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Microsoft office 2013 Word 2013
A File Tab B Quick Access Toolbar C Title Bar D Close Button E Ribbon F Scroll Bars G Document Window H Zoom Slider I View Shortcuts J Status Bar K Insertion Point L Ruler
Choices Close Button Ruler Ribbon File Tab Document Window Quick Access Toolbar View Shortcuts Scroll Bars Insertion Point Title Bar Zoom Slider Status Bar
Understand Word Processing Software
A word processing program is software that allows you to enter, edit, and format text and graphics The files you create using Word are called documents Microsoft Office Word 2013
Understand Word Processing Software
Microsoft Office Word 2013
Understand Word Processing Software
Plan a document before you create it The purpose of and audience for a document determine its design Microsoft Office Word 2013
Explore the Word Window
The Word program window opens and displays a blank document in Print Layout view Microsoft Office Word 2013
Explore the Word Window
The insertion point indicates where text appears when you type The mouse pointer changes shape depending on its location in the Word program window Each pointer is used for a different purpose Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Explore the Word Window
A ScreenTip appears when you point to a button or element in the Word program window Quick Access toolbar contains frequently used commands and is customizable The Ribbon contains tabs Tabs include buttons for commands related to editing and formatting documents Commands are organized in groups Microsoft Office Word 2013
Explore the Word Window
The Word program window Title bar displays the program and document names File tab provides access to Backstage view, which contains commands related to managing and sharing documents: Create, open, save, and print a document Share a document Access Word Options dialog box Microsoft Word Help button provides access to the Word Help system Microsoft Office Word 2013
Explore the Word Window
The Word program window (cont.) Document window displays the current document Rulers show margin, tab, and indent settings Scroll bars are used to display different parts of the document in the document window Microsoft Office Word 2013
Explore the Word Window
The Word program window (cont.) Status bar shows page information, the location of the insertion point, and the on/off status of several Word features Status bar includes: View buttons Zoom level button and Zoom slider Microsoft Office Word 2013
Explore the Word Window
Microsoft Office Word 2013
Start a Document Begin a new document by typing in a blank document in the document window Word includes a word-wrap feature Microsoft Office Word 2013
Start a Document Automatic features that appear as you type:
Microsoft Office Word 2013
Save a Document To store a document permanently, you must save it as a file When you save a file you give it a name, called a filename, and indicate the location to store the file Saving a file allows you to close the file and open it later for editing or printing Microsoft Office Word 2013
Save a Document Save a file for the first time using the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar or the Save command on the File tab Assign a filename and a file location to a document using the Save As dialog box Microsoft Office Word 2013
Save a Document Save As dialog box buttons Microsoft Office Word 2013
Select Text You must select text before deleting, editing, or formatting it Microsoft Office Word 2013
Select Text Methods for selecting text Microsoft Office Word 2013
Format Text Using the Mini Toolbar
Includes the most commonly used text and paragraph formatting commands Appears faintly above selected text Microsoft Office Word 2013
Format Text Using the Mini Toolbar
Buttons on the Mini toolbar Microsoft Office Word 2013
Use a Document Template
A template helps you create a formatted document quickly A template is a formatted document that contains placeholder text You replace the placeholder text with your own text and save the file with a new filename Word includes templates for faxes, letters, reports, brochures, and other types of documents Microsoft Office Word 2013
Use a Document Template
New screen in Backstage view Microsoft Office Word 2013
Use a Document Template
Using the Undo, Redo, and Repeat commands Reverse the last action with the Undo button Restore a change that you reversed with the Redo button Repeat a change with the Repeat command on the Edit menu Microsoft Office Word 2013
Navigate a Document Word Zoom feature
Enlarge document for a close-up view Reduce document for an overview of the layout Use tools in the Zoom group on the VIEW tab Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Navigate a Document Word Zoom feature
Enlarge document for a close-up view Reduce document for an overview of the layout Use tools in the Zoom group on the VIEW tab Microsoft Office Word 2013
Navigate a Document Zoom slider Microsoft Office Word 2013
Navigate a Document Word includes different views, or ways of displaying a document Print Layout view Read Mode view Web Layout view Outline view Draft view Microsoft Office Word 2013
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Cut and Paste Text The operation of moving text from one location to another is called cut and paste Cutting text removes it from the document Cut text is placed on the Clipboard, a temporary storage area for text and graphics cut or copied from a document You can also move text using the drag and drop method Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Cut and Paste Text Use keyboard shortcuts as a quick way to perform a command [Ctrl][X] to cut text [Ctrl][C] to copy text [Ctrl][V] to paste text [Ctrl][A] to select all the text in a document [Ctrl][S] to save a document The keyboard shortcut for a command appears in the ScreenTip Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Cut and Paste Text The Paste Options button allows you to change the formatting of pasted text Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2010 - Illustrated Complete
Copy and Paste Text Copied text is not removed from the document A copy of the copied text is placed on the Clipboard Use the Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab or the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl][C] Copy selected text by pressing [Ctrl] as you drag it to another location Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2010 - Illustrated Complete
