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AP Psych Survey results

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1 AP Psych Survey results
The Results Show AP Psych Survey results

2 Survey Results Students overwhelmingly believe Abe Lincoln would win a fight against George Washington; also, they report they’d rather be attacked by a big bear than a swarm of bees. Upperclassmen use social media twice as much as underclassmen. Teacher’s favorite superhero: Batman! POW! SHAZAM! Seniors report doing their homework half the time while freshmen overwhelmingly report always doing their assigned homework. Students’ favorite class does not necessarily mean higher performance in that class. 7% of CHS students listen to classical music regularly. Female teachers report a stronger desire to teach underclassmen while male teachers tend to desire to teach upperclassmen. Male juniors spend more time outdoors and less time playing video games than sophomores.

3 Survey Results 30% of teachers report creating art to relieve stress; 17% watch TV. No correlation exists between self-identified social group and music preference. Overall happiness and quality of relationships both positively correlate with number of acquaintances. Male seniors report noticing looks first, then other traits, by a 2:1 margin. Male freshmen are opposite. 90% of teachers say that what they are teaching is vital to students’ futures; 37% of students agree. Teachers of standard classes spend the most time per day grading; AP teachers, the least. Girls report cheating more than guys (only slightly though). Teachers prefer glasses (61%) to contacts (39%); 70% of faculty require corrected vision.

4 Survey Results The group of teachers who use social media the most are females with kids. Juniors and seniors report distractions while driving in the following order: 1) phone; 2) loud music; 3) friends in the car. 56% of students prefer an earlier start/finish to the school day; top reason – more study time. 2/3 of our students have politics aligned with their parents. Boys and girls are equally good at math, when measured by grade earned. Teachers who grew up with misbehaving siblings are more likely to desire teaching older students. Social media preferences: Students – 1) 40% Instagram; 2) 30% Twitter; 3) 20% Other; 4) 10% Facebook Teachers – 1) 74% Facebook; 2) 26% Other; 3) 0% Twitter; 4) 0% Instagram Only 25% of CHS staff prefers school uniforms for students, but 60% say it would be less distracting. In another study, 60% of teachers say they prefer uniforms. ???

5 Survey Results Among seniors, a slight positive correlation was found between money spent on entertainment and self-confidence. Playing an instrument has no correlation with GPA, nor does the number of instruments played. (Interesting note: 2/3 of our musicians play more than one instrument.) 69% of seniors still hang out with at least one friend from middle school. 92% of teachers took the course they currently teach while in high school or college. 36% of seniors said the University of Florida was their first college choice. Among AP students, 60% said UF was their first choice. 67% of teachers say girls work hardest; 30% say each gender works equally hard. 86% of teachers did not plan to teach right out of college. 10% of freshmen use the spacing effect regularly. 36% never use it. 30% of seniors identified country music as their preference; 45% of seniors listen to 1-2 hours of music per day.

6 Survey Results The number of colleges applied to does not correlate with GPA, but it does correlate with socio-economic class. 85% of teachers plan to teach until retirement, even if teaching wasn’t “plan A.” 20% of teachers think PDA is not handled well at CHS. 40% say it is. An overwhelming majority of teachers prefer traditional over virtual textbooks. Upperclassmen are allowed to go to the bathroom during class with greater freedom than underclassmen. Upperclassmen are more likely to take academic electives. (However, more are available to upperclassmen.) The most popular age for a first kiss is 13. One-third of our students report not having their first kiss yet. Students who listen to rap music report the greatest impact of music on improving mood.

7 Survey Results Girls’ varsity soccer reports an average of 6.7 hours of sleep per night. The most highly optimistic sophomores tend to sleep in the middle of the bed. (So, the “right” side of the bed is NEITHER – the middle is best!) A slight positive correlation was found between GPA and involvement in an extracurricular activity. GPA is highest among students who listen to country, pop, and alternative. The more rigorous the class the less likely a student is to believe copying homework is unethical. Juniors and Seniors report wanting to leave campus for lunch, but do not want an extra 30 minutes added to the school day in order to accommodate a longer lunch.

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