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New Attendance Codes and Manual

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1 New Attendance Codes and Manual

2 What Compels Attendance in WCSD
NRS Establishes that minimum attendance is required for promotion to the next grade. The Washoe County School Board determined 90% of the available attendance opportunities as the minimum number of days for attendance in order to be promoted or to earn credit in a class. A student will be retained in elementary school and middle school and will fail a course in high school if the student falls below the 90% minimum attendance days, no matter what the student's academic mark(s) in the grade/course may be. The entire attendance policy, WCSD Board Policy 5400, is available on the Student Accounting Department website. To reduce the number of students qualifying as chronically absent, the definition of excused absences is much stricter after a student’s ninth (ES/MS) or Trigger Number (HS) absence (the halfway point to the chronic absenteeism standard). It is, therefore, extremely important that schools monitor absences closely, especially after a student has missed nine days.

3 Chronic Absenteeism The federal definition of chronic absenteeism that State Education Agencies must use in reporting absenteeism is as follows: A student is absent if he or she is not physically on school grounds and is not participating in instruction or instruction-related activities at an approved off-grounds location for the school day. Chronically absent students include students who are absent for any reason (e.g., illness, suspension, the need to care for a family member), regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused. Students who are absent 10% or more of their enrolled school days are considered chronically absent. The Nevada State Department of Education defines participating in instruction or instruction-related activities as: Activities that have been approved by the school, districts, and/or the Nevada Department of Education (e.g. field trips, work-study, and extracurricular activities) and activities that are part of a student’s documented educational program. These may include specially designed instruction (SDI) and homebound instruction. The Washoe County School District defines participating in instruction or instruction related activities as completing and turning in make-up work which may include a separate activity such as copying notes from a lecture, making up class work, or another activity, that a teacher deems necessary as an instruction related activity. Students who complete make-up work or instruction related activities will be counted as present.

4 Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF)
Chronic absenteeism is a school quality measure that captures the total percentage of students who are absent for 10% or more of their enrolled days. Chronic absenteeism is a contributor to a school’s star rating, currently between 5% and 10% depending on a school’s level (Elementary, Middle or High). Schools with absenteeism rates between 0% and 3% earn full points for this measure and schools with rates up to 10% earning half the points possible.

5 Student Responsibilities
It is the student's responsibility to attend school/class all day, every day. It is the student’s responsibility to check the Infinite Campus (IC) Portal to make sure his/her attendance is accurate. A student who is late arriving to school must check in at the office before reporting to class.  A student who leaves school early must check out at the office before leaving the school grounds. If the student must miss an entire class period for any reason, it is the student's responsibility to see that a written/verbal excuse is provided to the school prior to, during, or within three days after an absence. Failure to do so within three days of the student's return to school will result in the absence being coded as Unverified (AUK) and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Excuses provided after the three days will be coded Parent Note/Call After 3 Days (NCU) will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism.

6 Student Responsibilities
If a student is late to class, the missed instruction will be coded as T (Unexcused Missed Instruction). It is the student's responsibility to provide the teacher with documentation. Example: a pass from the office, counselor, or nurse. It is the student's responsibility to request make-up assignments, exams and quizzes ON THE DAY he/she misses any part of the class or ON THE DAY he/she returns to class after absence. It is the student's responsibility to abide by the school/teacher's procedures on how to request this work. The student has a limited number of days in which to return the made-up work (number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher). Students who request, complete and return make-up work on time will be marked present using the attendance code TEP. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Each student should communicate regularly with his/her teacher(s) and parent/guardian regarding concerns about his/her attendance record.

7 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
It is the parent/guardian responsibility to assure their student(s) attends school/all courses every day. Parent/guardian must call the school each day their student(s) is absent to acknowledge his/her absence on that day to ensure the child's safety. If the student must miss class for any reason, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to see that a written/verbal excuse, explaining the cause of the absence, is provided to the school prior to, during, or within three days after an absence. Failure to do so within three days of the student's return to school will result in the absence being coded as Unverified (AUK) and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Excuses provided after the three days will be coded Parent Note/Call After 3 days (NCU). This code will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to monitor their student’s attendance for accuracy by using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and to notify the school should inaccuracies be found. Parent/guardian should make every reasonable effort to schedule medical appointments, legal appointments, vacations, and other activities for times outside the student's school day/calendar.