Copy and Paste Text Split a document window into two panes Useful when you want to copy and move items in a long document Use the Split button in the Window group on the View tab Drag the horizontal split bar to the location you want to split the window Use the scroll bars in each pane to display different parts of the document Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands to copy or move items between panes Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Use the Office Clipboard
Stores up to 24 items Stores text and graphics Items can be cut or copied from any Office program Items on the Office Clipboard can be viewed The last item collected is stored on both the Office Clipboard and the system Clipboard Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Use the Office Clipboard
Office Clipboard in Clipboard pane Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Use the Office Clipboard
Copying and moving items between documents Open both Word documents Cut or copy text from one document Switch to the other document Point to the Word icon on the taskbar then click the document you want to appear Use the Arrange All command or the View Side by Side command in the Window group on the View tab to display both documents at the same time Paste the text into the second document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Find and Replace Text Find and Replace feature Use the Replace command to search for and replace all instances of a word or phrase in a document Automatically find and replace all occurrences at once, or Find and review each individual occurrence Use the Find command to locate and highlight every occurrence of a word or phrase in a document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Find and Replace Text Find and Replace dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Find and Replace Text Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Find and Replace Text Navigation pane and Go To command Use the Navigation pane to move to a specific page or heading Use the Go To tab in the Find and Replace dialog box to go to a specific item Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Check Spelling and Grammar
Spelling and Grammar checker Flags possible mistakes and suggests corrections Misspelled words Grammar errors Not all flagged errors are incorrect (e.g. names) Click Ignore All or Ignore Once so Word does not flag the word You still need to proofread your documents carefully for errors Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Check Spelling and Grammar
Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Check Spelling and Grammar
Inserting text with AutoCorrect Word automatically corrects many misspelled words Create your own AutoCorrect entries Words you type often, such as a name Words you often misspell To create an AutoCorrect entry Open the AutoCorrect dialog box To insert an AutoCorrect entry in a document Type the text you want Word to correct followed by [Spacebar] Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Research Information Research features provides access to many resources Use the Thesaurus to look up synonyms for repetitive or awkward words Select a word, then click Thesaurus in the Proofing group on the Review tab Right-click a word, then point to Synonyms Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Research Information Publishing a blog directly from Word A blog is an informal journal that is available to the public on the Internet Create a new blog post by clicking the FILE tab, clicking New, then double-clicking Blog post Can also Share a document as a blog post Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Research Information Thesaurus pane Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Research Information Word Count dialog box Click the Word Count button in the Proofing group to view the number of pages, words, characters, paragraphs, and lines in the selected text or the entire document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Add Hyperlinks A hyperlink is text or a graphic that, when clicked, moves the viewer to a different location or program Click Hyperlink button in the Links group on the Insert tab to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box Use the Insert Hyperlink dialog box to create hyperlinks Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Add Hyperlinks Text formatted as a hyperlink appears as colored, underlined text When you type an address or a URL, Word automatically converts it into a hyperlink Edit the ScreenTip that appears when you point to a hyperlink to provide information about the link Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Add Hyperlinks The Insert Hyperlink dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Add Hyperlinks Hyperlinks in a document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Work with Document Properties
Use the Info screen in Backstage view The Document Inspector detects and removes unwanted private or confidential information from a document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Work with Document Properties
Options on the Info screen Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Work with Document Properties
Document Properties panel Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Format with Fonts Formatting text with fonts is a powerful way to enhance the appearance of a document A font is a complete set of characters with the same typeface or design Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 60
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Format with Fonts Changing the size of text, or the font size, helps determine the impact of text Font size is measured in points A point is 1/72 of an inch 11-point Calibri is the default font size and font for a new Word document You can also change the font color Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 61
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Format with Fonts Font list and Font Color Palette Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 62
