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Amy Bartell Staff Development Specialist E2CCB
Understanding the Common Core Shifts and the K-2 New York Language Arts Program by Core Knowledge® TIME: (2 minutes) Title slide At the end of this section, participants will be able to: Name the 2 strands of the NYLA program Describe why there are two strands and the purpose of each Describe teaching practices that have to shift and what practices from NYLA will replace existing practices SAY: Good morning. I’m XX (name/title/office) and this is XX (name/title/office). We are here this morning to provide you with an overview of how the intents of the Common Core State Standards, the New York State Shifts, and the New York Language Arts program overlap to serve a common purpose for the benefit of early literacy. TRANSITION: First, let me call your attention to the pre- assessment… Amy Bartell Staff Development Specialist E2CCB 1 ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Agenda Overview of CKLA K-2 Curriculum Overview of CKLA K-2 Domains Investigate Lesson Design Identify starting point for planning around the curriculum
I Can… …describe the structure and organization of the NYS CCLS Curriculum. …identify the Shifts in the lesson format for the Listening and Learning Strand. …understand where to begin to prepare with my team for preparing for implementation Time: Trainer’s Notes: Say: Our question to David, the questions I heard you asking each other, and the question that we continued to hear from you was, how will we fit it all in? (David has the floor for a few minutes to set the context). The answer has generally been that it is difficult, in fact impossible, for us to lay out a model schedule, because anything we do will not fit your particular needs. This is still true. And this is still as unsatisfying a response as it was the first time I said it. So, we decided to take a different approach. We did some homework since we last met in November. In that process, we were able to gather schedules from real schools who are implementing CKLA. Further, we reflected on some best practices that are used by schools using CKLA. We want to take some time to look at these schedules, consider the ideas they offer, and help you apply them to your own scheduling concerns or challenges. © 2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. /
Self-directed Learning
Common Core is about creating self-directed learners who use inquiry to drive their learning. Asking you to do the same today… Focus on keeping inquiry in the back of your mind
Norms & Teaching Standards
Language as a Foundation for Reading and Writing
TIME: By the end of this section participants will be able to: describe the sequence of language development; and explain why fostering listening and speaking skills is important to reading and writing. SAY: We mentioned when discussing the Listening and Learning strand that the New York Common Core Learning standards now call attention to listening and speaking in addition to reading and writing. In this section, we will take a closer look at language development to understand why listening and speaking are important foundations for reading and writing. What are the connections between language and reading and writing? ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Becoming a skilled decoder makes one a good reader.
Where do you stand? Becoming a skilled decoder makes one a good reader. TIME: SAY: A common misconception about reading is that becoming a skilled decoder makes one a good reader. But in addition to sounding out and saying the words on the page, readers have to know what the words mean. They have to comprehend what they read. There are many phonics programs on the market that address how to decode words, although the approach may not be as sequential or systematic as the approach used by New York Language Arts. There aren’t, however, programs on the market that address comprehension in the manner intended by the Common Core standards. TRANSITION: The Listening and Learning strand of the New York Language Arts program is unique. Let’s take a look… ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Liben Paper Activity ALL – Page 1 (2 minutes)
Green – Skills Strand – Pg. 2-3 (Time Keepers) Yellow – Listening & Learning – Pg. 4-5 (Recorders) White – GRAIR – Pg. 5-6 (Share out-ers) 3 minutes to read 2 minutes each to share reading 1 reaction
Another Common Misconception
Reading follows a separate growth course that is different from speaking and listening TIME: SAY: We mentioned earlier that a common misconception is that becoming a skilled decoder makes one a good reader. Another common misconception is that the developmental course of reading is separate and different from the developmental course of speaking and listening. In fact, the two are very closely related. TRANSITION: In order to understand this close connection, we need to understand a little bit about language. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
https://www. kansasprojectsuccess
