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Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA

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1 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council Boy Scouts of America Welcome to the Program preview for the Lincoln Heritage Council. For more Information and Registration visit

2 & Online Registration
On all of the marketing materials we use, parents are given the web address for the BSA’s “Be a Scout” website ( Your unit’s key 3 (Leader (SM, CM, NL), Committee Chair, and Charter Rep are designated with access. To get started: 1. Create a account 2. Update your pin through pin management 3. Now your unit can opt in to use online registration and also receive leads for new parents and leaders through

9/16/2018 Training WHAT MAKES A TRAINED LEADER? Youth Protection Training (YPT) (EL) - is a joining requirement for ALL leaders and must be taken every two years. Venturing Leaders must take Venturing YPT (EL) NOTE: Basic Training is required for ALL Direct Contact Leaders. CUB SCOUT LEADERS Cub Leader Specific Training Pack Trainers attend Pack Committee Challenge & Fundamentals of Training BOY SCOUT/VARSITY SCOUT Leader Specific Troop Committee Challenge (EL) for Committee & Team Committee Challenge for Committee Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills (not required for committee) VENTURING Venturing Leader Specific (or Crew Committee Challenge for Committee) Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills (for outdoor Crews only) SEA SCOUT Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic (EL = Available on E-Learning page Adult leaders are considered trained and eligible to wear the official Trained emblem recognition once they have completed the basic training requirements outlined here… For more Information and Registration visit

4 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 RECHARTER 2018 ALL Scouting Programs Plan Now for 2018 recharter. We will have recharter packets available at September Roundtable. Sept. – Oct. need to: Begin Collecting Dues and Fees for Returning and New Members. Correcting any information on existing members. Submitting any new youth applications along with new adult applications with their Youth Protection Certification. Updating Youth Protection and Trainings for Adult Leaders and correcting information. Obtaining proper signatures on charter paperwork and applications. Online recharter access is open October 1st. Submit no later than District Recharter/JTE Turn-Ins in Nov. For more Information and Registration visit

5 Commissioner Service Saturday November 4, 2017
9/16/2018 Commissioner Service Commissioners are the communication conduit for unit leaders to the Council. Commissioners are experienced Scouters who help units access all the services that a local council offers. Saturday November 4, 2017 Commissioners College at Christ Church United Methodist, Louisville Commissioner Retreat August 11-12, 2017 Camp Crooked Creek For more information Contact: Larry Arnold The LHC Commissioner staff is comprised of the best volunteers Scouting has to offer. Men & women who have led successful units and are there to support you in making your unit as good as it can be. Our goal for is to have an active qualified Commissioner for every Charter partner. For more Information and Registration visit

6 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Popcorn Sale 2017 FUND THE ADVENTURE! The annual popcorn sale is critical in the continued success of your council and to many, many units across the Lincoln Heritage Council. Don’t miss out on this easy, risk-free way for your Unit to earn money to Fund the Adventure! If your Unit hasn’t done so already, sign up today! This year’s sale will offer NEW products, great contests & prizes and an awesome commission structure designed to make your Unit more money! Questions? Contact Josh Simpson ( or DATE ITEM AUGUST 1 SHOW N SELL ORDERS DUE TO COUNCIL OFFICE AUGUST 17-18 SHOW N SELL DISTRIBUTION AUGUST 18 POPCORN SALE BEGINS OCTOBER 23-25 TAKE ORDERS DUE/PRIZE ORDERS DUE/SHOW N’ SELL RETURNS NOVEMBER 9-10 TAKE ORDER DISTRIBUTION For more Information and Registration visit

7 Scout Night at the Bats 2017 dates: Saturday, August 19, dates: Friday, May 11, 2018 Saturday, August 25, 2018 Contact Bryan McBride for more details: (Phone)

8 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Shoot-A-Palooza September 9, 2017 Camp Crooked Creek This event is for Boy Scouts and Venturers who are interested in a day of shooting sports. Rifle shooting, sporting clays, archery, paintball and pistol shooting for Venturers will all be available. Space is limited. Visit for registration forms. Start planning now. Camp cards are a great way for your Scouts to pay their way to Summer camp. The card sells for $5. For more Information and Registration visit

9 Patriot Ride Harley Davidson Louisville October 7, 2017 Join over 300 Motorcycle riders as they ride through Louisville in this awesome ride to support our local Scouts. You will be able to register for the event though the Council website in the August. Contact Robert Burns at or for more information.


