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Types of Marketing Research

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1 Types of Marketing Research
Consumer Research

2 Consumer Research Used to determine buying behaviours
Results help a marketer to make decisions about the consumer market

3 Awareness, Attitude, and Usage Studies
AAU for short Unaided awareness How many shoe manufacturers can you think of in 15 seconds? Top-of-mind awareness

4 Awareness, Attitude, and Usage Studies
Aided Awareness Nike Reebok New Balance Airwalk British Knights Etnies DC And1

5 Awareness, Attitude, and Usage Studies
Attitudes: Which of those shoe brands is the highest quality? Which has the best brand image? Which ones are cutting edge, and which ones are outdated?

6 Awareness, Attitude, and Usage Studies
Heavy Users Medium Users Light Users Non Users Combine with rest of consumer profile Use to determine marketing decisions brand image key messages media channels to target

7 Consumer Segmentation Analysis
Groups potential customers into target markets Based on: demographics geographics psychographics What is the target market for:

8 Market Dimension Analysis
What influences purchasing decisions for the product’s target market? Use to develop brand image, slogans. key messages in advertisements

9 Product Research Impact of product attributes: What do consumers want?
colour packaging flavour size texture design sound What do consumers want? Will changing the product be worthwhile?

10 Media Research Segment consumers based on preferred media
Print (newspapers, magazines) Web Television Radio Others: transit ads, billboards How many people within the target market will be reached?

11 Consumer Tracking Devices
? ? ?

12 Consumer Tracking Devices
Sensors on shopping carts, bar code scanners, smart coupons Gather info without consumers’ knowledge Help determine store layout, displays, product placements

13 Motivation Research Psychological research into buying behaviour
Motives that influence purchasing decision emotional rational Coffee study

14 Consumer Satisfaction Studies
Customer feedback Compare with competition Measure gap between actual and ideal Ongoing research Longitudal studies

15 Advertising Research How to convey message most effectively
Test ads in focus groups Surveys: day after recall unaided aided Sales volume measurements Where did you hear about this product/store?

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