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Ella Johnston-Leger PDDGER

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Presentation on theme: "Ella Johnston-Leger PDDGER"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ella Johnston-Leger PDDGER
Leading Multiple Generations Presented by Ella Johnston-Leger PDDGER Silents Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Gen Z

2 What years define the generations
Two waves to this generation 1st wave (72-64) 2nd wave (63-54) Silent Generation (91-73) Known as Traditionalists Known as Activists Boomers Generation X (53-37) Known as Survivalists Millennial ? (36-14) Known as the Techies Two waves to this generation 1st wave (36-24) 2nd wave (23-14)

3 The Silents – Described as the generation born too late to be World War II heroes and too soon to immerse themselves in the social activism of the 1960’s. Struggle & Sacrifice Horror and triumph of war Cold War threat yet joyous period When Silents came of age it was actually UNCOOL to be young.

4 Boomers – 1946 - 1964 World War II ends
16 million young men return home All at once they create babies They step into a new industrialized world. Activism is strong BABIES WWII Return home Get married Jump in the Sac 9 months later

5 Gen X – 1965 - 1981 All About Survival Individualist and diverse
Resists any single label Resents attempts to pigeonhole them

6 Millennials – 1982 – 200? Most adult supervised kids in America
Different core values depending on the generation that raised them Optimistic about country's direction Respectful of Authority Focused on Education (multi-task)

7 What are “waves”? Every generation has a first wave (older cohort) and a second wave (younger cohort). Each wave has slightly different traits because they were raised by the parents of two different generations.  Boomer and Millennial’s are the two generations that are impacting the Elks membership the most today!

8 Boomer waves Social Activists Considered the Consciousness movement
1st Wave 2nd Wave Social Activists Considered the Consciousness movement Marched, demonstrated and “had a cause” Born to late for the social movement Many have not felt like Boomers Came of age when the social activism was ending so didn’t engage in the active movement

9 Millennial waves Raised by Boomers Like to be the center of Attention
1st Wave 2nd Wave Raised by Boomers Like to be the center of Attention They have clear goals instilled by their parents Beginning of digital media Raised by Gen X’rs Emerged in Full Blown Digital media Raised by “helicopter parents” Education is a must

10 It is necessary to understand what Parent the Millennial Has!!!!
Boomer Parents They are social advocates, joiners and have inherited the past generations beliefs and work ethics with the exception that they are more vocal and opinionated. Generation X Parents They have a survivor mentality. They were the latch-key kids that grew up with divorced families. They are not joiners or activists. Their work ethic is one that simply provides their needs not their life. They taught their Millennial children the same belief system they were taught. They were allowed to have authority in the household and the digital era was arriving. They teach heir Millennial children that a “family” is diverse. They are VERY active in their children’s lives and decisively directive on the importance of their education. They are teaching their children that they have the Authority to do anything they want.

11 The biggest misunderstanding between the generations is between the Millennials and the Boomers

12 Why is there such a huge CHASM?
When Millennials were growing up kids were the AUTHORITY for the first time in history. Boomers were NOT! The Millennials were exposed from the beginning to the digital era. Boomers were NOT! Millennials know far more than their parents about the digital era. Boomers do NOT! Their exposure to the digital era has made them feel that they are more informed than the generations before them. Boomers do NOT! They were children of “Helicopter Parents”. They were made to feel special from day one. Boomers were NOT!


14 This is exactly how most Boomers BELIEVE Millennials are!

15 And this is how most Millennials BELIEVE Boomers are!

16 Leaders of the Elks should make the Elk environment generationally comfortable.

17 Don’t ignore the generational differences –this MAKES the difference
Keys to help integrate Generations This means taking different steps to solve the issue Identify Issues and resolve them through whatever means that ALL GENERATIONS understand. Resolution Options Listen Generations involved What’s the issue Don’t ignore the generational differences –this MAKES the difference

18 Communication – How Too
Talk about different view points and ways to bridge all points of view. 1 LISTEN as much as talk. 2 Know the generational points of view and address them head on. 3 Talk openly about different points of view. 4

19 A good Leader understands generational differences
Millennial Generation X Boomer Generation Silent Generation

20 If you think that another generation doesn’t understand – You are the one that doesn’t understand

21 Growing Organizations value the differences in people!
In order for the Elks to increase membership our Leaders must look at these differences as strengths. Elk Leaders must respect and learn from yesterday Understands today’s pressures And Believe tomorrow will be different! Elk Leaders are comfortable and encourage solutions to problems from ALL GENERATIONS.

22 What Grows Strong Elks Be direct but generationally friendly
Accommodate member differences Nourish broad thinking Create Choices Respect competence & initiative NOTE: ALL OF THE FIRST SET IS ANIMATED. DELETE THE PAGES YOU WANT AND KEEP THOSE YOU NEED. THE DUPLICATE SLIDES BELOW ARE STATIC SLIDES.

23 Generationally Dysfunctional Organization
An Organization that generational and individual uniqueness is subjugated by a desire to create one culture that requires individuals to FIT IN!

24 A top leadership skill is!!!!!
KNOW the Generational Diversity of your Lodge

Millennials respond well to mentoring! BELIEVE IT Why? They generally grew up with older parents and perhaps an only child. Went to college and understand structure. They EXPECT to be mentored and taught.

26 Where the break down comes in Mentoring
Boomers can be historically BAD mentors. Particularly 1st WAVE boomers!!!!! Boomers are generally more into telling mentality than in directing and coaching. Boomers are generally more into lecturing because they know A LOT!!!! No one learns from a lecturer because there is no space to critically think. Silents can be historically GOOD mentors. Silents are generally more into showing because they know A LOT!!!! People learn from showers because they have room to explore and experiment. Generation X aren’t normally interested in mentoring

27 Millennials are so unsocial!

28 So why do older generations think Millennials are unsocial
Because they see a bunch of kids texting in a coffee shop and they PERCEIVE that they are isolated and cut off by technology. IF you define social as purely face to face communication, then that PERCEPTION is correct. In reality this is not true. The connectivity of Millennials IS the same as interacting with them face to face. The social interaction IS what they have learned and it is their reality. The web to them is a process and a natural communication for them. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

29 Understanding that the definition of social communication is not just face to face is a BIG STEP towards bringing generations together.

30 Telling the younger generation to turn off their electronic devise is like telling them to turn off their brain. Do you really want that? Left to access and retrieve information from their stand point you may find that they come up with some good ideas!

31 Succession Planning to grow Elkdom and membership is our goal
Succession Planning to grow Elkdom and membership is our goal. To make this possible we must understand and teach the next generation to lead.

32 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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