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Use the Format Painter Font styles Make text darker and thicker by applying bold Slant text by applying italic Underline text for emphasis The Format Painter allows you to copy the format setting applied to selected text to other text Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 63
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Use the Format Painter Font tab in Font dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 64
Change Line and Paragraph Spacing
Adding white space to a document can make it easier to read Increase space between lines using the Line and Paragraph Spacing list arrow Increase space between paragraphs using the Before and After text boxes in the Paragraph group on the Page Layout tab Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 65
Change Line and Paragraph Spacing
Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 66
Change Line and Paragraph Spacing
Formatting with Quick Styles Apply multiple format settings in one step with a style Use styles to give your document a more cohesive look A style is a set of format settings that are named and stored together Styles can include character and paragraph format settings Apply Quick Styles by selecting a style from the Quick Styles gallery Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 67
Change Line and Paragraph Spacing
Each Quick Style set includes styles for a title, several heading levels, body text, quotes, and lists Each Quick Style Set has a different design Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Align Paragraphs Paragraphs are aligned relative to the left and right margins Left-aligned text is flush with the left margin and has a ragged right edge Text is left-aligned by default Right-aligned text is flush with the right margin Centered text is positioned evenly between the margins Justified text is flush with both the left and right margins Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 69
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Align Paragraphs Modified paragraph alignment Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 70
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Align Paragraphs Indents and Spacing tab in the Paragraph dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 71
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Align Paragraphs Format a document using themes A theme is a complete set of theme colors, fonts, and effects Preview a theme before applying it Applying a Theme changes all content that uses theme colors, font and table styles, and graphics effects Click the Themes button in the Themes group on the Page Layout tab to select and apply a theme Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Work with Tabs Tabs help you to align text vertically at a specific location on a page A tab stop is a point on the horizontal ruler that identifies a text alignment location Text can be aligned to the left, right, or center of a tab stop, or aligned with a bar character or decimal point Set tabs using the Ruler Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 73
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Work with Tabs Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 74
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Work with Tabs Types of tabs Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 75
Add Bullets and Numbering
Formatting paragraphs with bullets and numbering can help to organize ideas in a document A bullet is a character, often a small circle, that appears before the items in a list to add emphasis Numbering the items in a list helps to illustrate sequence and priority Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 76
Add Bullets and Numbering
Use the Bullets button or Numbering button in the Paragraph group on the HOME tab to apply bullets or numbering to paragraphs Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 77
Add Bullets and Numbering
Creating multilevel lists To create a hierarchical structure in a list, apply a multilevel list style Click the Multilevel List list arrow to select and apply a multilevel list style Format an existing list Demote items using the Increase Indent button Promote items using the Decrease Indent button Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 78
Add Borders and Shading
Adding borders and shading to text can help to enhance the information in a document A border is a line added above, below, to the side of, or around words or paragraphs Shading is a color or pattern that is added behind words or paragraphs Use the Borders button or the Shading button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 79
Add Borders and Shading
Borders tab in Borders and Shading dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 80
Add Borders and Shading
Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 81
Add Borders and Shading
Highlighting text in a document Highlighting is transparent color that is applied to text using the Highlight pointer Highlighting is most effective when a document is viewed on screen Highlighting does print To highlight text, click the Text Highlight Color list arrow in the Font group on the Home tab, select a color, then select the text Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 82
Insert Online Pictures
Clip art is a collection of graphic images that you can insert in a document Clip art images are royalty-free photos and illustrations you can add to a document using the Online Pictures command on the INSERT tab Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 83
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Set Document Margins Document margins are the blank areas between the edge of the text and the edge of the page Default margins are 1” at the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the page Changing a document’s margins changes the amount of text that fits on a page Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 84
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Set Document Margins Page orientation Portrait orientation means a page is taller than it is wide The default page orientation for a document is portrait Landscape orientation means a page is wider than it is tall Paper size Default paper size is 8.5” x 11” Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 85
