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The Semester is almost over! Its time for you to take a well deserved break and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones! But before you go….

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Presentation on theme: "The Semester is almost over! Its time for you to take a well deserved break and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones! But before you go…."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Semester is almost over! Its time for you to take a well deserved break and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones! But before you go….

2 Good Luck on Finals! Quick tips: Take healthy snack breaks Alternate study spots Take a break & clear your mind Visit a Residential Tutoring Center Visit your professors office hours Exercise/take a walk Schedule in sleep BREATHE….youll be fine!!

3 24-Hour Quiet 24-Hour Quiet hours start Friday, December 6 th (last day of classes) at 4pm and last through the closing of the residence halls. Please be advised that any violation of the quiet hours will result in a one time only warning with documentation. If a second violation occurs, you may be asked to vacate the residence halls for the remainder of the semester.

4 Attend your Hall Meeting ***Every resident must attend at least one closing meeting. Please ask your RA for meeting dates & times.

5 Residents must vacate the building 24 hours after their last final or when the residence halls close –whichever comes first! Residence halls close Wednesday, December 18 th at 10pm Please speak to your RA and tell him/her when you plan on leaving for winter break.

6 Coming Back Next Semester? If you are planning to return to the same room for the Spring semester, you DO NOT have to take all of your belongings with you and you DO NOT have to hand in your key! Although not required, it is a good idea to take your valuables (i.e. laptops) with you when you leave for break.

7 Health and Safety Inspections will be completed during the break! Dont forget to empty all refrigerators so you dont return with unwanted guests or mold! Also, please remember to close & lock all windows when you leave.

8 Checking Out? If you are not returning to campus housing next semester, then its time for you to check out! Before you check-out: Make sure you have packed all your belongings and removed everything from you room, including trash and unwanted items. Speak to your RA and tell him/her that you are checking out. Youre room needs to be in the same condition as it was when you moved in. Be sure to check-out properly to avoid incurring improper check-out charges or damage billing. *An RA is available from noon in the College Office starting on Saturday, December 14 th to assist you if you wish to sign out. Please all your College Office for assistance in signing out.

9 Express Check-Out is Available (*This only applies to those students who are leaving on-campus housing.) In place of going through a standard check-out with an RA, you can go through Express Check-Out. Heres how: 1.) Sign-off on the Express Check-Out form 2.) Place the form and key(s) in the Express Check Out box located outside each Quad and College Office upon checking out. *Please read the Express Check-Out form located outside each college office for more details.

10 Thinking About Spring? Returning Students may check into their rooms starting: Sunday, January 26 th 2014 @ 10am Please schedule your travel plans accordingly.

11 Interested in changing your room? Residents interested in changing rooms for the Spring semester must complete a Mid-Year Room Change Request ONLINE on the Campus Residences homepage by December 13 th 2013. *Mid Year room changes are not guaranteed. If your request for a room change is approved, you will be notified via email by Friday, January 3 rd. If you accept the space offered, you must return to campus by Friday, January 10 th to complete the physical move to the new assignment. (Alternatively, you may take all of your belongings home with you in anticipation of changing rooms and may move to the new space upon your return on 1/26/14.) Campus Residences Website:

12 Congratulations Graduates! Residents graduating in December may remain in the Residence Halls until 5pm on Thursday, December 19 th.

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