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Jennifer Collins Ivy Tech Community College

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1 Jennifer Collins Ivy Tech Community College
Final Project Jennifer Collins Ivy Tech Community College

2 Classroom Space


4 Classroom Space I designed a self-contained classroom equipped with bathrooms, sinks, water fountain, and a safe break area with padded walls. My walkways are clear from clutter and my arrangement gives me readily access to all my students and the classroom entrance. “To begin the process of physical arrangement, teachers can consider how they can maximize accessibility while minimizing distractions and crowding to support appropriate student behavior. Maximizing accessibility is about arranging classroom furniture and items so that the teacher can move easily to any location in the classroom and always see all students” (Sprick, 2009). My students desks are located in a pod to encourage socialization. My classroom also meets ADA requirements by having handicapped accessible desk areas, bathrooms, drinking fountains, all kitchen cabinets and the microwave are handicapped assessable. The walkways are wide and free of clutter. “The ADA. passed by Congress in was landmark legislation requiring new and renovated structures to meet specific accessibility guidelines for people with disabilities” (Sorkin, 2000).

5 Classroom Space My classroom offers different light settings for student need and technology use. There is a breakroom located at the back of my classroom with a beanbag chair in it. This space offers comfort and safety to students who are overwhelmed and need a break. ‘Simple layout: calm, ordered, low stimulus spaces, no confusing large spaces; indirect lighting, no glare, subdued colours; good acoustics, avoiding sudden/ background noise; robust materials, tamper-proof elements and concealed services; possibly H&S [health and safety] risk assessments; safe indoor and outdoor places for withdrawal and to calm down.’ (DfEE, 2009, p. 199)

6 Exceptionalities

7 Autistic Classroom Accommodations
I have provided wiggle seats, manipulatives/fidgets, and weighted vests. Autistic students may display stereotyped motor or verbal behavior: repetitive, ritualistic motor behaviors such as twirling, spinning objects, flapping the hands, and rocking (exceptional learners, 2014). The wiggle seats will help with the constant desire to move around. The manipulatives/fidgets will help keep their hands focused on an object. The weighted vests are for sensory issues. The compression these vests give help relieve stress and add comfort in some cases. The break room in the back of the classroom offers a quiet and safe place for a student to enter when overwhelmed. The learning environment is supportive of the child with autism: lighting, sound and coloring are sufficient to encourage the child to relax and settle to work. There is sufficient personal space for the child with autism to find comfort and to de-stress when necessary. The learning environment contains areas of high interest to reflect the particular interests of the child with autism. (McAllister, Maguire, 2012)

8 Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Classroom Accommodations
Many of the students with EBD are isolated from others because they strike out with hostility and aggression. They’re abusive, destructive, unpredictable, irresponsible, bossy, quarrelsome, irritable, jealous, defiant- anything but pleasant. These behaviors do not carry on 24/7, they are more episodic (Ormrod, 2014). There is a break room located in the back of my classroom for when a violent episode occurs. This practice will keep the student, the teacher, and other classmates safe. Residential day treatment and self-contained classroom settings for students with EBD serve as the environmental context for this discussion (Hunter, 2017). Since behaviors are episodic, I would want to exclude an EBD student from the pod in the middle of the classroom. There are clear walkways and sufficient amount of space for me to respond quickly to situations. There is also an oblong table in the back of the classroom that he/she can use when peer interactions seem to be a trigger.

9 Multiple Disability Classroom Accommodations
My classroom meets ADA requirements: counter tops meet standard height, The microwave is located on the counter and not secured above the stove. The table and laundry counter top are open underneath for wheelchair accessibility. Classroom is organized without clutter and walkways and doorframes are wide to easy maneuvering. Wheelchair assessable restrooms and changing station are also available I will implement PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). This system is for students with relatively severe language deficits, PECS involves the use of pictures to help students initiate and maintain functional communication (exceptional learners, 2014). The visual cues such as task pictures and labeling offer a structured learning environment. This will help the students develop a routine of things they will be doing and decrease frustration when it’s time to transition.

10 Classroom Management

11 Encouraging Peer Interactions
Inclusion is the practice of educating all students, including those with severe and multiple disabilities, in neighborhood schools and general education classrooms (Ormrod, 2014). Special education students are given an opportunity, per their IEP (Individualized Education Program, to take part in a general education classroom. Here they can participate amongst their peers in classroom activities to enhance their social skills and avoid being isolated. To the greatest extent possible, students with disabilities should be included in the same academic environment, extracurricular activities, and social interactions as their nondisabled peers (Ormrod, 2014). For those students who would not benefit going into an inclusion classroom, I would offer 3 to 4 peers to come in during a specified time each day to help students with homework, a chore, or just to play some games. The general education students would sign up and be on some type of rotating schedule for 1 class period a day. This approach encourages social skills and exposes diversity in the real world.

12 Teacher Support

13 Collaborate With Specialists
School districts usually employ a variety of specialists, including special educators, counselors, school psychologist, nurses, speech pathologists, and physical and occupational therapists (Ormrod, 2014). The National Center for Learning Disabilities- this resource can further your knowledge in multiple disabilities as well as provide different teaching strategies that may be beneficial to use in your classroom. The National Association of Special Education Teachers- this resource is updated monthly with new procedures being used to help identify a disabilities. Also provides various ideas in teaching techniques and assessment strategies as well as professional development courses. The Education Commission of the States- this resources is an up to date informative guide, based on the state from which you live in, of the laws and legal practices. It also gives you the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers around your state about their techniques in the classroom.

14 Summary

15 What Have I Learned… This Exceptional Learners course has taught me that special education teachers are not only educators. We are advocates for students with special needs. Our day is based around meeting each student’s need while following their IEP (Individualized Education Program). We are in charge of planning lessons, giving instruction, and assessing students to determine measurable growth. Classroom management and different techniques of teaching are crucial factors in making the classroom environment flow smoothly. It is important to encourage socialization amongst peers to avoid isolation and explore diversity. The least restrictive environment, inclusion within a general education classroom, is highly preferred over self-containment. As a teacher, our learning never stops. There are multiple resources and personnel to collaborate with for different teaching strategies and for support. Communicating with parents and school specialists will ultimately lead the student in a successful direction.

16 References Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2015). Exceptional learners: An introduction to special education (13th ed.). New York City, NY: Pearson. Hunter, W., Barton-Arwood, S., Jasper, A., Murley, R., & Clemets, T. (2017). Utilizing the PPET mnemonic to guide classroom- Level PBIS for students with or at risk for EBD across classroom settings. Beyond Behavior, 27(2), Retrieved from 3&site=ehost-live Macalister, K., & Maguire, B. (2012). A design model:The autism spectrum disorder classroom design kit. British Journal of Special Education, 39(4), Retrieved from DOI: / Ormrod, J. (2014). Cognitive and linguistic development. In Educational Psychology Developing Learners (8th ed., p. 35). New York City, NY: Kevin Davis. Sorkin, D. (2000). The classroom acoustical environment and the Americans with disabilities act. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31(4), Retrieved from &site=ehost-live

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