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Giemsa stain…routinely used for cytologic examination of blood (= blood film) The number of neutrophils are increased in this field…acute inflammation.

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Presentation on theme: "Giemsa stain…routinely used for cytologic examination of blood (= blood film) The number of neutrophils are increased in this field…acute inflammation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giemsa stain…routinely used for cytologic examination of blood (= blood film)
The number of neutrophils are increased in this field…acute inflammation RBCs

2 Protein exudated into alveolar spaces…pink material
Inflammatory cells in alveolar spaces Blood vessels in the alveolar walls are dilated bronchopneumonia

3 Acute inflammation transcytosis Dilated venule margination

4 Acute inflammation margination Dilated vessels
Neutrophils + pink material (exudated proteins)

5 Exudate composed of pink fibrin + neutrophils…acute inflammation

6 Gram stain..positive cocci inside phagocytes
in a background of inflammatory cells

7 High power of blood vessel wall showing fibrin, extravasated RBCs and neutrophils
Fibrinoid necrosis (vasculitis)

8 Acute inflammation mainly neutrophils and some macrophages
And some pink material (proteins)

9 Pitting edema

10 Congested epiglottis (laryngeal edema)

11 Right lung Serous pleural effusion

12 Serosanguinous pleural effusion

13 Chylous peritoneal effusion (chylous ascites)
…commonly due to lymphatic obstruction due to lymphoma, TB…etc Milky (cholesterol content…etc.)

14 Sticky material (fibrin)
…fibrinous pericardial effusion

15 Fibrin

16 Pus on colonic mucosa (infectious colitis…etc.)
…suppurative inflammation

17 Suppurative pericardial effusion

18 Pus in brain coverings…suppurative inflammation (pyogenic (bacterial) meningitis)

19 Bronchopneumonia …like in slide 2

20 Gallbladder mucosa Neutrophils in mucosa …acute cholecystitis

21 Bronchopneumonia …like in slide 2 & 19

22 Abscess (liquefactive necrosis)…abscessizing pneumonia

23 Abscesses (abscessizing pneumonia)

24 Bacterial colonies neutrophils

25 Abscess in lung…note the disturbed alveolar architecture

26 Bacterial colonies neutrophils

27 May be benign as in peptic ulcer disease (affects duodenum mainly, or stomach, and mainly caused by H.pylori) And may be malignant (underlying cancer) Ulcer in gastric mucosa Ulcer is a disruption of whole mucosal thickness that is repaired by fibrosis. microscopically we see in the bottom collagen, in the middle granulation tissue and on the top we find fibrin, neutrophils and necrotic debris

28 Malignant ulcer elevated by cancer

29 Ulcers in larynx due to mechanical pressure by tube due to prolonged intubation for mechanical ventilation

30 Fibrin and necrotic debris
Ulcer of squamous mucosa Granulation tissue

31 Remember that in DM: neuropathy (loss of pain sensation), vascular problem (ischemia) and decreased immunity…ulcers are difficult to repair Transmetatarsal amputation Skin ulcer

32 Below knee amputation Large ulcer with wet gangrene

33 endometrium Plasma cell…once you see it in endometrium it means chronic endometritis…it causes menstrual problems

34 Chronic inflammation under synovium and it is so severe that it forms lymphoid follicles…seen in rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disease)

35 Chronic inflammatory cells in the interstitium in between the alveoli
…this is chronic interstitial pneumonia

36 This is yellowish to whitish thickening in bronchiolar walls
…this is fibrosis (the end result of chronic inflammatory conditions

37 This is myocardium This is area of previous infarction (necrosis due to ischemia)…now it is being repaired by granulation tissue which will be followed by fibrosis

38 Granulation tissue Inflammatory cells Thin-walled blood vessels

39 Severe interstitial fibrosis
Large area of fibrosis Distorted alveoli

40 Adhesions (fibrosis) between viscera
Occur due to chronic infections…etc. inside abdomen Also in recurrent operations May affect mechanically the organs and cause intestinal obstruction Treated by adhesolysis

41 Granulation tissue Immature collagen + fibroblasts This is a closed blood vessel Re-epithelialized part of epidermis

42 Surrounding fibrosis (pale areas…because abscesses heal by fibrosis)
An abscess (liquefactive necrosis)

43 Caseating necrosis in hilar lymph node

44 Silicotic nodule…a fibrosis nodule seen in silicosis
Lung tissue

45 Miliary TB …when TB spreads in the lung and other organs (small granular deposits)

46 Caseating granuloma Caseating necrosis
Epithelioid histiocytes and chronic inflammatory cells

47 Caseating granuloma Caseating necrosis
Epithelioid histiocytes and chronic inflammatory cells

48 Epithelioid histiocyte

49 We see non-caseating granulomas in sarcoidosis…etc.
They can occur in TB Langhans MNGCs can be seen in diseases other than TB …and in TB we can find foreign body-type giant cells Langhans multinucleated giant cells Non-caseating granulomas

50 Noncaseating granulomas in lung

51 Reference: WebPath

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