8 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
If the student has any health problems that have been verified by a Health Care Professional, which may result in lengthy/chronic absences (more than a week), the parent/guardian must provide the absence excused note from the Health Care Professional to the school. The attendance will be coded EMD. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count toward Chronic Absenteeism. It may be advisable to seek an alternative placement (e.g. Home/Hospital Program) for students who will miss a great deal of school. If a student is waiting placement in Home Hospital and work is going back and forth, the student would be coded TEP in the classes work is being returned and a TEP Log must be maintained. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = TEP   If the student is waiting placement in Home Hospital and is not doing work, they would be coded MED. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count toward Chronic Absenteeism.  Once the student starts Home Hospital, the student will be coded AEL when services begin. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. If an excuse note from a Health Care Professional cannot be provided, parent must provide a written note for the absence to the school and the attendance will be coded MED This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count toward Chronic Absenteeism. If make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher, the absence code will be changed to TEP. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism.

9 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
If the student exceeds the 90% attendance requirements and the parent/guardian believe that they have reasons for an attendance appeal, they should request a Final Appeal of Failure Due to the 90% Attendance Requirements through the schools administrator. Parent/guardian must provide advanced written notification to the school of the student's absence for an absence to be considered pre-arranged. A minimum of two days in advance is required for the absence to be pre-arranged and a week in advance, if the absence is for an extended period.   Pre-Arranged absences will be coded DOM. This Absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. If make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher, the absence code will be changed to TEP. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and will not count against Chronic Absenteeism.  It is the student's responsibility to request make-up assignments, exams and quizzes ON THE DAY he/she misses any part of the class or ON THE DAY he/she returns to class after absence. It is the student's responsibility to abide by the school/teacher's procedures for when and how to request this work. The student has a limited number of days in which to return the made-up work (number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher). It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to communicate regularly with his/her student and the student's teacher(s) regarding attendance issues/concerns and to attend conferences relating to attendance when requested by the school. Maintain accurate contact information by updating phone numbers/ /home address or any new information within 2 school days of changes to the school office.

10 Teacher Responsibilities
Attendance - On a daily basis: Enter student attendance into IC within the first 15 minutes: MS/HS for each period. ES for each morning and afternoon session.   Present = P Absent = A Tardy = T   NOTE: If the student enters class at any time during the period/session, the (A) absent must be changed to (T) Tardy (Unexcused). If the student provides evidence that the missed instruction should be excused (e.g. a pass from the office, counselor, or nurse) the teacher must enter EMI in the comments. All other codes are entered in the office. Teacher cannot override codes already entered for the student.   All students who enter the building late must check in with the office. Example: The student provides a doctor’s note to the office; the office would mark the student’s attendance EMI. Maintain Documentation - Review ASRs in SharePoint and must sign the weekly Verification Log to verify student absences. Only use the WCSD legend of symbols approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Inform the office if the student fails to returns make-up work so that the office may change the code to TEP, if applicable. Keep a record of student assignments, including the date the assignment was made/returned. This can be an important resource during an audit. The IC system is the official attendance record. All codes other than those described above must be entered/revised in the office.

11 Teacher Responsibilities
Make-up work, Exams and Quizzes - Within two days of the student's return to class, the teacher must provide make-up work, exams and quizzes regardless of the reason for the absence/missed instruction. Activities that are participatory and contributive in nature may be difficult to make up and alternative tasks may be provided for such work. It is the student's responsibility to abide by the school/teacher's procedures on how to request this work.   Make-up work returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher) the attendance code will be changed to TEP and this absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and will not count against Chronic Absenteeism. Communication - Each teacher should communicate regularly with the student and his/her parent/guardian as well as the school administration about concerns regarding the student's attendance record.  Indicate on academic warning notices, progress reports, and/or report card information regarding absences that my impact student’s progress. Retain Student (Elementary and Middle School) - The student must be retained if he/she has not met the 90% Attendance Requirement. The teacher must contact the student and parent/guardian in writing regarding attendance concerns well in advance of this consequence.   Appeals for retention due to attendance must be made to the principal. Assign a Failing Grade High School - If the student has not attended class a minimum of the 90% Attendance Requirement, the student will fail the course. The teacher must contact the student and parent/guardian in writing regarding attendance concerns well in advance of this consequence. Appeal for class failure due to attendance must be made to the principal. Document all phone calls in the attendance comments section Infinite Campus.

12 Attendance Staff/Secretaries and Clerks Responsibilities
Read all Attendance Manuals and understand student, parent/guardian, teacher, and attendance staff responsibilities regarding attendance and Chronic Absenteeism. Inform parent/guardian of each enrolled student of the WCSD attendance policy and Chronic Absenteeism. Caller Report- Generate daily and call all students marked AUK. Ensure all calls are documented in IC under Attendance Comments or under the Attendance Notes Tab Path: Index>Attendance>Daily Attendance>Caller Report Classroom Monitor- Review daily to ensure teachers are taking attendance starting from the first day of school. Notify the Principal/Attendance Administration (Principal’s Designee)when teachers are not taking attendance. Path: Index>Attendance>Classroom Monitor Attendance Letters- Generate, print and send attendance letters to inform the parent/guardian the student has excessive absences and/or is in jeopardy of being retain/not earning credit. Attendance Files- Create student attendance files or a file for each day of the school year to store students excused absence notes. If you choose to make a file for each day, file the attendance notes on the day of the absence, in alpha order by students. You may also use SharePoint to store attendance documentation. Attendance documentation must be kept for 2 years.