Written Language Uses Richer Vocabulary
Hey, stop by my house later! You are cordially invited… TIME: SAY: There is another key benefit to reading aloud to young children. The language of text is much richer than the language of speech. We use bigger words and more complex sentence structures when we write. For example, an oral invitation may be something like, “Hey, some friends are coming over on Friday, why don’t you stop by?” whereas a written invitation would be more formal with text such as, “You are cordially invited.” TRANSITION: Let’s take a minute to look at the different formalities, or “registers,” of language… Microsoft Images: MC , MC ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Do You Know? At what age is a student able to independently read and understand something as well as s/he is able to understand something that s/he has heard? TIME: SAY: Do you know at what age a student is able to independently read and understand something as well as he or she is able to understand something that he or she has heard? Take a few minutes to discuss this at your table. When you come to consensus on a number, use a marker to write it as large as you can on one sheet of paper. When I call time, someone from each table should hold up their number high, so I can see it. Give participants a minute to discuss, then call time and scan the room. Share the highest and lowest numbers with the group Microsoft Clip Art Image: MC ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Listening versus Reading Comprehension
TIME: SAY: Students’ ability to take information through print doesn’t generally catch up to their ability to do so aurally (or through listening) until about age 13. Meta-analysis by Thomas Sticht shows that listening comprehension outpaces reading comprehension on most measures until the middle school years (Grade 6, 7, 8). Let’s look at this another way…<CLICK> NOTE: This click displays a second image representing the same data with the source referenced. This second image is simply hidden beneath the first. Language comprehension ability takes a lot longer to build up than decoding skills. So, it doesn’t make sense to depend exclusively on a child’s decoding ability to begin to build background knowledge. If we wait until children can read on their own, we have lost CRITICAL time for building background knowledge that will help them to comprehend. We take advantage of this gap through frequent read- alouds. The takeaway message is clear and obvious: we must devote at least as much time during the language arts block to reading aloud to young children as we currently devote to providing children with the skills they will need to decode and encode language. T. G. Sticht, 1974, 1984 ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The “Fourth Grade Slump”
TIME: ASK: How many of you have heard of the 4th grade slump? (ask for a show of hands) SAY: In his book, The Knowledge Deficit , author E. D. Hirsch, Jr. says, “We need to see the reading comprehension problem for what it primarily is — a knowledge problem. There is no way around the need for children to gain broad general knowledge in order to gain broad general proficiency in reading.” The “4th grade slump” a term coined by researcher Jeanne Challe, supports this notion. The slump refers to the trend in which students who appeared to be doing fine suddenly start to struggle. In the early grades, the focus of reading assessment in on evaluating students’ decoding skills. By 4th grade the focus shifts to reading comprehension. At this point, the “knowledge deficit,” which may have previously existed, becomes apparent. Although students may be able to decode the words on the page, they struggle with comprehension of passage meaning. Microsoft Clip Art Image: MC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 2 11 12 Grade Level Actual Growth Desired Growth Reading Achievement ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Identifying the Shifts
Reading to Learn: The 6 Shifts
Balance of Informational and Literary Texts Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-Based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary TIME: SAY: The NYLA program fully equips teachers to address the Common Core Learning Standards, and the 6 shifts that represent the standards. Let’s see a show of hands if you are at least familiar with the fact that there are “6 Shifts” to the Common Core expectations for English Language Arts instruction (take a show of hands) As worded, the “6 Shifts” assume a student’s ability to read. They are in effect aimed at how children learn through reading, or in other words, “reading to learn.” In K - 2, our goal is to teach children how to read, in a manner that provides a solid foundation for the practices these shifts advocate. K - 2 students are not “reading to learn,” rather “learning to read.” This process requires a different, yet related set of shifts that we will also explore today. Microsoft Clip Art Images: MP , MP , MP , MP , MP , MP ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
