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Big Data, Big Responsibility

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Presentation on theme: "Big Data, Big Responsibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Data, Big Responsibility
Joshua Vinge and Walter Wong

2 What is big data? Definition: “An accumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools” (Merriam-Webster) In summary, a collection of everything! Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Reddit posts

3 What are companies doing?
Trying to be your friend? Trying to encourage you express yourself? Trying to market you products?



6 How can this be? Companies don’t have to steal from you when you openly hand them your info. Commonly seen as “Silent” ToS or Privacy Policies Browsing Cookies Volunteering information without thinking about it!

7 Does this affect me too? Certainly.
It’s very hard to hide on the internet unless you’re doing it purposely. Even services created to help protect you won’t work unless you use them properly and carefully, with privacy in mind.

8 Who wants your data the most?
Companies that offer free services Companies that allow you to link accounts together Advertisers

9 Why do companies want my data?
Prediction (marketing) Profit (selling your data) It’s easy to collect, and high in value

10 Why should I care?

11 Questions?

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