13 Attendance Staff/Secretaries and Clerks Responsibilities
Consecutive Absence Report in BIG and Consecutive Absence Report in Infinite Campus - Generate these reports to identify who may need to be withdrawn 10 days whereabouts unknown and/or absent 20 consecutive school days. Notify the attendance Assistant Principal and Secretary/Registrar of any student who may need to be withdrawn for non-attendance. Document all student absences correctly using the correct attendance codes in IC. AEL is only for students who are in Jan Evans or on Home Hospital.  Proof must be provided. Ensure attendance codes are changed to TEP for students who turn in make-up work within the timeline (Number of days absent plus 1) after teacher notification. Keep all correspondence from the teacher. NV Attendance Summary Report (ASRs) - Generate weekly for the entire school year, starting with the third week of school, and saved into the staff SharePoint as a PDF file. All teachers will have access to the report and must review their ASR’s each week. If corrections are needed, teachers will communicate the corrections by or print the ASR and mark the corrections needed to be changed in IC. Teacher must sign the weekly Verification Log indicating the accuracy of the ASR’s. Verification logs must be stored for 2 years

14 Principal/Attendance Administrator (Principal’s Designee) Responsibilities
Read all Attendance Manuals and understand student, parent/guardian, teacher, and attendance staff responsibilities regarding attendance and Chronic Absenteeism.  Inform parent/guardian of each enrolled student of the WCSD attendance policy and Chronic Absenteeism.  Verify staff is trained on Chronic Absenteeism, new attendance procedures, and codes. The Student Accounting Department holds trainings throughout the year for attendance staff, which can be found on MyPGS.  Develop attendance incentive programs as well as positive recognition programs for students who have good attendance habits. Designate attendance responsibilities to attendance staff and verify the responsibilities are completed. For example: Caller Report- Generate daily and call all students marked AUK. Ensure all calls are documented in IC under Attendance Comments or under the Attendance Notes Tab. Classroom Monitor- Review daily to ensure teachers are taking attendance starting from the first day of school. For teachers who are not taking attendance daily, contact must made to train the teacher on the policy of taking attendance within the first 15-minutes of each period/session. For teachers who are not following the 15-minute policy after the first contact, the Principal/Attendance Administrator (Principal’s Designee) must follow up with the teacher to investigate what is preventing them from following policy. Period Count Report- Generate to identify students at risk of retention/losing credit.

15 Principal/Attendance Administrator (Principal’s Designee) Responsibilities
Attendance Letters- Designate an attendance staff who will generate, print and send attendance letters to inform the parent/guardian the student has excessive absences and/or is in jeopardy of being retained/not earning credit Attendance Files- Designate an attendance staff to create student attendance files or a file for each day of the school year to store students excused absence notes. If you choose to make a file for each day, file the attendance notes on the day of the absence, in alpha order by students. Attendance documentation must be kept for 2 years. Documentation may also be kept in SharePoint, once scanned, the notes may be shredded. Consecutive Absence Report in BIG and Consecutive Absence Report in Infinite Campus - Generated to identify who may need to be withdrawn 10 days whereabouts unknown and/or Absent 20 consecutive school days. Ensure attendance codes are changed by the attendance staff to TEP for students who turn in make-up work within the timeline (Number of days absent plus 1) after teacher has notified attendance staff. Review cases of chronic absenteeism and/or missed instruction to determine appropriate intervention. The school administration shall request a parent/guardian, student, school personnel conference to discuss causes and solutions for a student's attendance problems.

16 Principal/Attendance Administrator (Principal’s Designee) Responsibilities
Recommend qualified students for a timely entry into the district's Home Hospital Program. Designate one office staff member to communicate with attendance staff, Home Hospital teacher and manage the Home Hospital Logs.   Ensure any student marked with an attendance code of AEL is enrolled in Jan Evans or is receiving Home Hospital services. Verify the NV Attendance Summary Report (ASR) process is completed weekly throughout the entire school year. Starting with the third week of school the ASRs must be generated and saved into the staff SharePoint as a PDF file. If corrections are needed, teachers will communicate by or print the ASR and give to the appropriate attendance personnel to make corrections in IC. Attendance Summary Reports must be stored for 2 years. Ensure teachers review their ASRs for accuracy and sign the Verification Log in a timely manner each week. Verification logs must be stored for 2 years.  After completing the required 3 interventions for truancy/Chronic Absenteeism, refer tenth grade or younger students with chronic attendance problems to WCSD Truancy for investigation and disposition. (See Attend Interventions on the Student Accounting Website) Follow the procedure by which a student or parent/guardian may appeal a failing grade or denied promotion due to attendance.

