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Denitrification and the Efficiency of the Riparian Zone

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1 Denitrification and the Efficiency of the Riparian Zone
Presented by Fennon Wisseh, Environmental Science, GEOG 370, 2/26/08

2 Denitrification Activity NO3-  NO2-  NO  N2O  N2 gas
Problem: There have been reports of streams that have elevated nitrogen concentrations from passing by riparian zones in close proximity to heavily contaminated areas Hypothesis: The process of denitrification varies depending on the influence of physical, chemical, and landscape features within the riparian zone

3 Methods and Data Location: 8 sites within a Dublin County, North Carolina riparian zone Process: acetylene blockage method Bottle 1: C  Bottle 2: C+N  Bottle 3: C+G  chromatograph Bottle 4: C+(N+G)  (N2O?)

4 Results Denitrification generally decreased with depth
The denitrification activity overall was lowest directly next to the swine wastewater field Specific layers correlated with chemical combinations

5 Conclusions riparian zone is a sufficient buffer
Chemical influence determined Location influence determined Criticisms: -How long will the buffer last? -How long will it be effective?

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