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Tuscan tourism businesses, innovation and sustainable developement

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1 Tuscan tourism businesses, innovation and sustainable developement

2 The main business associations in Tuscany
over 75% of tourism tuscan businesses are associated

3 Developement of accomodation in Tuscany
Fonte: Turismo & Toscana – la congiuntura 2009 – IRPET Giugno 2010

4 Contribution (in %) to regional GDP of the hotel and restaurant sector – year 2007

5 Contribution of the tourism sector to employment in Tuscany
In Tuscany, in 2009, more than 6 employees out of 100 were employed by the tourism sector; more than the European (4 out of 100) and national (5 out of 100) average. In absolute terms, this corresponds to approximately 99,000 employees. Employment in the tourism sector - Source: ISTAT research In the last five years ( ) approximately 82,000 jobs were created in Tuscany, and one/third of these (26,000) was generated by the tourist sector. Contribution to employment growth % Variations Source: ISTAT research

6 The role of business associations for competitiveness
Sustaining tourism SMEs in the construction of networks for the enhancement of tourist destinations Sustaining tourism SMEs to continuously improve the quality of services Sustaining tourism SMEs to improve collaboration with local public authorities

7 The role of business associations within NECSTouR
Experts nominated by the sector’s trade associations participate in the steering committees of the OTDs (tourist destinations implementing the NECSTouR model) SMEs capacity building and active promotion of the birth of innovation-oriented tourist enterprises clusters in the tourist destinations

8 The priorities for next year's work
Start the regional Control room, with public authorities and business associations, to define the government's strategy of innovation, sustainable development and promotion of Tuscany tourist offer Start concrete collaboration between business associations and the OTD (observers tourist destination) Provide technical assistance to touristic companies wishing to use the Tuscan tourist portal services

9 Two deal with emergencies
We can no longer postpone the solution of the bathing industry problems: a) State fees b) Closing EU infringement c) Certain standards for the renewal of state concessions d) Clear criteria for the public notice e) Clear criteria for determining compensation few days ago we presented our proposals to the Minister Fitto, to address and solve these problems

10 Two deal with emergencies
2) It is essential to maintain the professionalism and knowledge of tourist guides in relation to identity and territorial enormous wealth of cultural heritage of our region

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