17 The Two-Level Approach to Excused Absences and Chronic Absenteeism
Level Total # of Days Absent* Acceptable reasons for a student absence to be considered Excused and will not be labeled as Chronic Absenteeism Documentation Required within 10 Days 1 1 through 9 for ES/MS Trigger number for HS Any reason that the student’s parent or guardian approves. Parent or guardian Phone call/note only. If make-up work is completed within the timeline. (Number of days absent plus one). The absence code will be changed to TEP and it will not count as part of the nine. Acceptable reasons for a student absence to be considered Excused and will be labeled as Chronic Absenteeism Documentation Required within 10 Days 2 For ES/MS 10 and above Student illness (Note: to be deemed excused, an appropriately licensed medical professional must verify in writing all student illness absences, regardless of the length of absence). Washoe County Health Department Excluded Medical. Student’s observance of a religious holiday. Emergency Family Business. (See definition). Mandated court appearances (additional documentation required). Children in Transition CIT (See definition). Foster Care (See Absence Due to Foster Care definition). Parent or guardian note and in some cases additional documentation (see details of specific reason). In order for the student to not be labeled as Chronic Absentee, make-up work must be completed within the timeline. (Number of days absent plus one). NOTE: ES/MS Students missing more than 10% unexcused absences a year will be retained. HS Students missing more than 10% unexcused absences a semester will fail the course.

18 The Two-Level Approach to Excused Absences and Chronic Absenteeism
Students may have up to nine absences for any reason the parent/guardian approves. A phone call or note of the parent approval for absence must be received within three days of the absence for the absence to be excused. If a phone call or note is not received within three days, the student’s attendance will be coded unverified (AUK) and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism.  If a phone call or note is received after the three days, attendance will be coded Parent Note/Call after 3 Days (NCU) and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism.  If make-up work is completed within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, the absence code will be changed to TEP and it will not count as part of the original nine excused absences, and will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism.

19 The Two-Level Approach to Excused Absences and Chronic Absenteeism (Cont.)
After the ninth absence, the following exceptions will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count against Chronic Absenteeism unless make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline (number of days absent plus one, if the make-up work is returned the absence code will be changed to Temporary Educational Program (TEP) and will not count against Chronic Absenteeism. ES/MS Students missing more than 10% unexcused absences a year will be retained and HS Students missing more than 10% unexcused absences a semester will fail the course, no matter what the student's academic mark(s) in the grade/course may be. Documentation will need to be provided. Student illness (Note: to be deemed excused, an appropriately licensed medical professional must verify in writing all student illness absences, regardless of the length of absence). Washoe County Health Department Excluded Medical. Student’s observance of a religious holiday. Emergency Family Business. (See definition). Mandated court appearances (additional documentation required).  Children in Transition CIT (See definition). Foster Care (See Absence Due to Foster Care).

20 Attendance Legend of Symbols
WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Legend of Symbols for School Year TITLE Infinite Campus Code Daily Attendance Chronic Absence Absences Prior to Triggering Failure ES/MS – 9 Per Semester; 6 Per Trimester; 4 Per Quarter HS - Trigger Number APT Excused Yes Alternative Educational Location (Home Hospital or Jan Evans) AEL Exempt No Appeal APP Unverified AUK Unexcused Child In Transition CIT Confirmed Truant CT Confirmed Truancy Letter CTL Domestic DOM Emergency Family Business EFB Medical: Health Care Professional Excuse EMD Excused Missed Instruction EMI Absence Due to Foster Care FCA Finished Distance Ed Course Waiting to Take Final Exam FIN WCHD Excluded Medical HDE Intersession Absence IAB In-School Suspension ISS Medical : Parent Excuse MED Parent Note/Call After 3 Days NCU Religious Holiday (Parent must specify Holiday) RH Runaway RWY School Activity SCH Out of School Suspension: No make-up work completed SUS Suspension: Make-up work completed SUS3 Unexcused Missed Instruction T Temporary Educational Program TEP LEGEND OF SYMBOLS Exempt: District authorized absence, the same as present. Excused: Documentation of absence is provided to the school and student completes and returns make-up work. Unexcused: Documentation of absence is not provided to the school and student did not complete make-up work.