11 Eclipse Day at Pfeffer Scout Reservation
August 19th-21st Join us for an exciting weekend. Louisville Astronomy club and the LHC partner to make an once and a lifetime event for you! For information contact Sarah Flowers or Or Daniel Roe

12 Golf Classic Lincoln Heritage Council
Wednesday October 18 Covered Bridge Golf Club Thursday October 23 Lake Forest Golf Club We are excited to offer two great outings this fall at beautiful Covered Bridge Golf Club. Mark your calendars today and contact Matt Abney at or for more details.

13 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Fleur-de-lis Fling! Friday, September 15 The Olmstead More than an event…an Experience!! High energy adult celebration with themed decor, amazing food, live entertainment, live auction and more to benefit at-risk Scouts! Make it a date night for your favorite cause! Great couple & table pricing. Register now at . Seating is limited. Contact Susan Shoemaker, , for details Special thanks to Diamond Sponsor Hilliard Lyons! Event could sell out. Register now! For more Information and Registration visit

14 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Wood Badge Fall 2017 All Day September Camp Crooked Creek All Day October Camp Crooked Creek Spring 2018 First Weekend: March 2-4 Second Weekend: March Wood Badge is a world-class leadership development program intended for all Scout leaders who have completed the basic training for their position. Sessions are all day and required. The Wood Badge for the 21st Century course brings together leaders from all areas of Scouting—Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing—and all levels of Boy Scouts of America staff. Reflecting the best of nearly a century of Scouting experience, the course also draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles, and successful outdoor leadership organizations throughout the country. Come on out and experience the best training Scouting has to offer! For more Information and Registration visit

15 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Haunted Woods Saturday, October 20, 2018-Tunnel Mill Saturday, October 27, Camp Crooked Creek and Pfeffer Scout Reservation Registration Begins at 11:00AM Haunted Woods is a FUN event for Cub Scouts and their families. Events include: BB guns, Archery, sling shots, face painting, pumpkin painting, and hiking. A limited space available for camping Saturday. Dress for the weather. Haunted Woods is held rain or shine. For more information please contact or visit Haunted Woods is a FUN event for Cub Scouts and their families. Kids will collect a bag of goodies. Participants can come out and hike the 2.5-mile trail anytime between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase at the end of the trail. Dress for the weather. Haunted Woods is held rain or shine. Notice: The terrain of this trail does not allow for strollers or wheelchairs. For additional information please contact Kathy Ritchie at or Sarah Flowers For more Information and Registration visit

16 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Scouting For Food Flyer Drop Off: November 11, 2017 Food Collection: November 18, 2017 Scouts throughout the Lincoln Heritage Council will be participating in the annual Scouting for Food project. Flyer Drop Off: November 10, 2018 Food Collection: November 17, 2018 Scouts throughout the Lincoln Heritage Council will be participating in the annual Scouting for Food project. Roundtables in October will have collection details as well as to select your units territory to cover. In November you and your fellow Scouts will distribute the Scouting for Food flyers, letting your community know that you will be back to collect bags of food that they are willing to donate. Take your donations to your districts collection site or your charter organizations food bank. For more Information and Registration visit

17 Camp Roy C Manchester Winter Camp 2017 December 27th-31st
A Unique Boy Scout Camping Experience Opportunities to Earn Merit Badges Special Training Opportunities for Scouts and Leaders Come as a Troop or as Provisionals SAVE THE DATE FOR 2018

18 Winter STEM Day Camp $50.00 a day go 5 days get the 6th day free!
December 19-21, 2016 December 28-30, 2016 8:30AM-5:00PM Watkins United Methodist Church 9800 Westport Rd Louisville KY $50.00 a day go 5 days get the 6th day free! For more information:

