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THE PATH FORWARD KCTCS Strategic Plan 2016-2022.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PATH FORWARD KCTCS Strategic Plan 2016-2022."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA THE TASK 1. LOOKING BACK Update: Strategic Plan 2. THE JOURNEY Information: Development & Revised Goals 3. THE DESTINATION AHEAD Information: Performance Measures

3 THE BOARD’S TASK Statutory Role of KCTCS Board of Regents
Evaluate the institution's progress in implementing its mission, goals, and objectives. Ensure conformity with CPE strategic agenda. Ensure accountability for the status of the institution's progress. KRS

To improve the employability and quality of life of Kentucky citizens as the primary provider of: College and Workforce Readiness Transfer Education Workforce Education and Training

Remedial Education Services Technical Programs – associate, certificate, diploma Pre-baccalaureate associate degrees for transfer to 4-year schools Early Admissions, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit programs Continuing Education Customized training for business and industry

Educational Attainment Employability Global competitiveness of business and industry Expansion and recruitment of business and industry Increased standard of living at or above the national average Cultural and economic well being Quality of life


8 LOOKING BACK KCTCS STRATEGIC PLANS 1.0 2000 - 2006 2.0 2006 - 2010

9 LOOKING BACK Strategic Plan 2010-16 GOALS
Advance excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and service Increase student access, transfer and success Cultivate diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion Enhance the economic and workforce development of the Commonwealth Promote the recognition and value of KCTCS


11 Community College Student Survey of Student Engagement
Engagement: CcssE Community College Student Survey of Student Engagement Benchmark Scores 2009 2011 2013 2015 2015 Target Active Learning 49.2 47.5 48.7 47.3 50.0 Student Effort 51.4 51.5 51.1 50.4 Academic Challenge 50.9 50.3 Student / Faculty Interaction 52.9 53.2 53.7 52.8 Support for Learners 51.7 51.8 52.5 Average scores on CCSSEs (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) benchmarks of effective educational practice; results from CCFSSE (Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement); selected CCSSE questions related to service Definition: Average scores on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)s benchmarks of effective educational practice. Source: CCSSE. CCSSEs Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice: Active and Collaborative Learning: Do students contribute to class discussions, make presentations, work on projects with other students? Student Effort: Do students come to class prepared? How much time do students spend preparing for class? Academic Challenge: Do students work hard to meet instructors expectations? Are students asked to apply what they have learned? Student-Faculty Interaction: Do students discuss ideas with instructors outside of class? Do they receive prompt feedback on their performance? Support for Learners: Does the college help students cope with non-academic responsibilities? Does the college encourage interaction among diverse students? Source: Community College Survey of Student Engagement Definition: Average scores on CCSSE’s benchmarks of effective educational practice.

12 Licensure / Certification Pass Rate
Exceed National/ State Average Note: Cohort will be updated May 2016 Note: Cohort will be updated May 2017 TARGET Annual percent of first-time takers passing licensure and certification exams required by the profession as reported by state and national examining boards or college licensure exam administrators. Definition: Annual percent of first-time takers passing licensure and certification exams required by the profession for entry-level positions. Source: Individual Kentucky State Boards, KCTCS colleges. Source: Individual Kentucky State Boards and/or KCTCS Colleges Definition: Percent of first-time takers passing licensure and certification exams required by the profession for entry-level positions as reported by state and national examining boards or college licensure exam administrators/program coordinators.

13 Developmental Education Success Rate:
English TARGETS Percent of students referred to developmental courses by subject who complete a developmental course in that subject or re-test at a college level by the end of the second year. Definition: Source: KCTCS Database. Source: KCTCS Student Records Database. Definition: Percent of first-time, credential-seeking students testing at a developmental English level who successfully complete a developmental course or re-test at a college English level within two years.

14 Developmental Education Success Rate:
Math TARGETS Percent of students referred to developmental courses by subject who complete a developmental course in that subject or re-test at a college level by the end of the second year. Definition: Source: KCTCS Database. Source: KCTCS Student Records Database. Definition: Percent of first-time, credential-seeking students testing at a developmental Math level who successfully complete a developmental course or re-test at a college Math level within two years.

