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Corporate Profile of Tosha International

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1 Corporate Profile of Tosha International
1 Corporate Profile of Tosha International September 17, 2018

2 About Tosha International
Tosha International is pursuing excellence and has remained a front runner in technology and precision with endless efforts for perfection. Each and product rolled out of the factory undergoes strict and rigid inspection & testing. These products can meet divers loading duties arising in transmission and distribution networks of Electricity boards, Supply Undertaking & Private Sectors. We have developed manifolds in past 34 years having more than 1000 satisfied customers and Channel partners. September 17, 2018

3 About ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode
3 TOSHA has developed its earthing system based on a unique technology known as “Artificial Concept of Earthing by Chemical Rod” (ACE CHEMROD EARTHING ELECTRODE). This concept was developed for Earthing after a consistent R&D and is being Manufactured & Marketed as "ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode". This concept has revolutionarised the earthing world. September 17, 2018

4 ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode
Over the years, we have developed an unrivaled expertise in the design, manufacturing, and installation of our revolutionary, state-of-the art corrosion free, eco friendly grounding system ideal for almost all type of soil conditions and environments. September 17, 2018

The product is tested and certified by various renowned independent testing laboratories like- Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Central Power Research Institute (C.P.R.I.) National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Delhi. Arya Bhatta Research Institute of Observational Science (ARIES) Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) and others… September 17, 2018

6 ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode
September 17, 2018

7 ACE Chemrod Installation Procedure
September 17, 2018

8 Design and Fabrication
On the Basis of Resistance As per IS and IEEE Green Book The resistance of pipe or electrode is given by where – ρ = soil resistivity (in Ω. m) L = length of pipe/rod (in cm) D = diameter of pipe/rod (in cm) R= 100ρ/2πL X log 4L/D September 17, 2018

9 Design and Fabrication
For example- Take rod/pipe of dimensions length=2500mm dia = 50mm By the above formula to achieve desired value less than 2 ohms will require 32 number of rods/pipes electrode, which is neither possible practically nor commercially. Where as resistance less than 2 ohms can be easily obtained by using one or two ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrodes. September 17, 2018

10 Design and Fabrication
On the basis of Length :- As per IS 3043 & IEEE Green Book It is depicted in fig. resistance Vs length that the resistance diminished slowly at depth greater than 2.4 m in soil, which justifies the length of ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode. Being concentric pipe technology the overall effective length improves the performance equivalent to multiple rods. September 17, 2018

11 Design and Fabrication
On the basis of artificial treatment of soil As per IS 3043: Multiple rods in large numbers may sometimes fail to produce low resistance to earth. To reduce soil resistivity it is necessary to dissolve moisture contained in soil. This Concept helped us in developing an earthing compound, we call it as Tosha Earthing compound, which has all the qualities of an ideal backfill material for an earthing system. Special absorption capability. Can absorb available moisture in vicinity. Provides low earth resistance. Enhances surrounding soil conductivity. Prolonged Durability and performance. Provides Cathodic Protection. September 17, 2018

12 Design and Fabrication
12 On the basis of Life Of electrode: As per IS 3043 The average rate of decay of ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode (2500mmx3mmx50mm) in no case exceeds 0.5% per year. As per this data ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode (2500mmx3mmx50mm) will loose half of its strength in no less than 35 years, which helps it in retaining results for longer period of time. September 17, 2018

13 Design and Fabrication
Tosha Earthing Compound (T.E.C) contains highly conductive chemical where every particle of T.E.C. works as a separate electrode. The highly conductive chemical increases the overall conductive zone for maximum current dissipation to get stable reference point. Increased current dissipation zone reduces current density which inturn provides low soil resistivity. Seasonal change brings high variation in ground water level providing more fluctuation in ohmic value. ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode is installed up to 2.5 meters beneath the surface, practically remains unaffected from water level variation and maintains constant result for longer period. Conventional Earthing requires continuous maintenance and needs to be changed frequently in every 3 to 4 years. Where ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode is a Fit and Forget Formula which practically needs no change. September 17, 2018

14 Design and Fabrication
14 This is a maintenance free Earthing, no need of extra water pouring at regular interval as in conventional Earthing, because it retains the moisture for longer period. Can be installed indoors or outdoors and in almost all soil condition. For existing or new facilities, requires less space & time. Adequate galvanization makes it Corrosion free. The composition of highely conductive chemicals are non toxic thereby making T.E.C eco friendly. September 17, 2018

15 Summary All the above arguments undoubtedly proves and solidifies the fact that ACE Chemrod Earthing Electrode is manifold advantageous, reliable, eco friendly, easily installable, maintenance and corrosion free etc. September 17, 2018

16 Models S.No. Model Length Outer Dia Metal 1 2m/3m 50mm G.I. 2
ECO T-19 2m/3m 50mm G.I. 2 SCO T-19 G.I. & Cu. 3 ECO T-39 80mm 4 SCO T-39 5 FCO T-59 60mm Cu. NECOT-19 6 NECOT-39 7 NSCOT-19 G.I & Cu, 8 NSCOT-39 9 NFCOT-59 16 September 17, 2018

17 Applications 17 Tele communication Towers & Microwave Antennas Transmission & Distribution System. Substations & Power Generators. Transformer Neutral Earthing. Lightening Arrestor Earthing Computer & Data Processing Centers Manufacturing Facilities & Refineries. Food Processing & Water Treatment Plants. Oil Refineries & Pump Stations Remote & Central Office Digital Switches. Heavy Industries. Defense, Railways Airport authorities Banks, ATM, Temple, Mosque, Church, Gurudawara Others, where hi-tech Earthing is required Residential Buildings September 17, 2018

18 Other Products Current Transformers
September 17, 2018

19 Other Products Isolators September 17, 2018

20 Other Products Fuse sets September 17, 2018

21 Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Other Products Vacuum Circuit Breaker September 17, 2018

22 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: Bureau Of Indian Standards
September 17, 2018

23 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
September 17, 2018

September 17, 2018

25 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: Indian Railways
September 17, 2018

26 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: National Physical Laboratory
September 17, 2018

27 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: Electricity Board of other States
National Physical Laboratory Indian Oil Corporation Limited Central Bank Prasar Bharati IFFCO UPPCL Bharat Petroleum NHDC ARIES September 17, 2018

28 Our Clients At Glance September 17, 2018

29 Any Question ? September 17, 2018

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