21 Definitions 90% ATTENDANCE
Students must attend school at least 90% of the number of opportunities he/she has to attend during a semester (HS) or year (ES, MS). The actual number of opportunities to attend which constitute 90% will vary between elementary schools on multi-tracks with less than 180 days and between high schools on block or modified block schedules. Each fall The Department of Student Accounting will determine the Trigger Numbers for High Schools. ABSENCE EXCUSED It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to contact the school with a phone call or note verifying each student absence. Excuses may be provided in advance (minimum two days required for pre-arranged absences), on the day of the absence, or within three days of the student's return to school. The school office will change the attendance Unverified (AUK) absence to reflect the reason for the absence. If the parent/guardian does not notify the school of the reason for the absence within three days after the student returns to school, the absence will remain as Unverified AUK and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. (Phone call or note is received after the 3-day deadline: See NOTE/CALL AFTER 3 DAYS UNEXCUSED-NCU)  In all late bus cases, transportation will provide the schools with a list of students who are excused coded (SCH). Parents may not excuse a student for a late bus.  The school will maintain a file documenting written and verbal absence excuses for a minimum of two years. The Students Accounting department will audit receipt of notes. Please note that just because a parent/guardian provides a verbal or written excuse, the absence is not necessarily excused.

Students may have up to (ES/MS- 9 per Semester; 6 per Trimester; 4 per Quarter) (HS per Trigger Number) absences for any reason the parent/guardian approves. A phone call or note must be received within three days of the absence for the absence to be excused. If a phone call or note is not received within three days, the attendance will be coded Unverified (AUK) and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. If a phone call or note is received after the three days, attendance will be coded Parent Note/Call after 3 Days (NCU) and will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. If make-up work is completed within the timeline. (Number of days absent plus one). The attendance will be coded Temporary Educational Placement (TEP) and it will not count as part of the nine, and will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. NOTE: Suspension is the only absence code where if make-up work is completed and returned the attendance code is not changed to TEP because the SUS event cannot be removed from attendance record. ABSENT (AUK) A student is absent if he/she is not in class when the session/class period begins. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Code = AUK

A student was absent from class because he/she is actually being served by the Home Hospital Program or if he/she has temporarily been assigned to Jan Evans. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = AEL APPEAL (APP) A student who will fail or will not be promoted to the next grade level because he/she has absences in excess of the 90% rule, or the student’s parents/guardian, may appeal this decision if the student has made up all make-up work or participate in an intervention and is able to pass the course, or be promoted to the next grade level. The decision of the principal and supervising administrator is final. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = APP ATTENDANCE SUMMARY REPORT (ASR) This summary report displays weekly class attendance. This report must be run weekly all school year, saved into SharePoint, and the verification log signed by the teacher verifying its accuracy. CHILD IN TRANSITION (CIT) An absence that is related to a child being in transition or homeless. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = CIT

Chronic absenteeism or missed instruction is defined as any student who is not physically present or receiving educational services. A student who has missed 10% of the school year (ES/MS) per course (HS) with unexcused absences is chronically absent. CLASS PERIOD Period in one class in middle and high school. CONFIRMED TRUANCY (CT) A parent/guardian may report the student absent without permission, or confirm the student's absence without permission after the school informs the parent/guardian of the student's unverified absence. School staff may also report a student as confirmed truant if they observe a student off campus during a school day. The school office will change the attendance code to Confirmed Truant CT. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Code = CT  CONFIRMED TRUANCY LETTER (CTL) Schools will inform parent/guardian of each truancy by sending a letter to the parent/guardian. The third truancy letter will be a certified letter. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Code = CTL DOMESTIC (DOM) The student was absent for family related business reasons that are not Emergency Family Business. (See definition Emergency Family Business) This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Code = DOM

The student was absent from class due to Emergency Family Business. These absences require additional documentation received within three school days from absence. Examples of Emergency Family Business absences are: death of a family member; family member who is very ill and close to dying; student’s home is lost to fire or eviction; family’s home being quarantined; natural disaster; a student who is a parent and whose child needs to go to the hospital; a family member’s military deployment or return from deployment; legal- Police summons, subpoena, notice to appear, or signed note from a court official; court mandated appointments. All other Emergency Family Business can be cleared through Student Accounting Department Some unexpected absences will not qualify as an emergency. These include: not feeling it was safe to drive or a student driver; staying home to meet the plumber or other tradesman; routine childcare of a younger child by the student; opportunity to work an extra shift at afterschool job; false reports of school threats. Extended absences would be considered an emergency only under extreme circumstances. For example, if an order of the community health department quarantined a family’s home for an extended period, such quarantine would be an extended emergency. Absences due to family emergencies require additional documentation. A parent/guardian note explaining the emergency received within 3 school days is sufficient, but it is essential that the note explain the emergency so school staff can evaluate if the situation was indeed an emergency. If Emergency Family Business is used 3 or more times, the school will require documentation of the actual emergency.  This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = EFB