I. Why Listening and Learning?
Balance of Informational and Literary Texts Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text Based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary Students HEAR read aloud a balance of informational and fictional texts Cross-curricular instruction with domain-specific texts on science, history, & the arts read aloud Read-Aloud text complexity (L&L) Phonemic & syntactic complexity (SKILLS) TIME: SAY: The 6 Common Core Shifts require a slightly different approach for Kindergarten through Grade 2. Because children aren’t yet reading proficiently, the shifts can be addressed using texts that are read-aloud. A deliberate decision has been made to begin the K-2 NYLA rollout with the Listening and Learning Strand. The use of read-alouds offers a unique opportunity for teachers to refine a familiar and current practice, reading aloud to children, in a rich and meaningful way to address the Common Core Shifts. Focusing on one new strand at a time will allow educators an opportunity to build understanding, confidence, and skills without having to take on the entire program at one time. And, the Listening and Learning strand will allow teachers to gain experience with ALL 6 of the Common Core Shifts. Microsoft Image MP , MP , MP , MP , MP , MP , MP Oral conversations around a common text Drawing and dictating, leading to short written works with increasing details. Oral exposure, through Read-Alouds to academic and domain-specific vocabulary PLUS explicit, sequential, phonics instruction that begins orally ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
I. Why Listening and Learning?
Shift 1: Presents informational texts that students aren’t yet able to read. Shift 2: Imparts content knowledge important to comprehension. Shift 3: Allows students to hear increasingly complex vocabulary, syntax and grammar. Shift 4: Provides a vehicle for asking rich, text-based questions. Shift 5: Provides opportunities for oral discussions about the source. Shift 6: Models rich, formal language and vocabulary. Additionally: Models and improves fluent reading. TIME: SAY: Let’s take a closer look at how these shifts will be addressed using read-alouds: Read-alouds: Present informational texts that students aren’t yet able to read Impart content knowledge important to comprehension Allow students to hear increasingly complex vocabulary, syntax and grammar Provide a vehicle for asking rich, text-based questions Provide opportunities for oral discussions about the source precursor to writing Model rich, formal language and vocabulary provide context, why context? Additionally: Research demonstrates that simply hearing fluent reading, can help students improve their own fluency. Read-alouds provide opportunity for teachers to model fluent reading. TRANSITION: Let’s Take a look at the Listening and Learning strand in action. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
“…the background to be better readers.”
“By reading texts in history/social studies, science, and other disciplines, students build a foundation of knowledge in these fields that will also give them the background to be better readers in all content areas. Students can only gain this foundation when the curriculum is intentionally and coherently structured to develop rich content knowledge within and across grades.” TIME: SAY: The New York Common Core Learning Standards are aimed at filling this knowledge deficit. They say, “by reading texts in history/social studies, science, and other disciplines, students build a foundation of knowledge in these fields that will also give them the background to be better readers in all content areas. Students can only gain this foundation when the curriculum is intentionally and coherently structured to develop rich content knowledge within and across grades.” This is that “intellectual DNA” of the standards that is based on the work of E.D. Hirsch and the Core Knowledge Foundation that I alluded during our introduction. TRANSITION: The Listening and Learning strand leverages read- alouds to fill this knowledge deficit. Before we look at the contents and components of the strand, it’s important to understand why read-alouds are so important… ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Comprehensive Reading Program
TIME: SAY: Many of the skills of the New York Language Arts skills strand are addressed in the “Foundations of Reading” section of the New York Common Core Learning Standards. Here’s how the authors of the standards put it: These standards are directed toward fostering students’ understanding and working knowledge of concepts of print, the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions of the English writing system. These foundational skills are not an end in and of themselves; rather, they are necessary and important components of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend texts across a range of types and disciplines. Appendix A of the Common Core Learning Standards provide detail beyond the individual standards themselves, so this will be an important resource for you! These standards are directed toward fostering students’ understanding and working knowledge of concepts of print, the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions of the English writing system. These foundational skills are not an end in and of themselves; rather, they are necessary and important components of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend texts across a range of types and disciplines. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The K - 2 New York Language Arts Program