19 December 2, 2017 (CCC, RCM and TMR)
Engineer Days Our camps, Camp Crooked Creek, Roy C. Manchester, Tunnel Mill and Wildcat Hollow need your help in Ares of general camp cleanup and Maintenance! Your unit will be able to be involved in helping your favorite camping destination in some service projects that will make our beautiful camps shine for years to come! The preregistration deadline is the Wednesday before Engineer Day. If you plan on camping, please contact Business Manager Susie Rausch at or to reserve a campsite. May 12, (all camps) December 2, 2017 (CCC, RCM and TMR) November 4, 2017(WCH)

20 University of Scouting
Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA 9/16/2018 University of Scouting University of Scouting: one stop shopping for Scout leader training (basic leader training along with over 80 individual workshops to help you deliver better unit programming and take advantage of the services and facilities available through the LHC. January 27, 2018: Louisville Metro Area February 24, 2018: Western Service Area The success of Scouting in the Lincoln Heritage Council has for over 102 years depended entirely on the quality and strength of the volunteers that deliver meaningful weekly programs to its 29,000 Scouts. The ability of volunteers to deliver that weekly program is strengthened by quality training at the district and council level. The Lincoln Heritage Council has much to be proud of in the area of quality training.   The University of Scouting is a one-day training event that offers workshops for Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, Commissioner, and District Committee volunteers. There will be two different Universities offered this again this to allow as many of our volunteers as possible to attend this training opportunity, The council training committee has assembled the best trainers in the council, and has selected a wide spectrum of individual workshops that will strengthen each volunteer’s ability to deliver better Scouting for our youth.   We think you will agree that the range of workshops available through the University of Scouting will improve your leadership skills and deepen your understanding of the impact Scouting has on young people.   Encourage every volunteer and interested parent to take the time to attend; we are sure that they will walk away with not only new skills and ideas, but with some new and renewed passion for Scouting.   For more Information and Registration visit

21 Scout Anniversary Week
February 4-9, 2018 Celebrate the Anniversary of Scouting by highlighting the achievements of your Scouts and the contributions made to them by your chartered organization and the community. Hold an Awards Ceremony and invite your community leaders and chartered organization. Conduct a Service Project in your neighborhood. Participate with Religious Services in your church or chartered organization on Scout Sunday, February 6/Sabbath, February 10.

22 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Camp Card Sale Start planning now. Camp cards are a great way for your Scouts to pay their way to Summer Camp! Camp Cards sell for $5 and the Scout keeps up to $2.50 per card. Sale Starts March 2018 Sale Ends May 2018 Start planning now. Camp cards are a great way for your Scouts to pay their way to Summer camp. The card sells for $5. For more Information and Registration visit

23 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 2018 Day Camps Day Camp is a great summer activity for Cub Scouts. It is a week-long experience where Cub Scouts can shoot BB guns, bows and arrows, learn about nature, do leatherwork and crafts, play games, sing songs, and do many more activities. Check your District pages for dates! Day Camp is a 5 day experience (generally from 8:30 AM-4:00PM) filled with activities, fun and advancement. Cub Scout will shoot BB guns and archery, discover nature, practice outdoor skills, learn and play sports, make cool projects, and meet special guests. Day Camp is great way to beat the “summertime blues”!! For additional information please contact Sarah Flowers at or For more Information and Registration visit

24 2018 Boy Scout Summer Camp Camp Crooked Creek
Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA 9/16/2018 2018 Boy Scout Summer Camp Camp Crooked Creek For more information or to sign up, check out If you have not reserved your spot for Summer Camp at Camp Crooked Creek for 2018, please call Brandy at Summer Camp Schedule Week 1: June 10-16 Week 2: June 17-23 Week 3: June 21-30 Week 4: July 1-7 Week 5: July 8-14 Week 6: July 15-21 Crooked Creek is the place that memories are made and friendships are bound for life. Shooting sports are a camp highlight. Programs featuring shotguns, .22 rifles, sporting clays and archery are all available at Camp Crooked Creek. The Dan Boone (First-Year Camper) Program, located at Ribar's Dan Boone Hill overlooking the lake, gives new Scouts a big start toward achieving their First Class Rank in just one year. Learning to be a good patrol member is an important part of this program. For older Scouts: GreenRiver outpost, Frontier Town, Operation Night Hawk as well as Tower, Project C.O.P.E., and T.R.A.I.L. Boss, ATV. For additional information please contact Ben Senff at or or Sarah Flowers at or For more Information and Registration visit

