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Prefixes Mini Final 3.

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1 Prefixes Mini Final 3

2 “ab-” – “con-”

3 ab- = from, away from Examples: Abductor Abnormal
Ab/duct/or – from, away from/leads, carry/one who = a muscle whose contraction moves a limb or part away from the midline of the body, or from another part. Ab/normal – from, away from/what is usual = deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

4 = no, not, without, away from
a- an- = no, not, without, away from Examples: Anesthesia Apnea An/esthesia – no, not, without, away from/sensation, feeling = insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations. A/pnea – no, not, without, away from/breathing = temporary cessation of breathing, especially during sleep.

5 = in the direction of, increase, toward, near
ad- = in the direction of, increase, toward, near Examples: Adrenal Adhesion Adrenal – in the direction of, increase, toward, near/kidney = of, relating to, or denoting a pair of ductless glands situated above the kidneys. Adhesion – in the direction of, increase, toward, near/kidney/unite, sticking = an abnormal union of membranous surfaces due to inflammation or injury.

6 ante- = before, forward Examples: Anteflexion Antenatal
Ante/flex/ion – before, forward/bend/condition, action = A bending forward; a sharp forward curve or angulation; denoting especially the normal forward bend in the uterus at the junction of corpus and cervix uteri. Ante/nat/al – before, forward/birth/relating to = a medical examination during pregnancy. (before birth; during or relating to pregnancy; prenatal.)

7 anti- = against Examples: Antisepsis Antipyretic
Anti/sepsis – against/decay caused by = the practice of using antiseptics to eliminate the microorganisms that cause disease Anti/pyret/ic – against/fever/pertaining to = (chiefly of a drug) used to prevent or reduce fever

8 bi- = two, both, double Examples: Bilateral Bifurcation
Bi/lateral – two, both, double/side/relating to = having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides. Bi/furca/tion – two, both, double/fork/condition, action = the division of something into two branches or parts.

9 = together, with, jointly
co- con- = together, with, jointly Examples: Congenital defect Connective tissue Con/genit/al defect – together, with, jointly/reproduction/relating to = any physical, mental, or biochemical abnormality present at birth. Con/nective tissue – together, with, jointly/to tie/expressing tendency, function = tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs, typically having relatively few cells embedded in an amorphous matrix, often with collagen or other fibers, and including cartilaginous, fatty, and elastic tissues.

10 “contra-” – “hypo-”

11 contra- = against, opposite Examples: Contraception Contraindication
Contra/cept/ion – against, opposite/conceive, conception/condition, action = the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The major forms of artificial contraception are barrier methods, of which the most common is the condom; the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones that prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization. Contra/indication – against, opposite/suitable remedy or treatment, shows the presence of a disease = something (as a symptom or condition) that makes a particular treatment or procedure inadvisable

12 = bad, difficult, painful, abnormal
dys- = bad, difficult, painful, abnormal Examples: Dysphagia Dysphasia Dys/phagia – bad, difficult, painful, abnormal/eating, swallowing = difficulty or discomfort in swallowing, as a symptom of disease. Dys/phasia – bad, difficult, painful, abnormal/speech = language disorder marked by deficiency in the generation of speech, and sometimes also in its comprehension, due to brain disease or damage

13 ec- = out, outside Example: Ectropion of the eyelid Ectopic pregnancy
Ec/trop/ion of the eyelid – out, outside/turn/condition, action = a condition, typically a consequence of advanced age, in which the eyelid is turned outward away from the eyeball. Ec/top/ic pregnancy – out, outside/place/pertaining to =a pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the uterus, typically in a Fallopian tube.

14 ecto- = out, outward Example: Ectoderm
Ecto/derm – out, outward/skin = One of the three primary germ cell layers (the other two being the mesoderm and endoderm) that make up the very early embryo. The ectoderm is the outermost of the three layers. It differentiates to give rise to many important tissues and structures including the outer layer of the skin and its appendages (the sweat glands, hair, and nails), the teeth, the lens of the eye, parts of the inner ear, the nerves, brain, and spinal cord. This much is classic human embryology. Stem cell research, however, has shown that some cells within ectodermal structures retain their ability to differentiate into other tissues. For example, some cells in brain (ectoderm) can become bone marrow (mesoderm).

