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NEXRAD Data Quality Optimization AP Clutter Mitigation Scheme

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1 NEXRAD Data Quality Optimization AP Clutter Mitigation Scheme
Cathy Kessinger Scott Ellis, Joe Van Andel, John Hubbert, Greg Meymaris, Mike Dixon Research Applications Laboratory/ Earth Observing Systems 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

2 AP Clutter Mitigation Scheme
Objective -- automatic detection and suppression of AP clutter to improve hydrology and aviation products for the WSR-88D Approach: Separate clutter from precipitation return using the Radar Echo Classifier (REC) AP Clutter Detection Algorithm (REC-APDA) Precipitation Detection Algorithm (REC-PDA) Current: remove clutter gates during RPG processing Future: Transition REC to ORDA and remove clutter in spectral domain 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

3 ORPG Radar Echo Classifier (REC)
REC-APDA classifies return from clutter REC-PDA classifies return from precipitation Fuzzy logic, data fusion algorithms Independent from each other Moment data (Z, V, W) are input Likelihood field is output (0-100%) Run in RPG REC-APDA deployed Fall 2002 REC-PDA to be deployed in future 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

4 AP Clutter Mitigation Scheme
Enhanced Precipitation Preprocessor (EPRE) Builds the Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (HSR) for input into radar-derived rainfall algorithm REC-APDA used as quality control (QC) for clutter If clutter detected (REC-APDA>50%), next elevation angle used for HSR 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

5 Modification to EPRE QC
Installed ORPG Common Operating Development Environment (CODE) at NCAR REC-PDA ported to CODE EPRE modified QC does extra check w/ REC-PDA For gate to be rejected it must: Be clutter (REC-APDA > 50%), OR Not be precipitation (REC-PDA < 50%) Have run a few, selected cases using this new QC Results look very favorable More testing needed 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

6 REC-APDA and REC-PDA results
Radial velocity Reflectivity REC-APDA REC-PDA AP clutter St. Louis KLSX 1 Nov 2004 Note: REC-APDA finds clutter REC-PDA finds precipitation (not clutter) 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

7 REC-APDA and REC-PDA results
In mixed clutter and precipitation cases, REC-APDA gives a missed detection (REC-APDA<50%) REC-PDA does not classify it as precipitation (REC-PDA<50%) 2nd QC check for EPRE Better HSR results Recall, for gate to be rejected it must: Be clutter (REC-APDA > 50%) OR Not be precipitation (REC-PDA < 50%) Radial velocity Reflectivity Clutter mixed with weather REC-APDA REC-PDA 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

8 HSR using only REC-APDA
28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

9 HSR using REC-PDA and REC-APDA
28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

10 Summary of RPG REC Adding REC-PDA to EPRE quality control checks will improve quality of Hybrid Scan Reflectivity 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

11 Migration from RPG into ORDA
ORDA allows spectral processing techniques Moving REC-APDA to ORDA will allow clutter filter control – only filter the clutter targets, not precipitation Preliminary Spectral REC-APDA coded LegacyRDA ORPG Moments I & Q Products AP Clutter Control a) Old ORPG-based Scheme ORDA Corrected Moments REC b) New ORDA-based Scheme SZ Alg. (NP Clutter) Uncorrected Spectral Variables Clutter or Precipitation 28 April 2005 Result: Stratiform precipitation is retained!! NEXRAD TAC Meeting

12 Spectral Variables in REC
With ORDA, input spectral domain variables into REC Variables under test include: F(gi) = power at the gi velocity index Cp = ∑ [F(g0) + F(g-1) + F(g+1)] (power at 0th coefficient, blue region) Pnz = ∑ [F(g-3) + F(g-2) + F(g+2) + F(g+3)] (power near 0th coefficient, green region) Ptot = ∑ F(gi) where i = -n to +n (total power, summation of all gi) Ratio 1 = Cp/(Ptot – Cp) Ratio 2 = Cp/Pnz g0 g-1 g1 g-2 g2 g-3 g3 Clutter Precipitation g-i g+i 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

13 Ratios 1 and 2 Definitions: Precipitation has values near zero
Ratio 1 = Cp/(Ptot – Cp) Ratio 2 = Cp/Pnz Precipitation has values near zero Clutter has high values Membership functions devised for APDA and ran through REC Comparison made: Original APDA (without SW field) Adding Ratio1 and 2 as additional feature fields Adding Ratio 1 and 2 and removing the VE and SDVE feature fields Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Reflectivity Radial Velocity NP Clutter Precipitation 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

14 High Mag of Previous Slide
APDA + Ratio1 + Ratio2 Original APDA (no SW) Velocity Power APDA + Ratio1 + Ratio2 No Doppler Blue oblongs: precipitation only Red oblongs: clutter only Adding spectral variables improves the APDA performance Discrimination between precipitation return and clutter is improved 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

15 Spectral REC-APDA Preliminary version of Spectral REC
Uses same feature fields as ORPG REC-APDA Spectral variables will be added soon Local area is 2 beams on either side, 8 gates long In the example shown in following slides, the clutter filter is enabled only where the REC-APDA identifies the echo as clutter or mixed clutter and precipitation Purely precipitation echoes are not clutter-filtered 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

16 Unfiltered Moment Data: S-Pol at Marshall, CO
Time series data collected on March 28, 2004 Low PRF (320 Hz), gate spacing 225 m, 0.5 deg elevation Zero m/s Mixed Mixed Mixed Zero m/s Reflectivity 28 April 2005 Radial Velocity NEXRAD TAC Meeting Spectrum Width

17 Filtered Moment Data: S-Pol at Marshall, CO
Spectral REC-APDA identifies clutter GMAP removes it Zero m/s Mixed Mixed Mixed Zero m/s Reflectivity 28 April 2005 Radial Velocity NEXRAD TAC Meeting Spectrum Width

18 Summary Moving the REC-APDA to the ORDA allows:
Spectral variables to be used Provides better clutter/precipitation discrimination Better preserve stratiform precipitation near zero m/s Clutter filter only applied to clutter and mixed clutter/precipitation echoes Filters not applied to purely precipitation echoes 28 April 2005 NEXRAD TAC Meeting

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