25 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 2018 Boy Scout Summer Camp at Pfefffer Scout Reservation, Camp Roy C. Manchester For more information or to sign up, check out If you have not reserved your spot for Summer Camp at Roy C. Manchester for 2017, please call Brandy at Summer Camp Schedule Week 1: June 10-16 Week 2: June 17-23 Week 3: June 21-30 Week 4: July 1-7 For more Information and Registration visit

26 AQUABASE Program Scouts can choose from five aquatic based week long programs including Sailing, High Adventure Sailing, Paddle Power, Water Sports, and Life Saving! These programs are set to spent the week on the water, you this wont be your traditional summer camp experience and you wont want to miss out!

27 2018 Aqua Base at Pfefffer Scout Reservation
Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA 9/16/2018 2018 Aqua Base at Pfefffer Scout Reservation If you have not reserved your spot for Aquabase 2017, please call Brandy at For more information or to sign up, check out Aquabase Schedule Week 1: June 10-16 Week 2: June 17-23 Week 3: June 21-30 Week 4: July 1-7 Week 5: July 8-14 Week 6: July 15-21 For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018 For more Information and Registration visit

28 Summer Camp Staff Come be a part of a difference kind of Scouting adventure by serving on the staff of America’s premier Scout Camps! Camp Crooked Creek, Roy C Manchester and Tunnel Mill need your best Scouts! For more information contact Sarah Flowers For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018

29 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 2018 Cub Scout Summer Camp At Webelos and Cub Resident Camp, Scouts will participate in a variety of activities, including shooting sports, swimming, fishing, Scout skills, and much more.  Many of these activities will help Scouts earn various advancements. Nights will be campfires, fun and games, and the tranquility of the Tunnel Mill, Roy C Manchester and Camp Crooked Creek. Cub Resident Camp Sessions: Session 1: July (TMR) Session 2: July (TMR) Session 3: July (RCM) Webelos Resident Camp Sessions: June (TMR) June 28-July 1 (TMR) July 5-8 (TMR) July 19-22(RCM) Webelos Resident Camp is the highlight program of the year for all Webelos Scouts. Held at historic Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation in Charlestown, Indiana, Webelos will enjoy the outdoors, work on advancements, and have FUN! Registration Forms will be available at Roundtables and the Council Service Center in January 2013. For additional information please contact Larry Arnold at or For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018 For more Information and Registration visit

30 2018 National Youth Leadership Training
Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA 9/16/2018 2018 National Youth Leadership Training NYLT brings together youth leaders from throughout our council to learn and apply the skills they need to be effective leaders in their Troops, Crews, Ships and Teams. NYLT discusses team development and leadership strategies to enable units to reach their highest performance level Session 1: June 3-9 Session 2: July 15-21 Session 3: December 27-January 1 National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed, 6-day program designed to provide youth with leadership skills and experiences they can use in their home units and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. These week long sessions are offered right along side our summer camp programs so that your upcoming troop youth leaders can attend while your troop s at summer camp. For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018 For more Information and Registration visit

31 COPE & Climbing The Lincoln Heritage Council offers various adventures for troops, teams and crews. Your unit can make reservations to use the Climbing/Rappelling Tower, Low COPE Team-building Course or the High-Ropes Personal Challenge Course. You are provided with facilitators and all of he equipment you need to complete you adventure at the COPE & Climbing area at Camp Crooked Creek. You can also reserve the course for non-Scout functions such as: Birthday parties - Corporate Getaways Family Reunions - Church Groups Much More For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018

32 Nguttitehen Lodge Order of the Arrow
Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA 9/16/2018 Nguttitehen Lodge Order of the Arrow The Order of the Arrow is the Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to: Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law Promote Camping Develop Leaders Crystallize the Scout Habit of cheerful service to others To get your Scouts and Leaders more information check out For additional information please contact John Downey at or or contact Daniel Leathers at or For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018 For more Information and Registration visit

33 October 12-14 Mark your calendars! 2018 Patriot Games is BACK!
For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018

34 2015-2016 Program Preview Lincoln Heritage Council, BSA
9/16/2018 Thank You! For more Information and Registration visit 9/16/2018 For more Information and Registration visit

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