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Chapter 4: Project Planning & Scheduling

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1 Chapter 4: Project Planning & Scheduling
Prepared/edited by; Emedya Murniwaty Samsudin Jkps, Fkaas

2 Introduction Planning & Scheduling are two terms that are often thought as synonymous - they are not! Scheduling is a part of planning effort. It is necessary to understand the nature of a project before planning could execute.

3 Introduction: Definition of a Project
The Project Management Institute (PMI, 2008) defines a project as “ a temporary endeavor undertake to create a unique product, service, or result” p.434 Any project must have a “starting point” and “ending point”, must have a deliverable product or service that is unique. Project are unique. Two identical construction project might be similar but each of the project is unique and different in term of Location (soil type, weather condition, labor market, building codes, unforeseen condition, etc.), in management type and experience, and in circumstances.

4 Introduction: Definition of Project Planning
Defines as “the process of choosing one method and order of work to be adopted for a project from all the various ways and sequences in which it could be done” (Antill and Woodhead1990, p.8; Callahan, Quackenbush and Rowings 1992, p.2) The PMI define the planning process as “those process performed to establish the total scope of the effort, define & refine of the objectives, and develop the course of action required to attained those objectives” PMBOK (4th Edition, 2008) Project planning serves as a foundation for several related functions such as cost estimating, scheduling, project control, quality control, safety management and others.

5 Introduction: Project Planning
Project Planning is the process of identifying all the activities necessary to successfully complete the project. Determining the workable work scheme to achieves project objectives. Identify activities involve. Time consuming effort and often difficult. Requires knowledge of construction methods combined with the abilities to visualize discrete work elements and to establish their mutual inter-dependencies. Experiences can also help. Effective planning – minimize the impact the unforeseen problem that could impede the progress of the project. Example of planning work: WBS

6 Introduction: Project Scheduling
Project Scheduling is the process of determining the sequential order of the planned activities, assigning realistic durations to each activity, and determining the start and finish date for each activity. Determination of the timing and sequence of operations in the project and their assembly to give the overall completion time.

7 Introduction: Project Scheduling
Planning is pre-requirement to project scheduling (no way to determine the activities sequences and start/finish date of activities until they are identified). After the activities identify, then the sequence of start, finish and linkage between each activities can be determine. Project Scheduling help the managers in managing their project efficiently. Example of project scheduling: Gantt Chart, CPM and Network analysis

8 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Adequate attention must be given to both planning & scheduling. Project planning is the heart of good project management because it provides the central communications that coordinates the works of all parties. Desired Results of Project Planning & Scheduling are: Finish the project on time. Continuous (uninterrupted) flow of work (no delays) Reduced amount of rework (least amount of changes) Minimized confusion on misunderstandings. Increase knowledge of status of project by everyone. Meaningful and timely reports to management. You run the project instead the project running you. Knowledge of scheduled times of key parts of the project. Knowledge of the distributions of costs of the project Accountability of people, define responsibility/authority. Clear understanding of who does what, when & how much. Integration of all work to ensure a quality project for the owner.

9 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
The Key Principles For Planning And Scheduling Begin planning before starting work, rather than after starting work. Involve people who will actually do the work in the planning and scheduling process. Includes all aspects of the project: scope, budget, schedule & quality. Build flexibility into the plan, include allowance for changes and time for reviews and approvals. Remember the schedule is the plan for doing the work, and it will never be precisely correct. Keep the plan simple, eliminate irrelevant details that prevent the plans from being readable. Communicating the plan to all parties; any plan is worthless unless it is known.

10 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Techniques for Planning & Scheduling Varies depending upon: project’s size, Level of complexity, Duration of project, Personnel involves and owner requirements. Two (2) common methods commonly used: Bar chart (Gantt Chart) Critical Path Method (CPM or network analysis system)

11 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Project Life Cycle

12 Concept of Planning and Scheduling

13 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Construction Planning A rational, sequential and appropriate way of directing the construction activities An administrative process which translate the policy into method of achieving the directed goal

14 Concept of Planning and Scheduling

15 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Project plan (BASELINE) Project implementation (ACTUAL) Project control Project updating (REVISE PLANNING) Measurement Of work performance (BASELINE-ACTUAL) Monitor & Control

16 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Monitor & Control Once a project starts, certain aspects can easily deviate or go astray. Deviation can be either: Overspending A schedule slippage A departure from the objectives/scope Etc. Positive deviation shows that actual performance is better than expected in the baseline file Negative deviation (behind schedule/over budget)-determine the reasons why?, and take corrective actions to get back on track; or at least minimize the deviations.

17 Concept of Planning and Scheduling
Monitoring & Controlling Process Monitoring work progress Compare with baseline schedule and budget Finding deviations, determine and analyzed Taking corrective action Where ?, Why? How much?

18 Work Breakdown Structure
To achieve successful contract and corporate objectives, it needs proper planning to identify responsibilities and element in the construction project. The FIRST STEP in preparing planning is to develop The Work Breakdown Structures (WBS). WBS is a table or figure to show each steps in project. WBS display either in outline method or graphical method.

19 Work Breakdown Structure
A WBS is a product-oriented family tree composed of hardware, services, and data which result from project engineering efforts during the development and production of a project which completely defines the project/program. The WBS defines the scope of the project and breaks the work down into components that can be scheduled and estimated, as well as easily monitored and controlled.

20 Work Breakdown Structure

21 Work Breakdown Structure
The Importance of WBS: Overall program can be explain in summary according to each sub-element divided. Planning could execute. Cost and budget could estimate more accurately. Time, Cost and Performance of each element could be monitor from time to time. Objective could be relate directly with the available resources in the company. Network diagram and control planning could be prepared in early stages. Responsibilities for each parties involve in every element could be identify and assign.

22 Work Breakdown Structure
Hierarchy of WBS

23 Work Breakdown Structure
Mediterranean Housing Project project 1. Area A (West Side) 2. Area B (East Side) AREA 1A. Preliminary works 1C. Foundation works 1D. Super structure Works 1E. Finishing works 1B. Cut & fill works activity 1A.1 Fences 1A.2 Site Office 1A.3 Water Procurement

24 Work Breakdown Structure

25 Work Breakdown Structure
LINCOLN STREET BUILDING RENOVATION Facility Safety Sprinkler System Elevators Emergency Evacuation Plans Asbestos Abatement Inspection and Identification Plans for Removal Office Space Building Floor Plans Plans for Office Space Allocation Plans for Break Room Facilities Plans for Employee Workout Room Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Example: Graphical Method

26 Work Breakdown Structure
Lincoln Street Building Renovation 1.0 Facility Safety 1.1 Sprinkler System 1.2 Elevators 1.3 Emergency Evacuation Plans 2.0 Asbestos Abatement 2.1 Inspection and Identification 2.2 Plans for Removal 3.0 Office Space 3.1 Building Floor Plans 3.2 Plans for Office Space Allocation 3.3 Plans for Break Room Facilities 3.4 Plans for Employee Workout Room Example: Outline Method

27 Assignment (WBS) Question:
Your are the project manager of a project that has the following facilities: security entrance, driveways, parking, landscape, small office building, fabrication building, communication building, and recreational building. Develop a preliminary work breakdown structure for the project. Identify the engineering disciplines required for the design of the project. You may use either graphical method or outline method for the breakdown. Submission date: 19 April 2013 (before 5 pm)

28 Chapter 3: Project planning & scheduling
End of Part 1 Chapter 3: Project planning & scheduling

29 Scheduling Techniques

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