15 Developmental Education Success Rate:
Reading Note: 2015 Cohort will be updated April 2016 TARGETS Percent of students referred to developmental courses by subject who complete a developmental course in that subject or re-test at a college level by the end of the second year. Definition: Source: KCTCS Database. Source: KCTCS Student Records Database. Definition: Percent of first-time, credential-seeking students testing at a developmental Reading level who successfully complete a developmental course or re-test at a college Reading level within two years.

16 Participation Rate TARGETS Note: Note: 2014 2015 Cohort Cohort will be
updated April 2016 Note: 2015 Cohort will be updated July 2016 TARGETS KCTCS fall credit enrollment, divided by adult population (ages 18-64) , as reported by the United States Census Bureau, reported for the state and by geographic analysis region. Definition: KCTCS fall credit enrollment, divided by adult population (ages 18-64). Source: CPE official; US Census Bureau. Source: Official data as reported to CPE; US Census Bureau Population Estimates; KPR Projections. Definition: KCTCS fall credit enrollment from colleges’ enrollment clusters divided by the population aged 18-64; KCTCS participation rate includes all Kentucky resident students.

17 Credentials Note: Cohort will be updated Sept 2016 TARGETS Annual count of associate degrees, certificates, and diplomas awarded. Definition: Annual count of total credentials (associate degrees, certificates and diplomas) awarded Annual count of associate degrees awarded Source: CPE official. Target: Assumes steady growth of associate degrees and diplomas will remain constant (3-yr average), and a conservative growth in certificates Total Credentials Target = 30,942 Associate Degrees Target = 10,435 Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of total credentials (associate degrees, certificates, and diplomas) awarded.

18 Associate Degrees Awarded
Note: Cohort will be updated Sept 2016 Definition: Annual count of associate degrees awarded Source: CPE official. Target: Assumes steady growth of associate degrees and diplomas will remain constant (3-yr average), and a conservative growth in certificates Total Credentials Target = 30,942 Associate Degrees Target = 10,435 TARGETS Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of associate degrees awarded.

19 Persistence Rate TARGETS Note: 2015 Cohort will be updated September
2016 TARGETS Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking freshmen who have re-enrolled, earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years. Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years. Source: KCTCS database, National Student Clearinghouse. Source: KCTCS Student Records Database and National Student Clearinghouse. Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years.

20 Transfer TARGETS 12,330 Original goal: 28.3% Note: 2014-15 will be
updated April 2016 Note: will be updated January 2017 TARGETS KCTCS/CPE definition includes: in-state transfers, out-of-state transfers, students transferring additional credit, transfer credit, transfer credit applied to degree programs, and two transfer rates. Definition: In-state transfers and students transferring additional credit. Source: CPE. Source: Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education Definition: Annual number of students who enter public, independent or proprietary postsecondary institutions in Kentucky as a first-time transfer student or transfer KCTCS credit.

21 Student Diversity TARGETS 106.7% Note: Fall 2015 will be updated
July 2016 TARGETS Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien compared to percent minority population in geographic analysis area. Definition: Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population. Source: CPE official; National Center for Health Statistics; Census 2010. Source: Official data as reported to CPE; National Center for Health Statistics; US Census Bureau Population Estimates. Definition: Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population aged in enrollment cluster.

22 Employee Diversity No Change in Target Note: Fall 2015 will be updated
July 2016 Percent of employees with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien. Definition: Percent of minority employees in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white, unknown and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population aged Source: IPEDS; National Center for Health Statistics; Census 2010, Census population estimates Source: IPEDS, Official data as reported to CPE, Census Bureau, and National Center for Health Statistics. Definition: Percent of employees in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white, nonresident alien, and unknown compared to percent minority population aged in enrollment cluster.

23 Persistence Rate: Diversity
Note: 2015 Cohort will be updated September 2016 TARGETS Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking freshmen who have re-enrolled, earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years, by race/ethnicity. Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking minority students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years. Source: KCTCS database, National Student Clearinghouse. Source: KCTCS Student Records Database and National Student Clearinghouse. Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking minority students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years.

24 High Wage/High Demand Completions
No Change in Targets TARGET Note: will be updated April 2016 Note: will be updated Jan 2017 Annual number of credentials awarded in high wage/high growth fields. Definition: Annual number of credentials awarded in fields with average salaries at or above the 75th percentile and growing at a rate greater than or equal to the state average, or exceeding 100 annual job openings. Source: CPE Official; Kentucky Occupational Outlook; Occupational Wages (OES). Source: Official data as reported to CPE; Kentucky Occupational Outlook; Occupational Wages. Definition: Number of unduplicated credentials in programs cross-walked to a high wage, high demand occupation.