What is NYLA? The K - 2 New York Language Arts Program
A New Approach to ELA Instruction: Two Keys to Reading
Two CKLA Strands: Additional Strand: Guided Accountable Independent Reading Strand (GAIR) (30 min/day) Listening & Learning Strand (45 min/day) Skills Strand (60 min/day) TIME: SAY: Let’s start with the New York Language Arts general approach to pedagogy. There are Two Essential Keys to Literacy: One without the other is ineffective: students must be able to read or decode the written symbols (letters) AND they must understand and make sense of what they decode. The New York Language Arts program addresses both keys in two separate instructional strands, each of which represent 1 hour of instruction daily. The Skills Strand teaches the mechanics of reading – students are taught systematic and explicit phonics instruction as their primary tool for decoding written English. By the end of grade 2, students have learned all of the letter- sound correspondences in the English language and are able to decode just about any written material they encounter. In addition to phonics, students also are taught spelling, grammar, and writing during the Skills Strand. Remember that full literacy requires not just decoding skills but also knowledge of words, concepts, persons, places, and ideas that writers tend to take for granted and not explain. To achieve reading comprehension, a person needs to be able to decode the words on the page and then make sense of those words. The first task is made possible by decoding skills and the second by language comprehension ability. Thus, the Listening and Learning Strand consists of a series of read-alouds organized by topics/domains, many of which are informational in nature. The goal in L & L is for students to acquire language competence through listening, specifically building a rich vocabulary, as well as acquire specific knowledge in history and science by being exposed to carefully selected, sequenced and coherent read-alouds. Reading comprehension depends crucially on both decoding skills and language comprehension ability; Again each strand of the program represents about one hour of instructional time. Thus, the program is designed to be implemented in a two hour language arts block common to the early grades of school. TRANSITION: Let’s take a high-level look at each of these strands. Throughout the week, we will be taking a deeper dive to learn more about each component. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Language Comprehension
These are taught in the Listening and Learning Strand of Core Knowledge Language Arts: Carefully sequenced oral read-alouds grouped into topically unified domains Read-Alouds include fiction and informational selections Focus on listening comprehension and text-based oral conversation Extension activities that incorporate drawing, dictation, and writing TIME: SAY: The Listening and Learning strand also requires some refinement to teacher practices. The strand is comprised of sets of carefully sequenced read-alouds that stay on topic (or domain) for 2- 3 weeks. As we will learn later this week, there are huge efficiencies for vocabulary development that come from staying on topic. Read-alouds are used, again, with understanding of how language develops, to foster children’s listening and speaking skills. You may have noticed, that the New York Common Core Learning Standards address not just “reading” and “writing,” but quite intentionally, “listening” and “speaking.” Each read-aloud in the series is followed by a collaborative conversation that provides students the opportunity to demonstrate comprehension and use newly developing vocabulary related to the domain knowledge. Each concludes with an extension activity that provides continued opportunities to use new vocabulary, but also opportunities to draw, dictate, and later write. TRANSITION: Let’s take a closer look at each of these strands. Let’s start by looking at Common Core guidance for the skills strand… ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
“Building knowledge systematically…”
TIME: SAY: According to the Common Core Learning Standards, “Building knowledge systematically in English language arts is like giving children various pieces of a puzzle in each grade that, over time, will form one big picture. At a curricular or instructional level, texts—within and across grade levels—need to be selected around topics or themes that systematically develop the knowledge base of students.” This is precisely the point of the New York Language Arts Listening and Learning strand. TRANSITION: Let’s take one more look at how the topics build across grades, then we will look at the contents and components of the Listening and Learning strand… “Building knowledge systematically in English language arts is like giving children various pieces of a puzzle in each grade that, over time, will form one big picture. At a curricular or instructional level, texts—within and across grade levels—need to be selected around topics or themes that systematically develop the knowledge base of students.” ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