26 Definitions ES Elementary School EXCUSED MISSED INSTRUCTION (EMI)
A student enters class late or leaves early with a legitimate excuse. It is the student's responsibility to provide, in a timely manner, evidence the missed instruction was due to a valid reason (e.g. notes from the office, counselor, or nurse). Chronic missed instruction, excused or unexcused, may be referred for disciplinary action. Code = EMI FINISHED DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE AWAITING FINAL EXAM (FIN) When a student has finished the assignments of a distance education course and is waiting to take the final exam. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = FIN FOSTER CARE ABSENCE (FCA) An absence that is related to a child being in Foster Care. Example: Change of placement overnight, or court appearance. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = FCA FULL-DAY ABSENCE/ HALF-DAY ABSENCE In elementary school attendance is taken twice a day. IC will automatically calculate two half- day session absences as one full-day absence, or half-day absence (see definition for SESSION). This term does not apply to middle or high school students. Students who attends any part of a period/session are considered tardy and not absent.

A habitual truant is any student who has been declared truant three or more times within one school year. Any student who has once been declared a habitual truant and who, in an immediately succeeding year, is absent from school without written approval may again be declared a habitual truant. The principal is required by law to follow district procedures in reporting any student who is a habitual truant. [NRS ] HEALTH DISTRICT EXCLUDED (HDE) Washoe County Health District (WCHD) excluded medical. Any student who is excluded due to illness by the WCHD for the 48 or more hours of exclusion. This code is used only when WCHD has declared an Outbreak. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = HDE HS High School INFINITE CAMPUS (IC) This is the student information system used by the district to record and maintain all student information. IC is considered the official record for the purposes of attendance and grade books. INTERSESSION ABSENCE (IAB) When students are scheduled to attend an extended learning opportunity (intervention/intersession) and do not attend the student is marked with this code. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. This code will not trigger attendance letters or calls. Code = IAB

28 Definitions LEGEND OF SYMBOLS
Exempt: District authorized absence, the same as present. Excused: Documentation of absence is provided to the school and student completes and returns make-up work. Unexcused: Documentation of absence is not provided to the school and student did not complete make-up work. MAKE-UP WORK Students will be provided with the opportunity to request and complete assignments, exams and quizzes that are missed due to a student's absence or for periods of missed instruction for any reason. Activities that are participatory and contributive in nature may be difficult to make up and alternative tasks may be provided for such work. Failure to request or return completed make-up work and missing work that cannot be made up will result in a grade reduction for the missed work and the absence will remain unexcused.   Make-up work returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher, the attendance code will be changed to TEP and this absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and will not count against Chronic Absenteeism.

29 Definitions MEDICAL (MED or EMD)
The student was absent from class because he/she was ill, was being treated by a medical professional including mental health, or was at a medical appointment. Medical attendance codes are only used for students who miss the entire class session/period for this reason. If medical absences have become excessive, the site administrator may follow the steps as recommended in this policy. There are two types of Medical codes: EMD = A Health Care Professional has provided a note excusing the student. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count toward Chronic Absenteeism. MED = The parent has provided a note that the student was ill. This absence is unexcused. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count toward Chronic Absenteeism. If an excuse note from a Health Care Professional cannot be provided, parent must provide a written note for the absences and the attendance will be coded MED. If make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher, the absence code will be changed to TEP. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. MS Middle School  NO CREDIT In high school, failure of any course means the student will not earn credit for the course.

When a parent note or phone call is received after the 3-day deadline, the absence is unexcused but the fact that the note/call was received is recorded. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = NCU The school will maintain a file documenting written and verbal absence excuses for a minimum of two years. Please note that just because a parent/guardian provides a verbal or written excuse, the absence is not necessarily excused. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK IC is the official record book for attendance/auditing purposes. Teachers must maintain the electronic record book in IC. PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE Parent/guardian must provide advanced written notification to the school of the student's absence, an absence may be considered pre-arranged. A minimum of two days in advance is required for the absence to be pre- arranged and a week in advance, if the absence is for an extended period. Pre-Arranged absences will be coded DOM. This Absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. If make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher, the absence code will be changed to TEP. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and will not count against Chronic Absenteeism. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY (RH) The student was absent from class due to observance of a Religious Holiday (parent must specify holiday with note/phone call). This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = RH

31 Definitions RETENTION Middle School Students RUNAWAY (RWY)
A student who does not meet the 90% attendance requirement will be retained in grades K-8.  Middle School Students A middle school student who failed a grade level because his/her attendance was inadequate may make up those absences by successfully completing a summer school program. If the student’s test scores and academic performance indicate that s/he has achieved competency in the standards for the grade which s/he failed, the student should be enrolled at the next level of summer school to assist the student in preparing for that grade. An 8th grader identified by the principal/designee as competent in the 8th grade standards but is failing because of attendance may take high school course(s) to make up his/her attendance. The successful completion of one (1) high school course in any HS summer school course may be used to make up inadequate attendance such as: PE .5 credit per course; Health .5 credit per course; Sports .5 credit per course; and/or Computer Literacy .5 credit. RUNAWAY (RWY) If a student is confirmed as a runaway, the student is withdrawn on the 11th day because the whereabouts of the student is not known. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = RWY SCHOOL ACTIVITY (SCH) An activity sponsored by the school or school district that is part of the school/school district program and is personally supervised by a school/school district employee is a School Activity. Also, use this code for a late bus and input late bus in comments. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = SCH