25 Wage Index TARGETS Note: 2014-15 will be updated July 2016 Note:
will be updated July 2017 TARGETS Median wage of KCTCS completers earning $2500 or more in the second quarter after completion indexed to the state median wage. Target: Three-steps: 1) If the three-year average ( to ) is above 100%, maintain average, 2) if not, target is to grow by 1% annually, unless target will surpass 100% in , 3) set target to 100%; same logic applies to systemwide target (not weighted). Definition: Median wage of KCTCS completers earning $2,500 or more in the second quarter after completion, indexed to the state median occupational wage. Source: Official CPE data; Office of Employment and Trainings Occupational Wages (OES). Source: Official data as reported to CPE; UI wage match; Office of Employment and Training’s Occupational Wages. Definition: Median quarterly wage of all graduates making at least $2,500 in the 2nd quarter post graduation divided by the Kentucky median occupational wage.

26 Workforce Matriculation
Note: will be updated September 2016 TARGETS Percent of credit workforce students who enroll as credential-seeking students within three years. First-Time Workforce students who enroll as a regular (credential-seeking) KCTCS student within three Academic Years from their Workforce Training cohort year. Definition: Percent of workforce students who enroll as credential-seeking students or earn a credential within three years. Source: CPE official; KCTCS database. Source: Official data as reported to CPE and KCTCS Student Records. Definition: Percent of students with workforce non-credential academic plan (excluding fire rescue students) who enroll as credential-seeking students or earn a credential within three academic years.

27 Financial Contributions
Note: will be updated November 2016 Annual dollar amount of financial contributions from grants, contracts, advancement, and other external sources. Definition: Annual dollar amount (rounded to nearest thousand) of financial contributions from grants, contracts, advancement, and other external sources, and endowment income. Source: KCTCS Office of Advancement, Grants, and Contracts, and Treasury Definition: Annual dollar amount (rounded to the nearest $1,000) of financial contributions from grants, contracts, advancement, and other external sources and endowment income.

28 Media Focus TARGETS 13,000 95% Positive Note: 2015 will be updated
April 2016 TARGETS Number of positive media citations and positive citations as a percent of total citations, as reported by the VOCUS media-tracking service. Definition: Number of media citations and positive citations as a percent of total, as reported by the VOCUS media-tracking service and KCTCS Public Relations Source: VOCUS, "Todays News," compiled by KCTCS Public Relations. Source: VOCUS, “Today’s News”, compiled by KCTCS Public Relations. Definition: Number of media citations and positive citations as a percent of total.

29 What Have We Done Well? Volume Metrics: credentials awarded, associate degrees awarded, transfer, media focus Access: minority representation

30 What Needs to Improve? Success Rates: developmental education, persistence Achievement Gaps: minority persistence Responsiveness to Economy: wage index, high wage/high demand completions, participation rate Action Planning


32 THE JOURNEY 2. EEA Committee Information Item
KCTCS Strategic Plan 2016 – 2022 REVISED GOALS

Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 RESEARCH, ANALYSIS & EVIRONMENTAL SCANNING FUTURE STATE VISION, GOAL AND VALUES DEVELOPMENT STATEWIDE ALIGNMENT 200+ national studies, college datasets, statewide plans, and other documents to frame issues and ensure alignment 6,300+ Comments from a Statewide survey of 12,000 stakeholders; 3200 respondents 1,500+ Comments from Listening Tour to all 16 colleges; 1,300 participants; resulted in proposed vision, values, and goals approved in June. 5,000+ Comments from 9 Regional Innovation Roundtables sponsored by Gates Foundation; 160 participants

34 Statewide Collaboration
EMBRACING THE DREAM: Statewide Collaboration for Change & Innovation CPE KCTCS KWIB KDE KY Chamber KY Rising

35 5 OVER-ARCHING ISSUES Educational attainment at all levels
REGIONAL INNOVATION ROUNDTABLES sponsored by 5 OVER-ARCHING ISSUES Educational attainment at all levels Long-term economic development and job growth A World-Class, 21st Century Workforce Global Competitiveness of Business and Industry Prosperity of Kentucky Citizens CPE KY Chamber KY Rising KDE KWIB

