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The Creation of the Heavens

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1 The Creation of the Heavens
The Sistine Chapel’s Ceiling, Michelangelo (1508 – 1512) The Creation of the Heavens

2 The Sistine Chapel Details
Creation of Man

3 Joe Gallo in the New York Daily News, 2004
A Modern “Adaptation” Joe Gallo in the New York Daily News, 2004

4 The Sistine Chapel Details
The Fall from Grace

5 The Sistine Chapel Details
The Last Judgment

6 Portrait of the Artist with a Friend, 1518
Raphael Sanzio ( ) Paintings blended Christian & classical styles. School of Athens – an imaginary gathering of great thinkers & scientists, such as Plato, Aristotle. Portrait of the Artist with a Friend, 1518 Self-Portrait, 1506

7 Baldassare Castiglione by Raphael, 1514-1515
Castiglione represented the humanist “gentleman” as a man of refinement and self-control.

8 Betrothal of the Virgin
Perspective! Betrothal of the Virgin Raphael 1504

9 Raphael’s Canagiani Madonna, 1507

10 Raphael’s Madonnas (1) Sistine Madonna Cowpepper Madonna

11 Raphael’s Madonnas (2) Madonna della Sedia Alba Madonna

12 The School of Athens – Raphael, 1510 -11
Da Vinci Raphael Michelangelo

13 The School of Athens – Raphael, details
Plato: looks to the heavens [or the IDEAL realm]. Aristotle: looks to this earth [the here and now].

14 Averroes Zoroaster Hypatia Ptolemy Euclid Pythagoras

15 The School of Athens – Raphael, 1510 -11
One point perspective. All of the important Greek philosophers & thinkers are included  all of the great personalities of the Seven Liberal Arts! A great variety of poses. Located in the papal apartments library. Raphael worked on this commission simultaneously as Michelangelo was doing the Sistine Chapel. No Christian themes here.

16 The Liberation of St. Peter by Raphael, 1514

17 Portrait of Pope Julius II by Raphael, 1511-1512
More concerned with politics than with theology. The “Warrior Pope.” Great patron of Renaissance artists, especially Raphael & Michelangelo. Died in 1513

18 Pope Leo X with Cardinal Giulio de Medici & Luigi De Rossi by Raphael, 1518-1519
A Medici Pope. He went through the Vatican treasury in a year! His extravagances offended even some cardinals [as well as Martin Luther!]. Started selling indulgences.

19 Architecture Duomo (1296-1436)
Rejected the Gothic style of the late middle ages as cluttered & disorderly. Instead adopted the columns, arches, & domes that had been favored by the Greeks & Romans. Filippo Brunelleschi ( (68) Duomo ( )

20 Filippo Brunelleschi Commissioned to build the cathedral dome by Cosimo Medici. Used unique architectural concepts. He studied the ancient Pantheon in Rome. Used ribs for support.

21 Other Famous Domes Comparing Domes
Il Duomo (Florence) St. Peter’s (Rome) St. Paul’s (London) US capital (D.C.)

22 A Contest to Decorate the Cathedral: Sacrifice of Isaac Panels
Brunelleschi Ghiberti

23 Ghiberti – Gates of Paradise Baptistry Door, Florence – 1425 - 1452
The Winner!

24 The Ideal City Piero della Francesca, 1470

25 Birth of Venus – Botticelli, 1485 An attempt to depict perfect beauty.

26 Primavera – Botticelli, 1482
Depicted classical gods as almost naked and life-size.

27 Venice During the Renaissance

28 Venus of Urbino – Titian, 1558

29 Writers Literature of how-to books sprang up to help ambitious people rise. Book of Courtier – describes the manners, skills, learning & virtues that a member of the court should have. He wrote Ideal man is athletic but not overactive, knows literature & history, but is not arrogant. Woman is graceful & beautiful, sign of inner goodness. Book of Courtier

30 Machiavelli’s Prince 1513 Offered a guide to rulers of how to gain & maintain power. Looked at real rulers, such as the Medicis. Stressed that the end justifies the means. Getting results was more important than keeping promises. Marchiavellian refers to deceit in politics. About the nature of gov’t & use of power. Q: Do you think the ends justify the means?

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