In elementary school, the period from the beginning of school through lunch is the morning session and the period after lunch through the end of the school day is the afternoon session. Each session counts as one-half day. If a site has an early release day and the student does not attend any part of the afternoon session, the student will be marked absent. Students who attends any part of a session but leave early are considered tardy. SHAREPOINT SharePoint is used in the WCSD as a cloud based service to securely store, share, access information. SUSPENSION IN SCHOOL (ISS) A student is suspended if he/she is administratively removed from class but remains on school property. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = ISS SUSPENSION OUT OF SCHOOL (SUS) A student is suspended if he/she is administratively removed from class and removed from school property and does not turn in Make-up work. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement but will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Code = SUS

33 Definitions SUSPENSION INSTRUCTION PROVIDED (SUS3) A student is suspended if he/she is administratively removed from class and removed from school property, and make up work is returned. SUS becomes an SUS3 when make- up work is completed and returned for the period of the suspension. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = SUS3 NOTE: This is the only absence code where if make-up work is completed and returned the attendance code is not changed to TEP because the SUS event cannot be removed from attendance record. TARDY Students who attends any part of a period/session are considered tardy and not absent.  TEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL PLACEMENT (TEP) This code is used when a student cannot physically attend school due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, and the student desires to keep up with his/her class and will be returning to the brick and mortar class in a defined period of time. This code may also be used when a student is awaiting placement in the Home Hospital program (in these cases the TEP Homework Log would need to be completed). Student is absent but make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline (number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. Code = TEP Students in this scenario do not need a TEP Homework Log, however the work returned must be represented in the gradebook using either the date of absence (day assigned) or the date returned, or by noting TEP in the gradebook comments for that assignment for audit purposes.

A student enters class late or leaves early without a legitimate excuse. Missed Instruction is presumed unexcused unless evidence is provided, in a timely manner that the missed instruction was due to a valid reason. Code = T UNIQUE CONDITIONS ABSENCE There may be pre-planned, unique conditions that call for a review of the attendance policy provision that require a student to be in attendance at least 90% of the time in order to pass or be promoted to the next grade. Unique conditions arise when students are given the opportunity to participate in a very specialized activity because of family circumstances or the student’s own unique talents and skills. Under these conditions, known in advance, students may be granted additional school-approved absences. Examples of Unique Conditions Absence are: A trip that has unique educational value. Participation in an activity that requires specialized skills such as an Olympic development program or professional acting. The student must be competing at the national level. To qualify for consideration as a unique condition, students and/or their parents/guardians must: Apply for the additional absences in advance in sufficient time for teachers to prepare make-up work. Provide a description of the conditions and rationale for requesting additional absences. Provide a plan of action for course work that will be missed including how work will get back to the school. Provide proof of adequate academic progress, class test scores, school behavior and study habits. Obtain teacher approval and willingness to work with the student regarding his/her missed schoolwork. If applicable, demonstrate that they have followed through on commitments previously made utilizing this particular provision of the Attendance Policy.  Unique Conditions absences will be coded DOM. This Absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. If make-up work is returned to the teacher within the timeline, number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher, the attendance code will be changed to TEP. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement or Chronic Absenteeism. UNVERIFIED (AUK) The student’s absence is unknown or unverified. This code will be changed if appropriate documentation is received within three days of the absence, regarding the reason for the student absence. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and Chronic Absenteeism. Code = AUK

35 Q & A Why can't the teacher code anything besides Absent, Present and Tardy?  All absences are evaluated and are coded accurately by school designated office personnel. In addition, documentation must be maintained in the office for each absence and stored for 2 years.   What is the timeline for students to request make-up work, for the teacher to provide it, and for the student to turn it in? It is the student's responsibility to request make-up work ON THE DAY he/she returns to school/class after an absence or ON THE DAY the student misses instruction because he/she entered class late or left early. It is the teacher's responsibility to provide the student with make-up work WITHIN TWO DAYS of the student's return to class. The completed make-up work within the time line (number of days absent plus one, starting the day the work was provided by the teacher). Does a teacher need to meet personally with a student who has requested make-up work in order to provide that make-up work? Not necessarily. The requirement to "provide requested make-up work" may be accomplished by providing "Scribe" records, a published syllabus, a posted chart or list of assigned work, a folder with copies of handouts, etc. The teacher may wish to meet personally with the student to clarify expectations and/or to provide additional explanations, supplement written list(s) of assignment(s), etc.  Why does the teacher have to provide make-up work for a student who is truant or suspended or has missed instruction for an unacceptable reason? In order for a student to progress academically, the student must be given the opportunity to make up work for truancies, suspensions, or unexcused missed instruction. Teachers with concerns about make-up work for these types of absences are encouraged to meet with the school administration to identify consequences for the absence/missed instruction that do not impact student academics.

