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Reformation assignment Feedback

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1 Reformation assignment Feedback
Read the question carefully, stay focused! Be specific in your answer (clear subject; answer: what – when, where – why and how) + go straight to the point (topic sentence = state your main point for each paragraphs) Don’t use the word: Thing (be specific)… some Make short sentences (less mistakes, ideas more focused) Check tenses, spacing, formatting, punctuation (space after punctuation not before) Never start a sentence with: And, So, But – Instead use: Additionally, Furthermore, Moreover, As a result, Consequently, However… spacing: commas, margins, periods small p for pages…

2 Don’t write name of book when it’s very long… instead write Author.
Don’t use Chinglish: every coin has two sides… more and more… With the development of… Provide evidence for your claims (from readings – references); show how you know what you know + why what you know is “true” – not just what you know Don’t write name of book when it’s very long… instead write Author. Citations must be exact and explained or used to illustrate your point Citations should not be the majority of your text… Should not be at the start of a paragraph Better to make a few points, to develop and explain them well than trying to cover everything and everything is unclear

3 APA style Cover page Must include: - Name (English, Chinese, Pinyin) - ID number; Class number - Title of Assignment + Question - Course - University+Programme - Instructor - Date of submission; Word count (if required) Page numbers, starting counting on first but only showing on second page Running head in capital letters (title of paper in header but not a title in text) – only write running head on the title page.

4 Practice reading, writing, listening and speaking in English whenever you have a chance, here are some suggestions: Watch Ted talks:

5 Essay instructions Due: Friday 27th April, 8PM through e-learning + Bring hard copy on 28th in class 8h15 Any late paper will receive -5% per day late Essay plan due by Wednesday 18th No class on Monday 30th (Saturday 27th): Meet me by appointment OR /text me In subject write: your name, your class number and student number as well as the course title SAME WITH COMPUTER FILE NAME Any late submission will be penalized.

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