36 Present issues and questions for the KCTCS Board of Regents
REGIONAL INNOVATION ROUNDTABLES sponsored by Gather input and raise awareness Consider opportunities and challenges Identify potential targets for change and innovation Present issues and questions for the KCTCS Board of Regents Major Cities TV Markets Commuting Patterns Labor Housing Retail Markets


38 13 THEMES THAT EMERGED in alpha order Adult/Non-Traditional Learners
REGIONAL INNOVATION ROUNDTABLES sponsored by 13 THEMES THAT EMERGED in alpha order Adult/Non-Traditional Learners Affordability Area Educational Institutions Career Planning College Readiness Culture/Awareness Innovative Delivery/Accessibility Job Creation/Attraction Local Industry Partnerships/Community Program Alignment Resource Availability/Efficiency Transportation/Infrastructure


40 TOP FOCUS AREAS Culture/Awareness: To instill in the public an understanding of the value of education, careers, and a global perspective to overcome societal problems and generational acceptance of poverty, mediocrity, and hopelessness. Resource Availability/Efficiency: To increase funding and invest it in the infrastructure and workforce required to sustain global competitiveness. Job Creation/Attraction: To diversify our economy by supporting emerging fields, entrepreneurship, innovation, and local jobs with global employers and/or consumers. Area Educational Institutions: To leverage our strong educational institutions by aligning P-20 programs and curricula to meet the needs of business and industry and provide relevant lifelong learning and skills for a flexible, job-ready workforce. REGIONAL INNOVATION ROUNDTABLES sponsored by

How can we integrate our planning efforts and collaborate with our partner organizations to collectively address these statewide issues? How does this impact the KCTCS Strategic Plan to be approved by the Board of Regents in June 2016?

42 Statewide Collaboration
EMBRACING THE DREAM: Statewide Collaboration for Change & Innovation CPE KCTCS KWIB KDE KY Chamber KY Rising Culture/Awareness Resource Availability/Efficiency Job Creation/Attraction Area Educational Institutions

43 CURRENT STATE ? ? ? FUTURE STATE BRAINSTORMING: Statewide Collaboration on Potentials Targets for Change and Innovation A B


OPPORTUNITY: How can Kentucky encourage more people to take advantage of postsecondary opportunities? SUCCESS: How can Kentucky increase degree and certificate completion, fill workforce shortages, and guide more graduates to a career path? IMPACT: How can Kentucky’s postsecondary system create economic growth and development and make our state more prosperous?

46 OPPORTUNITY Kentucky will ensure that postsecondary education is broadly accessible to all residents, students have the support and resources they need to pursue postsecondary opportunities, and all students enter postsecondary education prepared for credit-bearing work. Objective 1. Improve the diversity and inclusiveness of Kentucky’s campuses through the statewide diversity planning process and related initiatives. Objective 2. Partner with Kentucky’s P-12 system to increase the number of students ready to enter a postsecondary degree or certification program. Objective 3. Increase participation in postsecondary education, particularly among traditionally underserved populations (i.e. low-income, underrepresented minority and adult students). Objective 4. Improve the education and skill levels of Kentucky Adult Education students to prepare them for careers and/or postsecondary education. Objective 5. Expand financial access to postsecondary education.

47 SUCCESS Kentucky will ensure more people complete college
with the skills and abilities to be productive, engaged citizens. Objective 6. Increase persistence and timely completion for all students at all levels, particularly for low-income, underprepared, and underrepresented minority students. Objective 7. Increase the number of KCTCS students who successfully transfer to four-year institutions. Objective 8. Promote academic excellence through improvements in teaching and learning.

48 IMPACT Kentucky will strengthen our competitive advantage through innovation and research, community engagement, and a well-educated, highly-skilled citizenry prepared for life and work. Objective 9. Raise the level of educational attainment in the Commonwealth by awarding more postsecondary degrees and credentials. Objective 10. Improve the career readiness of postsecondary education graduates. Objective 11. Increase basic, applied, and translational research to create new knowledge, accelerate innovation, and promote economic growth. Objective 12. Expand regional partnerships, outreach and public service that improve the health and quality of life of Kentucky communities.

