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Round 1: Stave 1 What is the famous idiom from A Christmas Carol?

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Presentation on theme: "Round 1: Stave 1 What is the famous idiom from A Christmas Carol?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Round 1: Stave 1 What is the famous idiom from A Christmas Carol?
Recall one simile used to describe Scrooge. What do animals do when they see Scrooge? What is the defining feature of Bob Cratchit’s cell? Why does Scrooge sneer at his nephew? What does ‘humbug’ mean? What happens to Scrooge’s door knocker? Recall one quotation to describe Marley. Finish the quotation ‘mankind was my…’ What does Scrooge see when he looks out of the window?

2 Round 1: Stave 1 What is the famous idiom from A Christmas Carol? Dead as a doornail Recall one simile used to describe Scrooge. Hard and sharp as flint/as solitary as an oyster What do animals do when they see Scrooge? Veer off, tug their masters away What is the defining feature of Bob Cratchit’s cell? One piece of coal Why does Scrooge sneer at his nephew? Because he fell in love What does ‘humbug’ mean? Lies What happens to Scrooge’s door knocker? Turns into Marley’s face Recall one quotation to describe Marley. Finish the quotation ‘mankind was my…’ business What does Scrooge see when he looks out of the window? Ghosts wondering the streets of London unable to help

3 Round 2: Stave 2 What time is the spirit supposed to visit?
Recall a quotation for the Ghost of Christmas Past. What is the Ghost of Christmas Past supposed to represent? Where does the Ghost first take him? What do we learn about Scrooge’s childhood/family life? Fezziwig is a f___ c_______ for Scrooge. What does Scrooge learn from Fezziwig? Belle says that Scrooge replaced her with another idol. What is that idol? What is the final vision that the Ghost presents? How does Scrooge extinguish the Ghost?

4 Round 2: Stave 2 What time is the spirit supposed to visit? 1am
Recall a quotation for the Ghost of Christmas Past. What is the Ghost of Christmas Past supposed to represent? Memories Where does the Ghost first take him? Village where he went to school What do we learn about Scrooge’s childhood/family life? Father was cruel to him Fezziwig is a f___ c_______ for Scrooge. Foil character What does Scrooge learn from Fezziwig? To be a nice boss & generosity Belle says that Scrooge replaced her with another idol. What is that idol? Money/greed What is the final vision that the Ghost presents? Belle’s husband saying Scrooge is ‘quite alone in the world now’ How does Scrooge extinguish the Ghost? Puts hat over shining light coming over head

5 Round 3: Stave 3 How has Scrooge’s lodgings transformed with the entrance of the Ghost of Christmas Present? Recall a quotation for the Ghost of Christmas Present. What/who is the Ghost of Christmas Present supposed to remind us of? Where does the Ghost first take Scrooge? How to the Ghost bless people that he sees? What does the Ghost predict about a certain member of the Cratchit family? What games does Scrooge play at Fred's? Name two other places that the Ghost takes Scrooge. How does the Ghost mock Scrooge at the end of the Stave? What is the final image of this Stave?

6 Round 3: Stave 3 How has Scrooge’s lodgings transformed with the entrance of the Ghost of Christmas Present? Christmas decorations/room full of food Recall a quotation for the Ghost of Christmas Present. What/who is the Ghost of Christmas Present supposed to remind us of? Abundance/Father Christmas Where does the Ghost first take Scrooge? On a walk through the town, they stop at the Grocer’s How to the Ghost bless people that he sees? Sprinkles something on them from his horn What does the Ghost predict about a certain member of the Cratchit family? That Tiny Tim will die What games does Scrooge play at Fred's? Yes and No Name two other places that the Ghost takes Scrooge. Lighthouse & ship & to the miners How does the Ghost mock Scrooge at the end of the Stave? ‘Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?’ What is the final image of this Stave? Ghost of CYTC coming towards them.

7 Round 4: Stave 4 Recall a quotation for the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. How does Scrooge greet the Ghost? What is the Ghost supposed to represent? How does the Ghost communicate? What does Scrooge witness at the Cratchit household? List two other places that the Ghost takes Scrooge. Where is the final place that the Ghost takes Scrooge? Finish the quote from Scrooge: ‘are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they the shadows of things that…’ What do all of the visits have in common? Scrooge promises that he will ‘honour Christmas in his…’ from now on.

