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October 26.

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1 October 26

2 Monday, Oct. 26th

3 Having fun with Native American Oral Tradition
Assignment due for Monday’s Class: Find 20 facts about “Sasquatch” Locate info from at least 3 tribes in USA Include physical characteristics, locations, personality, temperament, etc…. Check out the Yeti in Nepal! Pass ‘em forward! Having fun with Native American Oral Tradition Finishing our Sasquatch “documentary”

4 Today: Lab homework tomorrow in the library lab:
Choose 3 tribes to PREVIEW from the front board for both tribal and Sasquatch information. Absent? See next slide for a picture of the front board with the various tribes listed Skim the information on them, then choose your favorite tribe to create a “Sasquatch” tale they might tell as a story ‘round the campfire. Totally fiction – you will make it up! What name did they already give the “Sasquatch” / “Hairy Man” creature, if it exists in their oral tradition? Plan to use that name for it in your story as well as environmental details where they lived and other cool things you learn about their particular tribe.


6 Tuesday, Oct. 27th

7 Assignment for Tuesday in the library lab:
Choose 3 tribes to PREVIEW from the front board for both tribal and Sasquatch information. Absent Monday? See this PowerPoint online and the picture of the front board with the various tribes listed Skim the information on all three tribes, then choose your favorite tribe to create a “Sasquatch” tale they might tell as a story ‘round the campfire. Totally fiction – you will make it up! Take notes on your favorite tribe for Friday. What name did they already give the “Sasquatch” / “Hairy Man” creature, if it exists in their oral tradition? Plan to use that name for it in your story Look for specific environmental details, where/how they lived and other cool things about your particular tribe to use Friday in your story.

8 Upcoming Assignment for Friday in lab:
Assignment for Friday, Nov. 6: Type and print out a draft of your “oral tradition” Sasquatch tale for your tribe – due before you leave class Bring in elements SPECTIFIC to the tribe you chose– location / environment and unique info about the tribe should play a large role in the tale REQUIRED: Choose at least ONE of the four oral tradition elements to incorporate into your tale:

9 Wednesday, Oct. 28th

10 Review your “Oral Tradition” notes!
Partner quiz OR on your own…your choice after quiet reading today ___ points Slides are timed – work fast!

11 1. Review your “OT” notes! 2. Quiet Reading before the partner quiz
READING GOAL this week by end of class Friday: P. 114 “Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love”

12 DIRECTIONS One sheet of paper Title: Oral Tradition Slide Quiz
Both names [ first and last ] at the top Hour Today’s date: 10/28/15

13 Wednesday Quiz Oct. 28 Answer all questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES except when otherwise directed.

14 “Oral tradition” is defined as….
Question # minutes max In a complete sentence, clearly define the term “oral tradition”: How to answer academically- restate the question as a STATEMENT: “Oral tradition” is defined as….

15 What are the 4 elements of oral tradition?
Question # minutes max What are the 4 elements of oral tradition? How to answer academically - restate the question as a STATEMENT: The four elements of oral tradition are as follows: ___, ____, ____, and ______.

16 “The Earth on Turtle’s Back”?
Question # minutes max Which of the four elements is best exemplified by the following quote from the Onondaga story “The Earth on Turtle’s Back”? “She stepped onto the new Earth and opened her hand letting the seeds fall onto the bare soil. From those seeds, the trees and grass sprang up. Life on Earth had begun” ( Bruchac, Caduto 23). ANSWER: The quote from the story “The Earth on Turtle’s Back” is an example of the oral tradition element of…because….

17 “The Earth on Turtle’s Back”?
Question # minutes max Which of the four elements is best exemplified by the following paraphrase from the Onondaga story “The Earth on Turtle’s Back”? Muskrat’s perseverance and belief in herself, despite her small size, allowed her to achieve a great task: grasping dirt in her tiny paw from under the water ( Bruchac, Caduto 23). ANSWER: The paraphrase from the story “The Earth on Turtle’s Back” is an example of the oral tradition element of…because….

18 Question # minutes max Which of the four elements is best exemplified by the following quotes from the Navajo story “The Navajo Origin Legend”? “Blue Body and Black Body each carried a sacred buckskin. White body carried two ears of corn…” (Matthews 26). & “The gods laid one buckskin on the ground…and told the people to stand at a distance” (Matthews 27). ANSWER: These quotes from the story “The Navajo Origin Legend” are an example of the oral tradition element of…because….

19 Question # minutes max Which of the four elements is best exemplified by the following quote from the Modoc story “When Grizzlies Walked Upright”? “[The Sky Chief found] A new race that was not of his making…they are the ancestors of all the Indian tribes” (Erdoes, Ortiz 25). ANSWER: The quote from the story “When Grizzlies Walked Upright” is an example of the oral tradition element of…because….

20 Question # minutes max Which of the four elements is best exemplified by the following quote from the Modoc story “When Grizzlies Walked Upright”? “Whenever a grizzly killed an Indian, his body was burned on the spot…and [those] who passed that way cast a stone there until a great pile of stones marked the place of death” (Erdoes, Ortiz 25). ANSWER: The quote from the story “When Grizzlies Walked Upright” is an example of the oral tradition element of…because….

21 Thursday, Oct. 29th

22 Quiet Reading when you finish quiz the individual quiz 
READING GOAL this week by end of class Friday: P.114


24 Read the story entitled “Lakota Creation Myth,” as retold by Lame Deer
Read the story entitled “Lakota Creation Myth,” as retold by Lame Deer. 10 minutes

25 Native American Oral Tradition
Read the Lakota story by Lame Deer. Complete the “Oral Tradition Elements” sheet. Determine which of the 4 elements are present Find a quote to prove it Explain how/why the quote proves that element is present

26 Quiet Reading when you finish quiz the individual quiz 
READING GOAL this week by end of class Friday: P.114

27 Friday, Oct. 30th

28 Friday in lab: Due before you leave
Type and print out a draft of your “oral tradition” Sasquatch tale for your tribe Bring in elements SPECIFIC to the tribe you chose– location / environment and unique info about the tribe should play a large role in the tale REQUIRED: Choose at least ONE of the four oral tradition elements to incorporate into your tale


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