15 em- en- = in, into, on Example: Enostosis
En/ost/osis – in, into, on/bone/abnormal condition = a bony growth within a bone cavity or on the internal surface of the bone cortex.

16 endo- = within Example: Endoscope
Endo/scope – within/instrument used to view = an instrument that can be introduced into the body to give a view of its internal parts

17 epi- = upon, at, in addition to Example: Epidermis
Epi/dermis – upon, at, in addition to/skin = the outer layer of cells covering an organism, in particular.

18 ex- = out, away from, over Example: Exacerbation
Ex/acerbat/ion – out, away from, over/to make sour or bitter/condition, action = an increase in the severity of a disease or its signs and symptoms.

19 = above, excessive, beyond
hyper- = above, excessive, beyond Example: Hyperacidity Hyperacidity – above, excessive, beyond/acid level = a condition in which the level of acid in the gastric juices is excessive, causing discomfort.

20 = beneath, below, deficient
hypo- = beneath, below, deficient Examples: Hypodermic injection Hypoglycemia Hypo/derm/ic injection – beneath, below, deficient/skin/pertaining to = A subcutaneous, intracutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection by means of a hypodermic syringe and needle. Hypo/glyc/emia – beneath, below, deficient/glucose, sugar/blood, blood condition = deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream

21 “hemi-” – “tri-”

22 hemi- = half Example: Hemiplegia
Hemi/plegia – half/paralysis = paralysis of one side of the body

23 = beside, around, near, abnormal
para- par- = beside, around, near, abnormal Examples: Paranoia Parathyroid Para/noia – beside, around, near, abnormal/mind, will = a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality. Para/thyroid – beside, around, near, abnormal/thyroid = a gland next to the thyroid that secretes a hormone (parathyroid hormone ) that regulates calcium levels in a person's body.

24 = around, surrounding, about
peri- = around, surrounding, about Example: Pericarditis Peri/card/itis – around, surrounding/heart/inflammation = inflammation of the pericardium.

25 pre- = before, in front of Example: Precancerous
Pre/cancer/ous – before, in front of/cancer/characterized by = (of a cell or medical condition) likely to develop into cancer if untreated.

26 = in front of, before, forward
pro- = in front of, before, forward Examples: Prognosis Pro/gnosis – before, in front of, forward/to know = the likely course of a disease or ailment.

27 = backward, behind, back of
retro- = backward, behind, back of Example: Retroversion Retroversion – backward, behind, back of/a turning, equivalent to/condition, action = a tilting or turning backward of an organ or part: retroversion of the uterus.

28 semi- = half Example: Semicoma
Semi/coma – half/deep sleep = A partial or mild comatose state; a coma from which a person may be roused by various stimuli.

29 sub- = under, beneath, below Examples: Subcostal Subcutaneous
Subcostal – under, beneath, below/rib/relating to = beneath a rib; below the ribs. Subcutaneous – situated or applied under the skin

30 = above, beyond, superior, upward
super- supra- = above, beyond, superior, upward Example: Suprarenal Supra/renal – above, beyond, superior, upward/kidney = another term for adrenal. (of, relating to, or denoting a pair of ductless glands situated above the kidneys.)

31 = with, along, together, beside
sym- syn- = with, along, together, beside Example: Synarthrosis Syn/arthr/osis – with, along, together, beside/joint/abnormal condition = an immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue (for example, the sutures of the skull).

32 trans- = across, over Example: Transfusion
Trans/fusion – across, over/a pouring out, melting = an act of transferring donated blood, blood products, or other fluid into the circulatory system of a person or animal.

33 tri- = three Examples: Trifacial
Tri/faci/al – three/face/relating to = Denoting the fifth pair of cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerves.

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