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The Metamorphosis (1915) Franz Kafka.

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Presentation on theme: "The Metamorphosis (1915) Franz Kafka."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Metamorphosis (1915) Franz Kafka

2 Biographical, Historical, and Conceptual Contexts

3 Franz Kafka Born in 1883 into a middle-class, German-speaking Jewish family in Prague Studied law Worked at an insurance company in order to support his parents Developed an inferiority complex partly due to his difficult, neurotic relationship with his tyrannical father Had very little time to devote to his writing Contracted tuberculosis in 1917 and was supported by his sister and parents Feared being perceived as both physically and mentally repulsive Suffered from clinical depression, social anxiety, and several other illnesses triggered by stress Died in 1924 from starvation when his tuberculosis worsened and could not swallow

4 Kafka’s Alienation Felt he was an outsider Jewish in Catholic Prague
Sickly Lonely Perceived human beings as being trapped by authority in a hopeless world Became frustrated at having to support his family Had to work in a meaningless bureaucratic job where he was just another pencil pusher Took time away from his writing Franz Kafka

5 Modern Alienation: Fragmentation
The city Dehumanization Modern means of production—division of labor Sense of worthlessness Acceleration of life and travel Mechanization Class stratification

6 Prague Part of the Germanic Austro-Hungarian Empire
Catholic city where Czech was spoken Segregated its Jewish population into a German-speaking ghetto Founded on seven hills and dominated by “The Castle,” looming high over the city as a symbol of authority Highly dense city, with narrow, labyrinth-like streets Associated with the traditions of magic and mysticism The Jewish Ghetto

7 Expressionist Literature
Seeks to reproduce not objective reality but the subjective reality which people, objects, and events arouse in us Depicts a psychological or spiritual reality through distortion and/or exaggeration Presents the distorted, exaggerated situation as if it were completely real Emphasizes visionary experience Pierces the surface of things to reveal essences Explores how to transcend the material world Replaces concrete particulars with allegorical forms

8 Meaning of The Metamorphosis

9 Gregor Samsa represents a specific type of behavior—the fear of being alive with all of its risks/rewards and the embrace of an inauthentic code of behavior—which, in the end, is transformed into the acceptance of life with all of its vicissitudes.

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