The Royal Court where people had no legal rights. Charles used it to convict, imprison and fine his enemies.

23 What was the Court of Star Chamber?

24 This document created by Parliament would have cut Charles the I’s ability to govern as King. This is also the document Parliament was discussing when Charles attacked.

25 What was the “Grand Remonstrance”?

26 What were the names of the two advisors of Charles’s despised by most of the population and why were they hated?

27 Lord Strafford: found more taxes to raise money for Charles Archbishop Laud: Insisted on decorating churches that the Puritans “simplified”

28 5 ways that Charles I raised money and angered the people of England.

29 What was: 1. forced people to make loans to the Crown 2
What was: 1. forced people to make loans to the Crown 2. mortgaged royal properties 3. collected customs (tonnage/poundage) 4. billeted soldiers 5. sold noble titles 6. raised taxes 7. Eventually sold the crown jewels

30 The charge brought against Walter Prynne for writing satirical plays about the government.

31 What is “seditious libel”?

32 The definition of a “civil war.”

33 What is a war where people within a country fight against each other?

34 The name of the charge against Charles after the Civil War.

35 What is Treason?

36 Whenever they opposed him, Charles did this to Parliament.

37 What is dissolve it?

38 How Oliver Cromwell requested to have his portrait painted.

39 What is “warts and all!”?

40 When Charles supporters left Parliament to fight for him, these two religious groups were left to administer parliament.

41 Who were the Presbyterians and Puritans?

42 Cromwell removed this group from Northern Ireland by kicking them off of their land and replacing them with English Protestants.

43 Who were the Catholics?

44 These laws prohibited sinful activities from occurring in England.

45 What were “The Blue Laws”?

46 The political groups that formed during the civil war and fought against each other. Both were known for their HAWWWT hairstyles

47 Who were the Cavaliers (supported monarchy) and the Roundheads (Parliamentarian Forces)?

48 The term refers to when someone gives something up or renounces it.

49 What is a “abdicate”?

50 After the bloody assizes, the English wanted to get rid of James II
After the bloody assizes, the English wanted to get rid of James II. They did so by putting his sister Mary and William of Orange on the throne in a bloodless rebellion. What was it called?

51 What was the Glorious Revolution?

52 Religion and Monarchs Name the Catholic Monarchs in England during the period we have studied

53 Who was James II (only openly Catholic one, others just Catholic leaning)

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