Formation of Strategic Planning Team(s) Environmental Scan Research, and Data Analysis Internal/External Stakeholder Forums, Surveys Draft Vision, Values, and Goals Feedback Alignment and Approval of College Strategic Plans Selection of Key Performance Indicators and Targets Final Board Approval

50 Recommended Revision – March 2016
RECOMMENDED REVISIONS TO PROPOSED GOALS Goal Approved - June 2015 Recommended Revision – March 2016 1 Position KCTCS as the accessible, affordable, and relevant postsecondary education choice for Kentuckians Raise the level of educational attainment in the Commonwealth by positioning KCTCS as the accessible, affordable, and relevant postsecondary education choice for Kentuckians. 2 NEW Increase access and success for all KCTCS students, particularly among traditionally underserved populations. 3 Strengthen partnerships with educational providers at all levels to improve pathways through postsecondary education to careers. Develop clear pathways through all levels of postsecondary education with an emphasis on experiential learning that lead to successful employment outcomes for KCTCS graduates. 4 Improve student engagement, support, experiences, and success with best-in-class academic and student services No Change Prev #4 Develop clear career pathways with experiential l earning opportunities and associated services that lead to successful employment outcomes. DELETE 5 Enhance communication and collaboration with all stakeholders to more closely align the KCTCS missions with workforce and economic development needs Align programs and curricula with needs of employers that enhance the employability, job placement, and career development of KCTCS graduates.


52 THE DESTINATION AHEAD 3. EEA Committee Information Item
KCTCS Strategic Plan 2016 – 2022 PERFORMANCE MEASURES

53 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Communication Power
Would the performance measure make sense to broad and diverse audiences? Does it pass the “elevator speech” test? How easily could you explain it? Does it give an accurate picture of where KCTCS is (or where we want to be)?

Does the performance measure say something important about KCTCS? Can the measure stand in for other measures? Is it the best of the group? Are results for this performance measure likely to match the direction of other measures?

Is there reliable and consistent data for the measure? Is the data available in a timely manner? Is it easy to replicate? Is data available at the college and system level?

Is it a vanity metric*? “Numbers or stats that look good on paper, but don’t really mean anything important.” Can KCTCS affect the outcome of the performance measure? Does KCTCS have (or is it likely to attain) the necessary resources to affect the outcome of the measure? * “Vanity Metric” definition from



59 Fall Headcount Enrollment
Source: Official data as reported to CPE

60 Fall Headcount by Academic Classification
Source: Official data as reported to CPE

61 Fall Headcount by Age Source: Official data as reported to CPE

62 Kentucky Population Estimates & Projections
KY Projections Change + 318,351 7.2% Increase KY Estimates Source:

63 Three-Year Graduation Rates at Two-Year Institutions
KY 3rd Highest % Change KY 44th % Change KY Rank 38th 16th 26th Source: NCES, IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey.

64 Percent of 25-64 Year Olds with College Degrees – Associate and Higher, 2013
KY Ranked 44th Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2013 American Community Survey 1-Year Public Use Microdata Sample.

65 U.S. and Kentucky Poverty Rates by Educational Attainment
Source: American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

66 Projected Job Growth From 2010 to 2020 by Education Level, Kentucky (in thousands)
Graduate/Professional Baccalaureate Associate Certificate or Credential of < 2 Years Less than High School High School Graduate Postsecondary Georgetown Center for Education and the Workforce, Recovery: Job Growth And Education Requirements Through 2020

67 Fall FTE Projections Source: Official data as reported to CPE (Type 2). Definition: Total Student Credit Hours / 15 by Delivering College.


69 Goal #1

70 Diplomas/Certificates–Total Cohort
TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of certificates and diplomas awarded.

71 Associate Degrees – Total Cohort
TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of associate degrees awarded.

72 Affordability – KCTCS as a % of KY Public Four-Years
Note: Updating In November 2016 Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Definition: KCTCS net price as a percentage of the net price for students paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate & receiving grant or scholarship aid at KY public 4-years.

73 Fall FTE by Delivering College
Source: Official data as reported to CPE (Type 2). Definition: Total Student Credit Hours / 15 by Delivering College.

