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Solid and Hazardous Waste

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1 Solid and Hazardous Waste

2 Core Case Study: E-Waste – An Exploding Problem
Electronic waste (e-waste) is the fastest growing solid waste problem Most ends up in landfills and incinerators Composition includes: High-quality plastics Valuable metals Toxic and hazardous pollutants Shipped to other countries International Basel Convention Bans transferring hazardous wastes from developed countries to developing countries Not ratified by US! European Union Cradle-to-grave approach

3 Case Study: Recycling E-Waste
70% goes to China Hazardous working conditions Includes child workers U.S. produces roughly 50% of the world’s e-waste Recycles only 14%

4 We Throw Away Huge Amounts of Useful Things
Solid waste Industrial solid waste Mines, farms, industries Municipal solid waste (MSW) Trash Waste ends up in: Rivers, lakes, the ocean, and natural landscapes The US generates more solid waste per capita than any other country!!!!

5 Case Study: Solid Waste in the United States
Leader in solid waste problem In trash production, by weight, per person 98.5% of all solid waste is industrial waste Most wastes break down very slowly If at all

6 We Can Burn, Bury, or Recycle Solid Waste or Produce Less of It
Waste management Reduce harm, but not amounts Waste reduction Use less and focus on reuse, recycle, compost Integrated waste management Uses a variety of strategies

7 We Can Cut Solid Wastes by Refusing, Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling
Waste reduction is based on: Refuse – don’t use it Reduce – use less Reuse – use it over and over Recycle Composting Using bacteria to decompose biodegradable waste

8 There Are Alternatives to the Throwaway Economy
Primary, closed-loop recycling Materials recycled into same type Secondary recycling Materials converted to other products: tires Types of wastes that can be recycled Preconsumer, internal waste generated in manufacturing process Postconsumer, external waste generated by product use We increasingly substitute throwaway items for reusable ones In general, reuse is on the rise One solution: taxing plastic shopping bags Ireland, Taiwan, the Netherlands

9 There Is Great Potential for Recycling
With incentives, the U.S. could recycle and compost 80% of its municipal solid waste Composting Mimics nature’s recycling of nutrients Resulting organic matter can be used to: Supply plant nutrients Slow soil erosion Retain water Improve crop yield Materials-recovery facilities (MRFs) Can encourage increased trash production Source separation Pay-as-you-throw Fee-per-bag

10 Recycling Paper Production of paper versus recycled paper
Energy use – world’s fifth largest consumer Water use Pollution Easy to recycle Uses 64% less energy Produces 35% less water pollution Produces 74% less air pollution

11 Recycling Plastics Plastics Currently only 7% is recycled in the U.S.
Composed of resins created from oil and natural gas Currently only 7% is recycled in the U.S. Many types of plastic resins Difficult to separate

12 Burying Solid Waste Has Advantages and Disadvantages
Sanitary landfills Waste place in hole, compacted, covered with soil layer Bottom lined with clay or plastic liner Collects leachate which is drained and treated for disposal Charge fee for use

13 Burying Solid Waste Has Advantages and Disadvantages
Open dumps Unsanitary, odiferous, leach harmful waste products into soil/water Widely used in less- developed countries Rare in developed countries Large pit Sometimes garbage is burned

14 Burning Solid Waste Has Advantages and Disadvantages
Waste-to-energy incinerators To heat water or produce electricity Landfills emit more air pollutants than modern waste-to-energy incinerators Toxic chemicals that are filtered must be disposed of or stored Ash disposal is hazardous waste!!! Very expensive

15 Hazardous Waste Is a Serious and Growing Problem
Hazardous waste (toxic waste) Threatens human health of the environment Classes of hazardous waste Organic compounds Toxic heavy metals Radioactive waste

16 We Can Detoxify Hazardous Wastes
Collect and then detoxify Physical methods Charcoal or resins filter Chemical methods Convert to less harmful chemicals Use nanomagnets Magnetic fields remove pollutant

17 We Can Detoxify Hazardous Wastes
Collect and then detoxify Bioremediation Use of biological agents to destroy toxins Phytoremediation Plants absorb, filter and remove contaminants Plasma arch Torch Electric current through air creates high temp- decomposes wastes Incineration

18 We Can Store Some Forms of Hazardous Waste
Burial on land or long-term storage Last resort only Deep-well disposal 64% of hazardous liquid wastes in the U.S. Surface impoundments Lined pools for evaporation Secure hazardous waste landfills Expensive

19 Case Study: Hazardous Waste Regulation in the United States
1976 – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) EPA sets standards and gives permits Cradle to grave Covers only 5% of hazardous wastes

20 Case Study: Hazardous Waste Regulation in the United States
1980 – Comprehensive Environmental, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) National Priorities List 2013 – 1320 Superfund sites; 365 cleaned Pace of cleanup has slowed Superfund is broke Laws encouraging the cleanup of brownfields Abandoned industrial sites

21 Grassroots Action Has Led to Better Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Prevent construction of: Incinerators, landfills, treatment plants, polluting chemical plants Something must be done with hazardous wastes

22 Providing Environmental Justice for Everyone Is an Important Goal
Everyone is entitled to protection from environmental hazards Which communities in the U.S. have the largest share of hazardous waste dumps? Environmental discrimination

23 International Treaties Have Reduced Hazardous Waste
Basel Convention 1992 – in effect 1995 amendment – bans all transfers of hazardous wastes from industrialized countries to less-developed countries 2012 – ratified by 179 countries, but not the United States

24 International Treaties Have Reduced Hazardous Waste
2000 – delegates from 122 countries completed a global treaty Control 12 persistent organic pollutants (POPs) DDT, PCBs, dioxins Everyone on earth has POPs in blood 2000 – Swedish Parliament law By 2020 ban all chemicals that are persistent and can accumulate in living tissue

25 Case Study: Industrial Ecosystems: Copying Nature
Resource exchange webs Waste as raw material Ecoindustrial parks Two major steps of biomimicry Observe how natural systems respond Apply to human industrial systems

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