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Published byしおり ふじつぐ Modified over 6 years ago
Spring PAC Meeting 2018 We Are Prior Lake! 1/18/2018
Activities Department
Russ Reetz, Director Beth Fuller, Assistant Director Jane Jolitz, Assistant Nancy Theis, Assistant Spring PAC Meeting 2018
My Purpose Spring PAC Meeting 2018
I lead to connect students with meaningful adults that foster love, appreciation, kindness, empathy and respect for self & others. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
What we are… Spring PAC Meeting 2018
We are an Education based co-curricular program We are an Extension of the classroom We emphasize growth & improvement We reward effort not just winning We give permission to fail We focus first on human beings and second on human doings Spring PAC Meeting 2018
What we are not… Spring PAC Meeting 2018
of high school athletes will play beyond high school at any level!
Goal vs Purpose Winning is the goal; its not our purpose Our purpose is teaching life lessons through sport Spring PAC Meeting 2018 Less than 3% of high school athletes will play beyond high school at any level!
Will have a terminal experience
97% Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Star Qualities Spring PAC Meeting 2018 • Self-confidence • Risk-taking
• Self-motivated • Responsible • Self-disciplined • Flexible • Working with Others • Courage • Committed • Focused • Persistent • Grit Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Student Responsibilities
Student agrees to obey the laws of nation, state, community, and school. Violations result in period of ineligibility which follows MSHSL guidelines. Common violations - Theft./Vandalism - Academic cheating/copying of work - Fighting/Insubordination Online Social Sites: Twitter, AskFM, Instagram, Tumblr Students are held accountable for the images posted Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Athlete Accountability
Accountability to SELF. Accountability to your TEAM. Accountability to your PARENTS. Accountability to your EDUCATION. Accountability to your SCHOOL. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Chain of Communication
Student Athlete to Coach Parent to Athlete. Parent & Athlete to Coach Parent & Athlete to Head coach Parent & Athlete to AD Parent to Building Principal Let’s all focus on the wellbeing of the student/athlete and the good of the team. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Spring PAC Meeting 2018 General Eligibility
Record of physical exam which is good for 3 years. Completion of online MSHSL eligibility/Registration forms. (Fee Pay) Payment of Athletic Fee No refunds after first two weeks of the season unless injury prohibits student from completing the season. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Attendance Spring PAC Meeting 2018
In school all day, unless pre-excused by parent(s), in order to practice or play that evening. Pre-excused absences- doctor, dentist, funeral, college visit. Please notify Activities and Attendance Offices in advance ( please) No sleeping in the morning after a game/event! Too sick to come to school= too sick to play! Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Academic Eligibility Spring PAC Meeting 2018
*Coaches have access to each players grades and attendance. *Failure at a marking period results in academic probation. (Mid-Term and every 2 weeks after) April 9th is the Quarter 3 grade check (Those who have an F at quarter are placed on probation. Formal grade checks take place May 2nd, May 16, May 30 * If student is not back on track after two weeks will be ineligible until passing all classes. *Student meets with teacher to develop a plan and timeline to address the “F” *Weekly progress from teacher Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Transportation Spring PAC Meeting 2018
We provide Transportation to & from most events Athletes are required to ride the bus to events Coaches will discuss process for riding home from an event with a parent You may not ride home from an event with anyone other than your parent with prior approval from the activities office. Students may not drive to/from an event without prior approval from the parent, activities and coach Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Chemical Eligibility Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Student shall not use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell, or give away tobacco, alcohol, other controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia. Applies to 12 months a year. Applies continuously from the first signing of MSHSL Eligibility Form Education, Accountability, Support Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Chemical Eligibility: 1st Violation
1st Violation- 25% of the competitive season As a team member during ineligibility, athlete must attend practices, meet team and coaches expectations, and complete the season. Violation may result in loss of post season awards and honors. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Chemical Eligibility: 2nd Violation
2nd violation- Ineligible for 50% of the competitive season. As a team member during the ineligibility period, athlete must attend practices, meet team and coach expectations and complete the season. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Chemical Eligibility: 3rd Violation
3rd Violation- Student will lose eligibility for one calendar year. The athlete may choose to practice with the team. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Liz Cervenka, ATC Prior Lake High School
Spring PAC Meeting 2018 Liz Cervenka, ATC Prior Lake High School
What is an Athletic Trainer?
Prevention Evaluation Treatment Rehab Management/Return to Play …..Of musculoskeletal injuries and concussions. My goal is to return the athlete back to play as soon as safely possible, not to have them sitting out. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Additional Services Spring PAC Meeting 2018 Physical Therapy clinics
Savage Lakeville Burnsville Fairview Sports and Orthopedic Care clinics Eden Prairie Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Spring Home Event Coverage
JV and Varsity: Boys/Girls Lax Varsity: Baseball/Softball B/G Track and Field Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Athletic Training Room
Spring Hours 3:00-5:00pm Location Between boys/girls athletic locker rooms. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
MSHSL Rule (Bylaw 107.00) Spring PAC Meeting 2018
If your son/daughter is seen or treated by a physician for an injury or serious illness, they must bring a written note from the physician before they can return to practice or play in a game. This is for the student’s protection as well as to keep everyone informed as to the student’s readiness to return to participation. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Concussion Testing Spring PAC Meeting 2018 Baseline testing
Tool used to determine brain function under normal conditions Approx. 30 minute computerized test Retake baseline test every 2 years. Cost: FREE! Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Concussion Testing Spring PAC Meeting 2018 Post Concussion Testing
Taken only if a concussion has occurred. Taken once symptom free. Not used to diagnosis a concussion Baseline test score is compared to post-concussion test score. Used to determine if the athlete needs to be held out from activity longer, not to return them back to participation sooner. Cost: $20 Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Spring Concussion Testing
When: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Starting group testing at 3:30PM Location: Testing Center (Media) Cost: Free! First come, first served. If you arrive after testing instructions have been given, you will be asked to wait until the next session. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Concussion Protocol/Return to Play
No activity/complete rest until symptom free for min. 24 hours Light exercise (bike/walk) Sport specific exercise (running/skating/resistance training) Non-contact training drills Full contact practice Game play Protocol to be started and managed under the direction of an appropriate health care provider. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Contact Info Training Room tab has , phone number, and voic number. is best. In the event of an injury, every effort is made to contact a parent or guardian. Communication is vital. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Break Out Sessions Spring PAC Meeting 2018 LABC: Memberships available
-Discount to all events -Discount on Punch Cards -Ask your sport rep for more info Coach: Lettering policy, attendance policy, tryouts, team selection, transportation, attendance, playing time ect. Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Break Out Sessions Team Break Out Rooms Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Boys Lax: Lecture Hall Boys Golf: Room 248 & 249 Girls Golf: Room 293 Synch Swim: Room 100 Boys Tennis: Room 292 Girls Lax: Center Commons Girls Track: Auditorium Boys Track: Gold Gym Baseball: First floor media Softball: Choir Room Spring PAC Meeting 2018
Room 292 & 293 2nd floor Choir Room You are here Room 111 Room 342 3rd Floor Room 248 2nd floor Room 213 2nd Floor Room 333 Third Floor
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