74 Completers in Kentucky – Targeted Industry Sectors
Source: CPE Official data, OET Kentucky Occupational Outlook, KCTCS – Specific CIP-SOC Crosswalk, ONET Online, National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE), and BLS – May 2013 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates and Industry-Occupation Matrix Data, by Industry. Definition: Occupations with education/training requirements of an associate or less in the following Target Industry Sectors: Automobile and Aircraft Manufacturing; Transportation, Distribution and Logistics; Business Services and Research and Development; Health Care/Social Assistance; and Energy Creation/Transmission.

75 Goal #2

76 Diplomas/Certificates–Underrepresented Minorities
TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of certificates and diplomas awarded to Underrepresented Minorities (American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Two or More Races).

77 Diplomas/Certificates – Low Income
TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of certificates and diplomas awarded by Low Income status (Pell recipient at any period of enrollment – since – at any KCTCS Institution).

78 Associate Degrees – Underrepresented Minorities
TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of associate degrees awarded to Underrepresented Minorities (American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Two or More Races). .

79 Associate Degrees – Low Income
TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE. Definition: Annual count of associate degrees awarded by Low Income status (Pell recipient at any period of enrollment – since – at any KCTCS Institution).

80 Graduation Rate – Underrepresented Minorities
TARGET Target closes the gap –target for URM to be at 70% of total target. Source: CPE Official Data. Definition: Cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of normal time as reported to IPEDS limited to Underrepresented Minorities (American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Two or More Races).

81 Graduation Rate – Low Income
TARGET Target closes the gap –target for low income to be at 90% of total target. Source: CPE Official Data. Definition: Three-year graduation rates of first-time, full-time credential-seeking students by Low Income (Pell recipient in academic year of entry at any KCTCS college).

82 Retention Rate – Underrepresented Minorities
Note: Updating Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 In March 2016 TARGET Source: CPE Official Data as reported to IPEDS. Definition: Fall-to-fall retention rates of first-time, credential-seeking students by Underrepresented Minorities (American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Two or More Races). .

83 Retention Rate – Low Income
Note: Updating Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 In March 2016 TARGET Source: CPE Official Data as reported to IPEDS. Definition: Fall-to-fall retention rates of first-time, credential-seeking students by Low Income (Pell recipient in academic year of entry at any KCTCS college). .

84 To parallel CPE Diversity Plan measures:
Diversity Measures To parallel CPE Diversity Plan measures: Opportunity: Recruitment and Enrollment of Diverse Students Success: Student Success Impact: Campus Climate, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Competency Source: To be determined. Definition: To be determined.

85 Goal #3

86 Graduation Rate – Total Cohort
TARGET Source: CPE Official Data. Definition: Cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of normal time as reported to IPEDS.

87 Developmental Education Success Rates: English
TARGET Note: Updating Fall 2014 Cohort In April 2016 Source: CPE Official Data. Definition: Number of students in the summer/fall first-time, full-time, credential-seeking cohort who needed developmental education in English and successfully completed any college-level course in the subject by the following fall semester.

88 Developmental Education Success Rates: Math
Note: Updating Fall 2014 Cohort In April 2016 TARGET Source: CPE Official Data. Definition: Number of students in the summer/fall first-time, full-time, credential-seeking cohort who needed developmental education in math and successfully completed any college-level course in the subject by the following fall semester.

89 Associate Degree Graduates Who Transfer Within One Academic Year
Note: Updating In December 2016 TARGET Transfer Rate, Associate Degrees: 42.9% Straight line projection based on trend data: Time trend target - straight line interpolation (assumes actual percentage as baseline) Source: National Student Clearinghouse; Unofficial Student Records data; CPE Official data Definition: Percent of Associate earners in academic year who enrolled at a four-year in that academic year after the term end date of the term the first Associate credential was earned or in the next academic year.

90 Experiential Learning – Diploma/AAS Graduates
TARGET 2% growth annually – baseline (five-year average) Source: CPE Official Data and DSS Unofficial Data. Definition: Cohort from official data and pulled maximum term to determine college for which they were counted. Each student is only counted once per experiential learning type: Clinicals, Co-ops, Internships, and Service Learning. Student is counted as completed with a grade of A, B, C, D or P.