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Set Document Margins Margins tab in the Page Setup dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 86
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Set Document Margins Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 87
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Set Document Margins Margin options in a multiple page document Mirror margins are used in documents with facing pages, such as magazines Inside and outside margins are a mirror image of each other A gutter margin is used in documents that are bound, such as books A gutter adds extra space to the top, left, or inside margin to allow for the binding Set mirror margins and a gutter on the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 88
Create Sections and Columns
A section is a portion of a document that is separated from the rest of the document by section breaks A section break is a formatting mark that shows the end of a section You divide a document into sections when you want to apply different page layout settings, such as columns, to sections Sections are used to vary the layout of a document A document is formatted in a single section by default Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 89
Create Sections and Columnsc
Insert a section break using the Breaks button in the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab Types of section breaks: Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 90
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Set Document Margins Continuous section break and columns Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 91
Create Sections and Columns
Changing page layout settings for a section Each section in a document can have different page layout settings Margins, page orientation, paper size, headers and footers, page numbering, vertical alignment, etc. To apply page layout settings to an individual section, make sure to click the Apply to list arrow in the Page Setup dialog box, and then click This section Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 92
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Insert Page Numbers Automatically number the pages of a document by inserting a page number field A field is a code that serves as a placeholder for data that changes in a document For example, page numbers or the current date Click the Page Number button in the Header & Footer group on the Insert tab to insert a page number field Select a location, such as bottom of page Select a preformatted page number and alignment Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 93
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Insert Page Numbers Page number fields are inserted in a document header or footer Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 94
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Insert Page Numbers Moving around in a long document Scroll using the scroll bars Browse by Object button below the vertical scroll bar Select object to browse by from the palette of object types Object types include next or previous page, section, table, graphic, or other item of the same type Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 95
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Insert Page Numbers Insert Quick Parts Insert a Quick Part field, such as a field for the current date or current time Insert a field for document property information, such as author and title Content in field automatically updates each time you open the document Word uses your computer clock to compute the current date and time Click the Quick Parts button in the Text group on the Insert tab, click Field on the menu, click the field name in the Field dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 96
Add Headers and Footers
Add headers and footers to a document when there is an item you want to appear on every page A header is text or graphics that appears at the top of every page of a document A footer is text or graphics that appears at the bottom of every page of a document Headers and footers often contain information such as document title, author name, dates, and page numbers Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 97
Add Headers and Footers
Open the Header and Footer areas by: Clicking the Header button or the Footer button on the Insert tab Double-clicking an existing header or footer Choose from several built-in header and footer designs Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 98
Add Headers and Footers
Document text is dimmed when the Header and Footer areas are open Dimmed text can’t be edited Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 99
Add Headers and Footers
Create different headers and footers: For the first page of a document or section For each section in a document For even- and odd-numbered pages in a document or section Use the Header & Footer Tools Design tab to edit headers and footers Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 100
Add Headers and Footers
Create custom Headers and Footers as reusable building blocks To save Select all the text including the last paragraph mark Click the Header (or Footer) button Click Save Selection to Header (or Footer) Gallery Complete the Create New Building Block dialog box Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 101
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Insert a Table Tables illustrate information intended for quick reference and analysis A table is a grid of columns and rows that you can fill with text and graphics A cell is the box formed by the intersection of a column and a row Borders are the lines that divide the rows and columns of a table and help you see the structure Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 102
Microsoft Office Word 2013 - Illustrated Complete
Insert a Table Completed table in a document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete 103
Add Footnotes and Endnotes
Footnotes and endnotes provide additional information They consist of two parts Note reference mark Corresponding footnote or endnote Footnotes are placed at the end of each page below a separator line Endnotes are placed at the end of the document Microsoft Office Word Illustrated Complete
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