A New Approach to ELA Instruction: Two Keys to Reading
Two CKLA Strands: Listening & Learning Strand (45 min/day) TIME: SAY: Let’s start with the New York Language Arts general approach to pedagogy. There are Two Essential Keys to Literacy: One without the other is ineffective: students must be able to read or decode the written symbols (letters) AND they must understand and make sense of what they decode. The New York Language Arts program addresses both keys in two separate instructional strands, each of which represent 1 hour of instruction daily. The Skills Strand teaches the mechanics of reading – students are taught systematic and explicit phonics instruction as their primary tool for decoding written English. By the end of grade 2, students have learned all of the letter- sound correspondences in the English language and are able to decode just about any written material they encounter. In addition to phonics, students also are taught spelling, grammar, and writing during the Skills Strand. Remember that full literacy requires not just decoding skills but also knowledge of words, concepts, persons, places, and ideas that writers tend to take for granted and not explain. To achieve reading comprehension, a person needs to be able to decode the words on the page and then make sense of those words. The first task is made possible by decoding skills and the second by language comprehension ability. Thus, the Listening and Learning Strand consists of a series of read-alouds organized by topics/domains, many of which are informational in nature. The goal in L & L is for students to acquire language competence through listening, specifically building a rich vocabulary, as well as acquire specific knowledge in history and science by being exposed to carefully selected, sequenced and coherent read-alouds. Reading comprehension depends crucially on both decoding skills and language comprehension ability; Again each strand of the program represents about one hour of instructional time. Thus, the program is designed to be implemented in a two hour language arts block common to the early grades of school. TRANSITION: Let’s take a high-level look at each of these strands. Throughout the week, we will be taking a deeper dive to learn more about each component. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Year-long Scope and Sequence
Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Nursery Rhymes and Fables Different Lands, Similar Stories Fighting for a Cause The Human Body: Five Senses Fables and Stories Fairy Tales and Tall Tales Stories The Human Body: Body Systems, Germs, Diseases, and Preventing Illness Cycles in Nature Plants Early World Civilizations Insects Farms Early American Civilizations Ancient Greek Civilizations Kings and Queens Astronomy Greek Myths Seasons and Weather Animals and Habitats Early Asian Civilizations Colonial Towns and Townspeople Fairy Tales Charlotte’s Web I & II Taking Care of the Earth History of the Earth Immigration TIME: SAY: Here are some of the intentional connections created as the domain units build upon one another within and across grades. For instance, the Grade 1 domain unit on Body Systems, Germs, and Diseases builds on the Kindergarten domain unit on the Five Senses. It also provides a foundation for a Grade 2 unit on cycles in nature. Likewise, the Grade 1 domain unit about Animals and their Habitats and the Grade 2 domain unit about insects both provide pertinent connections and prior knowledge that will be leveraged in the Charlottes Web units. Let’s take a look at how these domain units are constructed. Again, reference handout 2-Recommended-Domain-Sequence during this slide. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Overview of Listening and Learning Materials
Teacher Anthology Large Flip Books CD (coming soon) Image Cards TIME: SAY: The components of the Listening and Learning strand include: The Teacher Anthology (a teacher guide that contains the read-alouds) A Flip Book that contains the images And a student workbook Student Activities (in Anthology) ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Activity – Domain Organizer
Components of a Domain Unit
Each Domain Unit: (examine Table of Contents) stays on topic for 2 – 3 weeks. includes a different Read-Aloud about the domain topic each day. builds upon the language and concepts presented in prior domains. includes Read-Aloud texts that increase in complexity as the unit progresses. includes Pausing Points & Assessments DOMAIN EXAMPLE on EngageNY TIME: SAY: Each unit: stays on topic for 2 – 3 weeks includes a different read-aloud about the domain topic each day builds upon the language and concepts presented in prior domains Includes read-aloud texts that increase in complexity as the unit progresses ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Take the Grand Domain Tour!