91 Dual Credit Success Rate
Note: Updating Cohort In October 2016 Source: CPE Official Data; Unofficial Student Records; National Student Clearinghouse; UI Match Definition: Enrolled in College or Earned $25,000+ in the following academic year ($25,000 is ~twice poverty threshold - $24,662 in 2015)

92 Goal #4

93 Retention Rate – Total Cohort
TARGET Source: CPE Official Data. Definition: Fall-to-fall retention rates of first-time, credential-seeking students as reported to IPEDS.

94 Gateway Course Success
Note: Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 Updating In March 2016 Source: CPE Official Data and DSS Unofficial Data Definition: First-time credential-seeking students who took a gateway course within the academic year and the percent that passed. Success is defined as obtaining an A, B, C or P in one of the following classes designated as a Gateway course: BIO 112, BIO 135, BIO 137, CIT 105, ENG 101, HIS 108, MA 109, MA 150, MT 150.

95 Community College Student Survey of Student Engagement
Benchmark Scores 2009 2011 2013 2015 2021 Target Active Learning 49.2 47.5 48.7 47.3 50.0 Student Effort 51.4 51.5 51.1 50.4 Academic Challenge 50.9 50.3 Student / Faculty Interaction 52.9 53.2 53.7 52.8 Support for Learners 51.7 51.8 52.5 Average scores on CCSSEs (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) benchmarks of effective educational practice; results from CCFSSE (Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement); selected CCSSE questions related to service Definition: Average scores on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)s benchmarks of effective educational practice. Source: CCSSE. CCSSEs Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice: Active and Collaborative Learning: Do students contribute to class discussions, make presentations, work on projects with other students? Student Effort: Do students come to class prepared? How much time do students spend preparing for class? Academic Challenge: Do students work hard to meet instructors expectations? Are students asked to apply what they have learned? Student-Faculty Interaction: Do students discuss ideas with instructors outside of class? Do they receive prompt feedback on their performance? Support for Learners: Does the college help students cope with non-academic responsibilities? Does the college encourage interaction among diverse students? Source: Community College Survey of Student Engagement Definition: Average scores on CCSSE’s benchmarks of effective educational practice.

96 Goal #5

97 Workforce Credit Hour Conversion
Source: Workforce Solutions Definition: Number of credit hours of workforce non-credit courses (clock hour conversion to credit hours).

98 Licensure / Certification Pass Rate
NATIONAL AVERAGE TARGET – ABOVE Note: Updating In July 2017 Note: Updating In July 2018 Source: VFA based on KCTCS data as submitted in PeopleSoft Definition: The number of students in the CTE completer/leaver cohort who achieve a passing grade on their first attempt of a licensure exam within one year divided by the number of students in the CTE completer/leaver cohort who sat for the first time to take the licensure exam within one year.

99 Median Wage Growth NATIONAL AVERAGE TARGET – ABOVE Note: Note: 2013-14
Updating In July 2017 Note: Updating In July 2018 Median Pre-CTE wages are median 2nd quarter 20XX wages of the CTE Completer/Leaver Cohort with wages at or above $2,575 and who were not enrolled in education in the 4th quarter (one quarter prior to the post-departure UI quarter). Median Post-Departure Wages – UI Wage data more than 6 quarters after last possible completion for the cohort (1st quarter 20XX) of the CTE Completer/Leaver Cohort with pre-CTE wages at or above $2,575 and who were not enrolled in education in the quarter prior to the UI quarter. Calculation: (Median Post-Departure Wage (where greater than zero) – Median Pre-CTE wage)/Median Pre-CTE wage Persons not included in the StudentTracker and/or UI matches were excluded as were persons with an 88/99 SSN Example dates for cohort: - Enrolled in education: StudentTracker – matched in the 4th quarter of 2014 (10/1/ /31/2014) and/or enrolled in KCTCS (non-CTE CIP) in Fall 2014 (4144) - UI – pre-wage = 2nd quarter of 2010; post-wage = 1st quarter of 2015 Source: UI wage matches; KCTCS Unofficial Data as reported to Voluntary Framework Accountability (VFA) Definition: Change in median wage of CTE completers and leavers from before their CTE experience and after their CTE experience.

100 Companies Served TARGET - TBD
Source: Workforce Solutions Annual Report Definition: Number of companies served by Workforce Solutions through customized training and the administration of Workforce Assessments.


102 END

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