36 Q & A What if the teacher provides make-up work for a student several times (following various absences) and the student never completes it or turns it in or the student consistently turns it in well after the deadline? If the student is abusing the make-up work policy, the teacher can refuse to provide additional work. The teacher must advise the site administrator of his/her decision. The parent/guardian and student must be notified of the loss of privilege. The student/parent/guardian may appeal that decision to the school administrator.   What if the teacher is absent on the day the student returns to class and the student cannot get the make-up work? The student will still request make-up work when the teacher returns Who changes the absence code if make-up work is returned with in the timeline? It is the teacher's responsibility to inform the office that an absence should be changed to TEP. The office staff will change the absence code in IC. This absence will not count against the 90% attendance requirement and will not count against Chronic Absenteeism. What happens to a confirmed truant or other absence if the student does not request/complete/return the make-up work? Those attendance designations stay the same. Additionally, if a student requests an administrative review for absences, the make-up work must have been completed or students must participate fully in interventions provided in order for all absences to be considered for appeal.

37 Q & A What if a MS/HS student makes up work in only two or three of his/her classes?  The teacher should report the student's failure to make up work in a class to the office and the code will not be changed to TEP. The student's academic grade in that class will be affected by the missing work. This absence will count against the 90% attendance requirement and will count against Chronic Absenteeism. Could a student still be retained/fail a course even if he/she has perfect attendance or at least no Domestic absences? There are many reasons a student could be retained or fail a course; the 90% attendance policy is only one of them. A middle school student may not be retained in a grade due to absences per se, but if the student fails a required course (math, English, science, or social studies), he/she may not be promoted to high school.  If a student fails a class/grade level because of the 90% attendance rule, but has passing marks in the class/grade, what does the report card show? ES- The report card will show the actual grades the student earned."90% attendance requirement not met" must be noted in the comment area of the report card and as part of the "Rationale for Retention" on the Retention Notification Form. MS- The report card will show the actual grades the student earned."90% attendance requirement not met" should be noted in the comment area on the printed report card. HS- The course will show an "F" and no credit earned, no matter what the academic grade might have been. The high school report card will also show the comment "90% attendance requirement not met" for each affected class. Students who fail due only to the attendance policy may appeal this decision provided certain conditions are met.

38 Q & A If the student comes in late or leaves class early and the teacher knows for sure that the student was at/going to a medical appointment, school business, or some circumstance-type absence, should the EMI or T code be changed to MED, SCH, or EFB?  No. EMI and T codes are not absence codes and should never be changed to a code which designates an absence. The absence codes will only be used if the student misses the entire class period for MS or HS, or a session for ES.   If an elementary school student arrives late or leaves early within the AM or PM session, due to illness or has a medical appointment, how should the absence be coded? The absence would be coded EMI for Excused Missed Instruction.  If a middle or high school student leaves 2° early for school business and is gone for the rest of the day, how is the absence coded? The absence is coded EMI for 2° and is coded SCH for the rest of the day.   What if the teacher does not have access to IC at the time he/she should be taking attendance?  The teacher must enter the attendance as soon as IC comes back up. All teachers must take attendance in the first 15 minutes of the session. The teacher may also request a sub attendance roster from the office if his/her access is limited and the sub attendance roster returned to the office within the first 15 minutes of the session.

39 Q & A The teacher must review the ASRs in SharePoint to verify the accuracy and then sign the verification log located in the office weekly, but what happens if the teacher was absent one of the days and cannot guarantee that the sub correctly entered the data? The teacher may write "SUB” and the date of the sub next to their signature on the verification log for the day a substitute was present and took the attendance. Can any adult on a student’s Infinite Campus panel excuse an absence? Or just a parent/guardian? With an exception of a sibling, any adult within the household can excuse an absence, if parent/guardian is not available or a household member. Or unless if the student lives with the adult sibling and not with the parent/guardian. What does school personnel do if a student is on campus and refuses to go to class? School personnel must call the parent/guardian to pick up the student, if the parent/guardian refuses. School personnel must contact CPS that the child has been abandoned. What is the difference between attendance being Exempt, Excused or Unexcused? Exempt: District authorized absence, the same as present. Excused: Documentation of absence is provided to the school and student completes and returns make-up work. Unexcused: Documentation of absence is not provided to the school and student did not complete make-up work.

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