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10th World Studies Today’s Agenda:

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1 10th World Studies 6.7.17 Today’s Agenda:
Turn in: Nothing… Take out : Planner Notes Note-taking devices Today’s Learning Objectives: I can understand how the tension between “Allied” nations continued to grow in a new type of war. Today’s Agenda: More issues…lots more issues, but we’ll focus on a few… The 70s The 80s Is it over??? HW: None

2 Jimmy Carter 1976—Jimmy Carter elected on the platform of acting firmly in the face of “Détente” SALT I—Soviets weren’t abiding by the agreement…Ford not able to capitalize on restructuring the deal. SALT II—negotiations continues, but the issues with Soviet invasion of Afghanistan stalls them… Overall, the tension between East and West are easing…

3 Afghanistan December 25, 100,000 Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan as communist Babrak Karmal seized control of the government. U.S.-backed Muslim guerrilla fighters waged a costly war against the Soviets for nearly a decade before Soviet troops withdraw in 1988. Afghanistan—the Soviet “Vietnam”


5 1979: the Iranian Revolution

6 Iranian Revolution Background…
1908—Oil is discovered in Iran WWII—British and Soviets work hard to keep those Germans out… 1953—US becomes more directly involved as the CIA fears the Iranian govt leaning closer to Moscow…they help to consolidate power under the Shah. 1963—Islamic clergy uprising stopped by exiling Ruhollah Khomeini 1977—President Jimmy Carter toasts and calls the Shah, "an island of stability“ in the Middle East.

7 Iranian Revolution Background…
Within two weeks of Carter’s visit, protest break out In January of 1979, the Shah had flees to Egypt. Two weeks later, Khomeini returns after 14 years of exile The Shah has taken ill (cancer) and seeks asylum in the US…Carter reluctantly agrees… Student protesters overrun the US embassy and take hostages (60+) to be held until the Shah is returned to stand trial Carter responds with Oil Embargo

8 Early Life Margaret Hilda Roberts Studied at Oxford
Oct 13th 1925 Studied at Oxford Research chemist Married Dennis Thatcher, wealthy businessman

9 Early political career
Conservative member of parliament 1979 won general election to become the leader of the party Conservatives came to power and Thatcher became the Prime Minister Advocated for Privatizing state-owned industries and utilities Reform trade unions Lowering taxes Helped reduce inflation Unemployment increased

10 Career Falklands War Close political relationship with US ‘Iron Lady’
Helped win second term in 1983 Close political relationship with US ‘Iron Lady’ Soviet nickname Won third term in 1987 Downfall Poll tax Opposition to closer integration in Europe Divisions within the Conservative Party

11 End of an Era 1992 Thatcher left the House of Commons
Appointed peeress in the House of Lords Thatcher Foundation Advance cause of political and economic freedom 1995 – Order of the Garter Highest order of knighthood in England Died in 2013


13 1982—Yuri Andropov takes over for Brezhnev…another member of the “Old Guard.”
Dies in 1984

14 Star Wars March 23, Reagan outlined his Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars," a space-based defensive shield that would use lasers and other advanced technology to destroy attacking missiles far above the Earth's surface. Soviets accuse the U.S of violating the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty. Soviets forced to spend heavily to match the program causing near economic collapse.

15 1983—Korean Airlines Flight 007

16 Was it really possible???

17 Was it really possible??? Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov: hero of Sept. 26, 1983

18 1984 Konstantin Chernenko…yet another man of the “Revolution”
Doesn’t last long…

19 1985 - Gorbachev comes to power
On March 11, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union. Born in 1931—so what?!? Gorbachev ushered in an era of reform. perestroika Economic reform- restructuring glasnost means openness, allowed greater free expression and criticism of Soviet policies

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