Table of Contents Domain Overview Objectives Standards Vocabulary Pausing Points
Examine the Lesson Layout
Lesson Overview Vocabulary Materials Lesson A (Teacher Lead) – (note materials needed) Lesson B (Extensions) Printable Worksheets Domain Assessments
Listening and Learning Lessons
LESSON A: The Read-Aloud (35/40 minutes) Introducing the Read-Aloud (10 min) - Vocabulary cards Presenting the Read-Aloud (10/15 min) - Flip Book Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 min) - Comprehension Questions (10 min) - Word Work (5 min) LESSON B: Extension Activities (15/20 min) These can be conducted later during the same day. - Image Cards TIME: SAY: Each lesson includes a read-aloud, structured as follows: A 10 minute introduction A minute read aloud on the domain topic A 15 minute discussion that incudes comprehension questions and a little bit of explicit vocabulary instruction. While most vocabulary is learned implicitly – through exposure, explicit vocabulary instruction will especially help ELLs Each unit also includes a related extension activity. This does not need to be completed during the same time block as the read aloud, but it is an important component of the New York Language Arts program, allowing students to demonstrate (and teachers to assess) the knowledge and vocabulary they gain through the unit. Some teachers have conducted the extension activities during science class (for science related domains) or during social studies class (for history related domains) ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Overview of Assessments
Individual student performance can be assessed by observation of student responses during classroom activities and/or completion of workbook pages. Opportunities for such assessment are noted in both the Skills and Listening and Learning Teacher Guides with a . A score of 10 indicates excellent performance and a 0 indicates very poor performance. Tens Scores can be recorded on a chart like the one below. It’s easy to see which students need extra help. TIME: SAY: Like the skills strand, the Listening and Learning strand includes assessment opportunities marked by the star- shaped “tens” icon. Again, these assessments, scored on a ten-point scale provide efficient indication of how students are progressing. ASK: Are there any questions about the program overview? Remember, we will be diving in deeper as we go through the week. At this point, it is important that you recognize that there are two strands to the program and the purpose of each strand. (respond to questions that arise) TRANSITION: Let’s take a quick look at how we know this program works… ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Turn to Your Partner Share with your partner:
What do you understand so far about NYLA? What most resonates with you? TIME: SAY: Turn to a partner and talk about what you understand so far about NYLA Also, discuss what resonates with you. Have a few participants share if they want to share. TRANSITION: Before we take questions, and consider instructional implications of this 2-strand method of ELA instruction, Let’s spend a minute listening to some of the teachers, administrators and students who piloted the CKLA program. Microsoft Image MP ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Planning your Pathway
What is your plan??? Talk at with your team to identify next steps:
What Domain do you plan to attempt? What do you need more information on? How do you intend to use your professional planning and collaborative time to accomplish this? What supports do you need?
Core Knowledge Skills Domain
Speaking & Listening as a Foundation for Reading & Writing
Speaking and Listening Standards K–5 Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Language Standards K–5 Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use TIME: SAY: The New York Common Core Learning Standards acknowledge language as a critical component of English Language Arts instruction with the inclusion of several strands of standards. Speaking and Listening standards address language comprehension, collaborative conversation, and oral (spoken) expression of ideas. Language standards address conventions of the English language, knowledge of language, and vocabulary acquisition and uses. ASK: What are some things you should see in the K–2 classroom to support these standards? Give participants a few minutes to chat, then ask for some to share their thoughts. Share the following if they aren’t expressed: Read-alouds to expose children to rich language Questions to ensure comprehension Group conversations and opportunities for students to express themselves and their ideas through speaking Opportunities for students to use new vocabulary orally Speaking complete sentences with correct grammar and syntax ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Decoding Skills These are taught in the Skills Strand of Core Knowledge Language Arts: Focus on systematic, explicit instruction in synthetic phonics Sound to letter instruction Reading and writing taught in tandem, as inverse procedures Repeated oral reading of 100% decodable text to build fluency TIME: SAY: As I said, the Skills strand is aimed at teaching children to decode the words on the page. The approach of New York Language Arts leverages the structure of language to do this. So, as the day continues, we will spend more time on language development and the Listening