8 Round 4: Stave 4 Recall a quotation for the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. How does Scrooge greet the Ghost? Fearfully, but says he is ready to learn from the Ghost as is there for his own good What is the Ghost supposed to represent? Death or fear of death How does the Ghost communicate? Pointing What does Scrooge witness at the Cratchit household? Family struggling with death of Tiny Tim List two other places that the Ghost takes Scrooge. Pawn shop, London Stock Exchange, poor family, grave Where is the final place that the Ghost takes Scrooge? To his grave Finish the quote from Scrooge: ‘are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they the shadows of things that…’ might be What do all of the visits have in common? No one is sad about Scrooge’s death Scrooge promises that he will ‘honour Christmas in his…’ from now on. Heart

9 Round 5: Stave 5 What simile does Dickens use to describe Scrooge?
Scrooge finds it difficult to s____ because he is l________ so much. Who does Scrooge see in the street and how does he make amends for former rudeness? Who does Scrooge speak to from his window? What gift does Scrooge send to the Cratchits? Where does Scrooge end up spending this Christmas day? Scrooge becomes a s_____ f_____ to Tiny Tim. Why does Scrooge arrive early at work the next day? How does Scrooge surprise Bob Cratchit? ‘Some people l_______ to see the a_______ in him.’

10 Round 5: Stave 5 What simile does Dickens use to describe Scrooge? Happy as an angel Scrooge finds it difficult to s____ because he is l________ so much. Shave laughing Who does Scrooge see in the street and how does he make amends for former rudeness? Large donation to the gentleman Who does Scrooge speak to from his window? A young boy What gift does Scrooge send to the Cratchits? A large turkey Where does Scrooge end up spending this Christmas day? At Fred’s Scrooge becomes a s_____ f_____ to Tiny Tim. Second father Why does Scrooge arrive early at work the next day? To catch Bob being late How does Scrooge surprise Bob Cratchit? Pay rise ‘Some people l_______ to see the a_______ in him.’ laughed, alteration

11 Round 6: Context Describe Dickens’ socioeconomic background.
What were the names of the two acts of parliament that dictated how the poor were to be ‘supported’? What would happen upon your arrival to the work house? Why did Dickens set the play at Christmas time? Complete the quotation from Dickens about London: 'Life and death went hand in hand; w_____ and p______ stood side by side’. Was there a welfare system that provided for the vulnerable? What is a debtor’s prison? What is Dickens’ intention for writing? (in the Preface)

12 Round 6: Context Describe Dickens’ socioeconomic background. Lower class What were the names of the two acts of parliament that dictated how the poor were to be ‘supported’? The Poor Law and The Poor Law Amendment Act What would happen upon your arrival to the work house? Separated from your family Why did Dickens set the play at Christmas time? Because Christmas is traditionally a time of abundance and charity Complete the quotation from Dickens about London: 'Life and death went hand in hand; w_____ and p______ stood side by side’. Wealth and poverty Was there a welfare system that provided for the vulnerable? No What is a debtor’s prison? Where you went if you could not afford to pay your debts, often whole families would be sent What is Dickens’ intention for writing? (in the Preface) ‘to raise the ghost of an idea’

13 Round 7: Who said it? “But you were always a good man of business”
"I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”  “God bless us, every one!”  "it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and Destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time” “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”  "that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death.”  "Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?“ “Though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that [Christmas] has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!” “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!” “I’m quite a baby. Never mind. I don’t care. I’d rather be a baby. Hallo! Whoop!” 

14 Round 7: Who said it? “But you were always a good man of business” Scrooge "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.” Marley “God bless us, every one!” Tiny Tim "it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and Destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time” Charity workers “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” Scrooge "that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death.” Marley "Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?“ Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present “Though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that [Christmas] has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!” Fred “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!” Scrooge I’m quite a baby. Never mind. I don’t care. I’d rather be a baby. Hallo! Whoop!” Scrooge

15 Round 8: Vocabulary Redemption Covetous Pauper Microcosm Reformation
Liberality Revelatory Misanthrope Solitary Abundance

16 Round 8: Vocabulary Redemption clearing a debt or being saved from sin
Covetous wanting something someone else has got Pauper poor person Microcosm a small representation of something larger Reformation reform - change Liberality the quality of giving freely Revelatory revelation – surprising and unknown Misanthrope a hater of mankind Solitary alone Abundance plenty, very large quantity

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