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Computational Thinking

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1 Computational Thinking
Unti-1 Computational Thinking

2 Define computational thinking Draw flow charts
Lesson Objectives: Define computational thinking Draw flow charts Use of comments in python Understand variables - datatypes and python operators.


4 1. Computational Thinking

5 How to make a cup of coffee:

6 How to make a paper Airplane?

7 How to calculate a rectangle room size?

8 How to make a fish aquarium?

9 Algorithm

10 Steps of Programming Process
Algorithms An Algorithm is a set of rules or steps used to solve a problem. Test your algorithm Steps of Programming Process Design an algorithm Analyze Problem Use the program Implement algorithm

11 Flow Chart A flow chart is a diagram that shows the steps used to solve a problem Flow chart uses standard symbols to represent the different instructions


13 Challenge1: The sum of two numbers
Write an algorithm and design the flow chart for the following case: The sum of two numbers

14 Challenge2: Write an algorithm and design the flow chart for the following case: Mariam got a land in a square shape , with an L Length and intended to sell the land by X price for single square meter . What will be the price of the land ?

15 Book Activity P-31 & 32

16 Book Activity Page 32

17 2. Comments

18 Comments Practical Task
# Comments are used to write descriptive comments to help you debug and share codes. Practical Task Open python program and create new python file called “Lesson2” Use comments tag to write your name Your class

19 3. Variables

20 36980 + 12555

21 num Variable & Data Type
A variable is a named location in computer’s memory that is used to store data. Each variable has a name and a value. The name of the variable should not start with a number or a symbol. The name of the variable should represent the data you be storing num

22 Book Activity P

23 Open python program - “Lesson2” Type the following:
Practical Task Open python program - “Lesson2” Type the following: name = input(“Enter Your Name” ) print (“Hello” , name) Ask the user to enter age and then print Your age is …

24 4. Python Operators

25 Operands data that we are working with to perform operations
Python Operators Operators are the instructions that tell the computer what to do with the data - (Mathematical Operators) num=17 Total = num + 293 Operand Operand Operator Operator Operands data that we are working with to perform operations

26 Arithmetic Operators

27 5. Data Types

28 Data types are used to classify the data used in a computer program.

29 Activity What’s your name ?
Work in pair .. And ask your colleague the following questions .. What’s your name ? How much do you expect today’s temperature ? What is the value of PI ?

30 int float string Definition Operations can be carried out Example
Data Types integer byte short int long Floating Point float double character string Definition Operations can be carried out Example Integer (int) Whole numbers (positive and negative) + , - , *, / , %, ** 380 , -200 Float (float) Decimal numbers (positive and negative) 2.6 , -9.1 String (string) Characters / letters declared between “ “ + “Year” , “Zayed”

31 End of Unit Activities

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