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Make Predictions from Scatter Plots

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1 Make Predictions from Scatter Plots

2 Focus 7 - Learning Goal #2: The student will construct, interpret and identify patterns of associations for bivariate data displayed in two-way tables and scatterplots. 4 3 2 1 In addition to level 3.0 and beyond what was taught in class, the student may: Make connection with other concepts in math. Make connection with other content areas. The student will construct, interpret and identify patterns of associations for bivariate data displayed in two-way tables and scatterplots. - Write equation of line-of-best-fit. And use it to make predictions. - Calculate relative frequencies and describe their meaning. The student will construct scatterplots and two-way tables from bivariate data. - Draw line-of-best-fit for scatter plot. - Identify patterns of associations. - Able to generally describe relationship of bivariate data displayed in a two-way table. With help from the teacher, the student has partial success with level 2 and 3 elements. Even with help, students have no success with investigating patterns of association with bivariate data.

3 Make Predictions Scatter Plots show a positive trend if y tends to increase as x increases or if y tends to decrease as the x decreases. Scatter Plots show a negative trend if one value tends to increase and the other tends to decrease. A scatter plot shows no trend (correlation) if there is no obvious pattern. If there is a trend, positive or negative, we can use the line of best fit to make predictions. POSITIVE NO CORRELATION NEGATIVE

4 History Vs. Math Here is a scatter plot showing the relationship between students who took a History Test and a Math Test. Is there a relationship between the scores? Describe the relationship.

5 History Vs. Math Since there is a positive correlation with the data, predict what a student who earned a 75% on their history test earned on their math test. What can I draw that will help me make that prediction?

6 History Vs. Math 75% on History Test The line of best fit will help you make a prediction as to what score the student would get on their math test if they earned a 75% on their history test. What score would he get on the math test? About 77%

7 Population of Goldfish & Star fish
The following table shows the population between goldfish and star fish at different aquariums. Goldfish 13 18 19 20 27 16 22 24 32 12 Star Fish 30 25 15 28 10 29 Is there a relationship in this data? What can we draw to see if there is a relationship? Draw a scatter plot 

8 Goldfish & Star Fish Is there a relationship with this data?
What kind of relationship is it? If I have a goldfish population of 15, how many star fish will there be? What can I draw to help me make that prediction?

9 Goldfish & Star Fish Draw a line of best fit.
If I have a goldfish population of 15, how many star fish will there be? There would be about 26 star fish.

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