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Distance Learning BILC 2005

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1 Distance Learning BILC 2005
Study Group 1 Distance Learning BILC 2005

2 Distance Learning – BILC 2005

3 Study Group 1: Distance Learning Report Summary Outline
Study group objectives Definition of distance learning Discussion of DL practices by nations with established programs Common challenges Summary of lessons learned

4 Study Group Objectives
Clarify and agree on definition of DL Share and discuss key lessons learned with those nations where distance learning programs have been established for the benefit of those seeking to establish such programs

5 Definition of Distance Learning (Technology-Mediated)
Teaching and learning in which there is a physical separation between the teacher and learners that is bridged through the use of technology (e.g., computers and the Internet). The instruction may be in real time (synchronous) or in delayed time (asynchronous) and delivered any time and anywhere.

6 Discussion of DL Practices in Established Programs
Reports and discussion took place that focused on established programs in the following nations: Canada Italy Hungary USA Discussions addressed the following issues: Type of distance learning program, rationale and objective Pedagogical considerations Planning, resourcing and procurement Lessons learned

7 Common Challenges Common challenges in establishing and maintaining DL programs: Greater need and demand for DL than there are available resources to establish programs Initially, teachers saw the move to technology-mediated instruction as threatening Firewalls and other network security measures Adequate time to design, develop and maintain curricula and materials Reliability and maintenance of technology (lifecycle replacement) Bandwidth availability Software development for interactive language learning and Learning Management System (LMS) implementation Reliability of test results: How do we control for integrity of testing? Misconception that technology can do it all (e.g staff reductions) Selection and Professional training/development of teachers/tutors

8 Summary of Lessons Learned
Lessons learned in establishing and maintaining DL programs: Conduct a careful cost-benefit analysis Be willing to take some risks DL is suited for language maintenance and enhancement instruction DL does not reduce the need for classroom teachers There is a persistent need for interactive learning DL programs must be set up with reasonable expectations vis a vis the operational mission

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