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A Moral Never Never Land Identifying with Tony Sopano

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1 A Moral Never Never Land Identifying with Tony Sopano
By Antonio molina Luis Varela A Moral Never Never Land Identifying with Tony Sopano

2 Intro ¨i like tony sopano i cant help but to sympathize with the guy¨
¨i recognize he is a vicious criminal¨ We see the sopranos and we id with their main character tony because he is a tragic hero since he has a weaknes witch is his life style he is stuck between two worlds

3 When is Art Dangerous Plato was the first philosopher to consider art dagerous its not itself dangerous but it makes it audice be Tolstoy though the same was as Plato, he rejected all art, expet popular chritian peasant art. So basicly so see them is equal to wanna be them there for yo consider them to be good not the bad ones and that leads to misinterpretation in life between good and evil

4 Why them???? For one it is an ongoing tv series not like the god father of goodfellas Second we see that characters are potryed in a more psychological point of view like we see dreams of other charcters and dr melfis sessions Third “ The Sopranos” strive for versimilitude. It does not have the ironic stylishness of Goodfellas, not is it and idealized period piece like The Godfather.

5 Is it Morally Wrong to Watch them
Yes and no Yes because its something new and we learn and see many different point of view And NO becasue we are simpathysing with a killer a mobster we see tony as good but if this man were to be your neighbor he would be the worst The Sopranos provides us with multiple moral perspectives on evil characters & which offer room for moral reflection, might even be good for us, rather than evil

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