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Welcome to Mountain View’s Kindergarten and New Student Registration

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mountain View’s Kindergarten and New Student Registration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mountain View’s Kindergarten and New Student Registration

2 Please join us for Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday, May 2 at 9:00.

3 Kindergarten Screening
If your child is with you today, please make sure he or she completes a kindergarten screening before you leave. If your child could not come today, please sign up for a summer screening appointment.

4 Missing Registration Items
Please make sure you get all registration items turned in ASAP. Your child will not be placed on a class list until all items have been turned in and the registration is complete. If you have missing items to complete your child’s registration you can drop them off here until Friday May 19. If you have items to complete registration after May 19 you will have to wait until the office at the new school (3151 Sandy Plains Road) opens on July 10.

5 At Sneak-A-Peek, you can:
Sneak-A-Peek At the NEW SCHOOL (3151 Sandy Plains Road) Thursday, July 27 (times to be determined) At Sneak-A-Peek, you can: find out your child’s teacher visit your child’s new classroom learn about curriculum/expectations pay on lunch account enroll and pay for ASP join PTA join the Foundation

6 The first day of school will be Monday, July 31, 2017.

7 Important Information
Please visit our school website at On the website you will find: Teacher blogs Important news and information from Mountain View, including dates A calendar of upcoming events Links to important Cobb County Information *Class Placement Input Forms School Supply Lists

8 Car Rider Procedures In order to expedite car pool in the safest and most efficient manner, we ask that you review the following guidelines: Please drive slowly. Driving in the bus area is prohibited. Stay in a single line. For safety reasons, this is a no passing zone. Watch for instruction signs and pull your vehicle all the way to the beginning of the drop off area to allow as many students to enter/exit their vehicle as possible. Please do not ever let students out of your vehicle until you are in the drop off area which is staffed by Mountain View personnel. Students must enter/exit their vehicles on the passenger side ONLY. Parents, please do not get out of your cars. If you need to come inside or assist your child, please park your car and escort your student. All student materials are to be secured and organized prior to exiting the vehicle. Please allow extra time during inclement weather.

9 Morning Drop Off The school doors open at 7:20 a.m. Riders may begin unloading in the carpool area at that time. Should your child need additional assistance getting out of the vehicle or unloading items, please park and walk your student into the building. Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their classrooms when the bell rings at 7:50 a.m. If your child is tardy, please park your car and escort your child to the office to check them into school. The carpool lane tends to back up as the time approaches 7:45. To avoid tardies, you may want to leave home earlier in the drop off window. Please make sure your child is ready to get out and begins to do so once you are in the drop off area. They do not have to wait for an adult to open the door.

10 Afternoon Pick Up All car rider students will wait for their ride in a designated grade level area. Please display your car rider tag on your rear view mirror to expedite our ability to call for your student(s). Mountain View duty personnel and safety patrol will escort the student to your car. If you do not have a car rider tag on display, you will need to park your vehicle to retrieve your student(s). Students who are not picked up by 2:35 will be checked in to ASP.

11 Bus Lot/Fire Lane Travel through the bus entrance or bus lot is prohibited during times when buses are due to load and unload students. This is a huge safety concern so our staff will take license plates of offending vehicles and turn them over to the district's Public Safety Department.  Please do not park at the front curb even to run a quick errand in the front office as this is our fire lane. The Fire Marshall has been monitoring schools and issuing tickets to any cars parked in a fire lane.

12 Transportation Changes
Should you need to change your child’s afternoon dismissal, please send a written note to the classroom teacher that morning. You may not send transportation changes to because the district has a strong SPAM filter that on occasion captures parent s. Additionally, if the teacher happens to be absent, your will not be received by the substitute.  Last minute changes in your child’s dismissal cannot be accepted by telephone and MUST be received prior to 2:00 PM. You may send a fax to the school describing the needed change along with your signature to Follow up with a call to the office staff to verify receipt of your fax.

13 Buzz In System For security reasons, Mountain View does have all exterior doors locked with a front door buzz in system. All visitors, including parents, must buzz and state their intended business to gain entrance. Visitors must then sign in at the front office and list their destination.

14 Attendance Policy Regular and consistent attendance is important for our students and their academic progress. Mountain View follows the county’s attendance policy with the following procedures: After 3 unexcused absences, the teacher will make contact with parents. After 5 unexcused absences, administration will send a letter home to parents. After 7 unexcused absences, a referral to the school social worker is made. Please note that excessive absences (both excused or unexcused) can result in a referral to the school social worker. Tardies and repeated early checkouts are impactful to learning as well.

15 School District ASP program rules.
After School Program The After School Program is available from 2:30-6:00 PM for those students, grades K- 5, who attend Mountain View Elementary and are registered in the program. (You may request a registration form from the office.) Please remember to be prepared to show identification when you pick your child up from the After School Program. Registration Fee An annual registration fee of $10 per child is necessary to fund the initial start-up costs each year (such as forms and supplies) and must be collected at the time the parent registers the child. Daily Fee The After School Program is a "Pre-Pay" program of $7 per day/per child. A late charge of $1 per minute/per child will be charged if your child is not picked up by 6:00 PM. Your child will be withdrawn from the program after the third late pick up, per Cobb County School District. School District ASP program rules. This fee ensures that After School Programs continue to be self supporting, operate efficiently and provide the required teacher to student ratio. The daily tuition pays for all staffing needs, snacks, supplies, and games for the After School Program.




19 Mountain View Regional Library
3320 Sandy Plains Road Marietta, GA United States (770) Hours Monday – Wednesday: 10 am – 9 pm Thursday – Saturday: 11 am – 6 pm Closed Sunday Check out the Summer Reading Program!

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