and Learning Strand. We will address the Skills strand on Day 4, but I want you to have a general overview of the strand now. The skills strand provides explicit and intentionally sequenced instruction in phonics. Please Note: This approach may be quite different from the current practices of many teachers who address phonics randomly, as opportunities arise, or not at all. Another key difference in the program is that sounds are taught before letters that represent them. The program teaches sound to letter correspondences, rather than letter to sound correspondences. ASK: Why do you think this might be? Turn and talk at your table for a minute about why this might be. Give participants 2 minutes to talk. Then take a few responses. There are several reasons to begin with sounds first. Some of these are related to how language develops – and we will look at language development shortly. But another key reason is that when children decode words, they are using the sounds of the letters, not the names of the letters. The skills strand also teaches reading and writing in tandem, as inverse procedures. Finally, a really unique aspect of the program is that decodable readers are comprised of words that only contain phoneme, or sounds, that children have been explicitly taught. They are 100% decodable. Please Note: This is another aspect of the program that may require refinement on the part of teachers. Leveled readers, which are widely used, do not take into account what children have been explicitly taught. As children learn to read, it is helpful that they be given opportunities to practice what they are and have learned, rather than struggling to practice what they might not yet taught. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Overview of a Skills Unit
Units are built around the structure of language: Vowel and Consonant Sounds Vowel and Consonant Spellings Blending and Segmenting Sounds and Spellings Basic Code Advanced Code Alternative Spellings Tricky Spellings TIME: SAY: Each Skills unit focuses on a key element of the structure of language. The foundation for each unit comes from one of the following areas: Vowel and Consonant Sounds Vowel and Consonant Spellings – Remember, many sounds can be spelled multiple ways. These lessons focus on the most common spelling of targeted sounds. For instance the most common spelling for /f/ as in “fish” is the letter f. Blending and Segmenting Sounds and Spellings Basic code Spellings – These are the most common, or the least ambiguous, spelling for a sound Advanced Code -The advanced code consists of all the other spelling alternatives (100+) beyond the basic code. Alternative Spellings – these are alternative spelling for sounds. An alternate spelling for the /f/ sound is p-h as in “pharmacy” Tricky Spellings are spellings that are contrary to the sound spellings we have learned. For instance… Each unit lasts from X – X, and focuses in on one of these things at a time (true). ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Overview of Skills Materials
Teacher Guides Student Workbooks TIME: SAY: The skills units are comprised of several components. Each unit has its own set of these components. There is a teacher guide that includes the actual lessons. There is a student workbook, referenced in the teacher guide, to provide practice opportunities. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Overview of Skills Materials
Student Decodable Readers Chaining Boards TIME: SAY: Each unit also includes student decodable readers that focus on the sounds and spellings of the current unit and only includes words comprised of sounds and spellings that have already been addressed. The chaining board (one per student) is incorporated when students begin to blend and segment or spell words. The same chaining board can be used for each unit that requires it. ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
100% Decodable TIME: SAY: If you look at the Code Load sample page, you will see the back cover of one of our second grade decodable readers. Let’s take a look for a minute This cover, included on all of our readers documents exactly which sounds and spellings have been taught and which will be created in the current unit. The systematic nature of the program allows us to create readers based only on what has been taught. HANDOUT: 1-Sample-Back-Cover-of-Skills-Strand-Reader-Gr2 ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Overview of Assessments
Individual student performance can be assessed by observation of student responses during classroom activities and/ or completion of workbook pages. Opportunities for such assessment are noted in both the Skills and Listening and Learning Teacher Guides with a A score of 10 indicates excellent performance and a 0 indicates very poor performance. Tens Scores can be recorded on a chart like the one below. It’s easy to see which students need extra help. TIME: SAY: Finally, a “tens” icon appears throughout each unit indicating assessment opportunities Each assessment is scored on a 10-point scale making it easy to eye-ball a students scores over time and tell how they are doing TRANSITION: Let’s take a look at the Core Knowledge Language Arts skills strand in action! ©2012 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
THANK YOU!! Please complete your workshop reflection
Amy Bartell
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