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Plant Diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Diversity

2 What Is A Plant? Multicellular eukaryotes Cell walls with cellulose
Photosynthesis using green pigments chlorophyll a and b Autotrophs Some are parasites or saprobes

3 What Plants Need To Survive
Sunlight Water and minerals Gas exchange Movement of water and nutrients

4 Early Plants For most of Earth’s history plants did not exist
Origins in the water Green algae: the first plants evolved from an organism much like the multicellular green algae living today Depended on water to complete their life cycles

5 The First Plants Life on land favored the evolution of plants:
More resistant to the drying rays of the sun More capable at conserving water More capable of reproducing on dry land

6 The First Plants Like today’s mosses Gave rise to the plants of today!
Non-vascular Plants Seedless Vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Four groups based on: Water-conducting tissues Seeds Flowers Today scientists can classify plants more precisely by comparing DNA sequences of various species

7 The Plant Life Cycle: Alternation of Generations
Haploid gametophyte (N): gamete-producing phase of an organism Diploid sporophyte (2N): spore-producing phase of an organism


9 Green Algae First plants Mostly aquatic
Fresh and salt water, some moist areas on land Absorb water and nutrients from surroundings Life Cycle: switch between haploid and diploid No specialized cells

10 Bryophytes Mosses, liverworts, hornworts Depend on water
Sperm swim through water to reach eggs of other plants No vascular tissue Can draw up water by osmosis only a few cm above the ground

11 Mosses The most common bryophytes
Well adapted to wet habitats and nutrient-poor soils Gametophyte dominant Reproduce  produce thin stalks with sporophyte Rhizoids: long, thin cells that anchor them in the ground and absorb water and minerals from the surrounding soil No true roots

12 Life Cycle of A Moss Archegonia: produces eggs
Antheridia: produces sperm Sperm of the bryophyte must swim to an egg for fertilization to occur A diploid zygote results from fertilization Sporophyte: the zygote Grows out of the gametophyte and depends on it for water and nutrients When ready, haploid spores are released to start the cycle again


14 Vascular Plants: Tracheophytes
Vascular tissue: a type of tissue that is specialized to conduct water and nutrients through the body of the plant Tracheid: hollow plant cell in xylem tissue with thick cell walls that resist pressure One of the great evolutionary innovations of the plant kingdom!

15 Vascular Plants Xylem and Phloem: Allow vascular plants to:
move fluids throughout the plant body even against the force of gravity Allow vascular plants to: grow upright reach great heights

16 Structure of Vascular Tissue
Xylem: vascular tissue that carries water upward from the roots to every part of the plant Phloem: vascular tissue responsible for the transport of nutrients & carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis

17 Vascular Plants Roots: absorb water and minerals
Leaves: photosynthetic organisms that contain one or more bundles of vascular tissue Stems: supporting structures that connect roots and leaves, carrying water and nutrients between them


19 Seedless Vascular Plants
Club mosses, horsetails, and ferns Ferns have survived Earth’s long history in numbers greater than any other group of spore-bearing vascular plants More than 11,000 species live today Strong roots Rhizomes: creeping or underground stems Fronds: large leaves Can thrive in areas with little light Most abundant in wet or seasonably wet habitats

20 Life Cycle of Ferns Sporophyte = Dominant
Produce haploid spores on the underside of their fronds in sporangia Spores are released Spores germinate into haploid gametophytes Diploid zygote is produced from fertilization Sporophyte grows and the gametophyte withers away


22 Seed Plants Seeds include: Seed plants are divided into two groups:
Acorns, pine nuts, dandelion seeds, kernels of corn, etc. Seed plants are divided into two groups: Gymnosperms Angiosperms

23 Seed Plants Reproduction free from water Can live just about anywhere
Adaptations to reproduce without water: Flowers or cones Transfer of sperm by pollination Protection of embryos in seeds

24 Cones and Flowers Gametophyte of seed plants grow and mature within sporophyte structures called cones (gymnosperms) and flowers (angiosperms)

25 Pollen Pollen Grain: male gametophyte is contained in a tiny structure
The wind, insects, birds and small mammals may carries pollen grains Pollination: the transfer of the pollen grain to the female gametophyte

26 Evolution of Seed Plants
The seed was very important evolutionarily Seed: embryo of a plant encased in a protective covering and surrounded by a food supply Mosses and ferns underwent major adaptive radiation mya Land environments were much wetter than they are today As the land became drier, it became harder for seedless plants to survive Fossils of seed-bearing plants exist from almost 360 mya The original seed plants resembled ferns


28 Gymnosperms…Cone Bearers
The most ancient surviving seed plants Include cycads, ginkgoes, and conifers “Naked Seed”: these plants all reproduce with seeds that are exposed

29 Conifers The most common gymnosperms with more than 500 known species
Pines, spruces, firs, cedars, sequoias, redwoods, yews Some, like the bristlecone pine tree, can live for more than 4000 years Others, such as the giant redwood, can grow to more than 100 meters in height

30 Ecology of Conifers Thrive in a wide variety of habitats: on mountains, in sandy soil, and in cool, moist areas Leaves have adaptations to dry conditions The leaves are long and thin, like pine needles This shape reduces the surface area from which water can be lost Waxy layer also prevents water loss Most are evergreens: they retain their leaves through the year

31 Cones Pollen Cones (male cones): produce pollen
Seed Cones (female cones): produce female gametophytes in two ovules The complete life cycle takes 2 years to complete The direct transfer of pollen to the female cone allows fertilization to take place without the need for gametes to swim through standing water


33 Angiosperms…Flowering Plants
Flowering plants first arrived about 135 mya Originated on land and became the dominant plant life on Earth The majority of living plant species reproduce with flowers

34 Flowers: An Evolutionary Advantage
Attract animals which transport pollen from flower to flower More efficient than wind pollination of most gymnosperms Flowers contain ovaries, which surround and protect the seeds

35 Angiosperms…”Enclosed Seeds”
After pollination, the ovary develops into a fruit, which protects the seed and aids in its dispersal Fruit: thick wall of tissue surrounding the seed Adds to the success of angiosperms

36 Monocots and Dicots Monocots Dicots
Angiosperm whose seeds have one cotyledon Parallel veins Floral parts often in multiples of 3 Stem vascular bundles are scattered Fibrous root Angiosperm whose seeds have two cotyledons Branched veins Floral parts often in multiples of 4-5 Stem vascular bundles are arranged in a ring Taproot

37 Comparing Monocots and Dicots

38 Woody Plants Woody plants are made primarily of cells with thick cell walls that support the plant body Trees All types! Shrubs Blueberries, rhododendrons, roses Vines Grapes and ivy

39 Herbaceous Plants Smooth and non-woody plants that do not produce wood as they grow Dandelions, zinnias, petunias, sunflowers

40 Growing Season Annuals: Flowering plants that complete a life cycle within one growing season Garden plants, marigolds, petunias, pansies, zinnias, wheat and cucumbers too! Biennials: Flowering plants that complete a life cycle in two years Primrose, parsley, celery, foxglove Perennials: Flowering plants that live for more than two years Peonies, asparagus, grasses: herbaceous perennials Palm trees, sagebrush, maple trees, honeysuckle: woody perennials

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