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Civics EoCA Review Landmark Cases

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1 Civics EoCA Review Landmark Cases

2 Landmark Supreme Court Cases

3 Marbury v. Madison (1803) Established the Supreme Court’s power of “Judicial Review”. Think: Main power of the Supreme Court.


5 Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) The Supreme Court ruled against Plessy: racial segregation did not violate 14th amendment as long as facilities provided for each racial group were “separate but equal”. Think: Segregation laws were strengthened in the South.


7 Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Supreme Court ruled that racially segregated public schools violated the 14th amendment. The “separate but equal” doctrine was overturned. Think: This was the first step toward ending racial segregation in the south.

8 Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District (1969)
Students wearing armbands as a form of symbolic speech. The Supreme Court ruled that freedom of speech applies to students in public schools. Think: First amendment / Free speech

9 Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) The Supreme Court ruled that a person accused of a major crime had a right to a lawyer. Think: 6th amendment / right to counsel

10 Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Supreme Court ruled that suspects must be informed of their constitutional rights before questioning otherwise their confession cannot be used in court. “Miranda Rights” Think: 5th & 6th amendments rights of the accused.

11 Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (1988)
Public school officials may impose some limits on student newspapers. Think: First amendment / Free Speech

12 United States v. Nixon (1974)
Supreme Court ruled that “executive privilege” did not justify withholding the tapes in the Watergate scandal. Court’s decision emphasized that the President is not above the law. Think: Power of the President.

13 In re Gault (1967) The Supreme Court ruled that juvenile courts should have different procedures than adult courts but, due process rights still apply to minors. Because of this case States reformed their juvenile justice procedures. Think: Juvenile Justice System.

14 Bush v. Gore (2000) The Supreme Court ruled that Florida’s recount of the presidential election votes violated the Fourteenth amendment & George W. Bush won the Presidential election. Think: Due process & equal protection clause.

15 District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
Supreme court ruled that second amendment applied to residential guns used for family protection. States cannot prohibit handgun ownership. Think: gun ownership / amendment 2.


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