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Presentation on theme: "HOLIDAY SHOPPING SPREE"— Presentation transcript:

MacKinnon Middle School students will be shopping for the holiday season!

2 Introduction The entire student body of the MacKinnon Middle School will be shopping this holiday season! It doesn’t matter what your background is or in what you believe. It is always a great feeling to give back to your favorite people. Click on your grade level to find the process you will be following. 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade

3 6th Grade Task Your task is to select a present for each of the members in your household as if you had all of the money in the world. The sky is the limit! You will search the internet using a variety of websites and newspaper flyers to find those presents. Yes, you can select something for yourself! Cccs: 4.1, 4.5

4 Click here for resources
6th Grade Process Identify each member of your household by name and age. The age is important so that your gift is appropriate. Any person over 18 years of age should be identified by “adult”. Search the internet using a variety of websites and look through flyers to find a gift for each member. Be sure to print out a copy of your gift or cut out the picture from the flyer in order to prove your price. Create a table to display your findings. Make a list of your gifts including the price. Round each price to a place value of your choice. Remember your rules of rounding! (five and above give it a shove, four and below, let it go) Order your gifts from least to greatest. Place your work into a booklet to be given as a gift. Click here for resources

5 6th Grade Evaluation Novice Apprentice Practitioner Expert
Identification Some household members are identified All household members are identified All household members are identified by name and age Practitioner plus: Pictures attached Table No table is constructed with the computer A table is constructed with the computer and some component is missing A table is constructed in which your information is placed and complete Total spent, 6% sales tax and clip art are attached Gift list Not all recipients have a picture or price attached A gift picture only is placed next to each recipient or price only is displayed next to each recipient Each gift picture is placed next to recipient showing price More than one gift for each recipient Rounding All item are not rounded correctly Each item is listed and one or more rounding errors occur Each item is listed with the place value identified and rounding to that place value is correctly done An additional list rounding to the tenth place Ordering No list of prices is attached or the list is not ordered A list is attached that has errors in ordering from least to greatest or the list is ordered from greatest to least A list is attached that orders correctly the rounded prices from least to greatest Correct ordering of prices from greatest to least Booklet Your project is neat or bound Your project is neat and bound Your project is ordered, neat, and bound Booklet is wrapped and ready to go after teacher evaluation

6 7th Grade Task Your task is to select gifts for all members of your family coming as close to, without exceeding, $ You will search the internet and use newspaper flyers to find the gifts. You are also provided with discount coupons that you are required to use. Sales tax will be calculated for each purchase. Have fun shopping! Cccs: 4.1, 4.2, 4.5

7 Click here for resources
7th Grade Process Identify each member of your household by name and age. The age is important so that your gift is appropriate. Any person over 18 years of age should be identified by “adult”. Search the internet using a variety of websites and look through flyers to find a gift for each member. Be sure to print out a copy of your gift or cut out the picture from the flyer in order to prove your price. Make a table of your gifts. Include the name of the item, who it’s for, original price, coupon used, amount of discount, 6% sales tax. Round each price to the nearest penny. Place your work into a booklet to be given as a gift. Click here for resources

8 Sample Template

9 7th Grade Evaluation Novice (7) Apprentice (8) Practitioner (9)
Expert(10) Table (X3) Used the table to provide information on the holiday shopping project. Some of the required information is missing The table includes most of the required information The table includes all of the required information. The table includes all of practitioner plus accurate total calculations for each family member. Budgeting (X2) Shows little attempt to come up with a solution to planning a budget and total exceeds or comes within $1000 Reveals an unsuccessful attempt to plan a budget and total comes within $500 Features acceptable solutions to planning a budget and total comes within $250 Effectively uses a budget to plan expenditures and total comes within $100 Calculation Features significant mathematical errors in calculations on tax and savings in the use of coupons Features some mathematical errors in calculations on tax and savings in the use of coupons Correctly calculates the tax and savings in the use of coupons All of practitioner plus uses Excel formulas to calculate Booklet (X2) Your booklet is handed in with components missing. Your booklet is neat and bound. Some items and prices need verification. Your project is ordered, neat, and bound. It includes verification of all items and prices. All of practitioner plus strong evidence of additional technology used.

10 8th Grade Task Your task is to select holiday gifts for 8-10 of your family members and friends. Your budget is $10,000. You will search the Internet for these gifts. Also, you will incorporate the discounts per category of gifts. Have fun shopping! Cccs: 4.1, 4.2, 4.5

11 Click here for resources
8th Grade Process Choose the 8 people for whom you are shopping. Search the internet for appropriate gifts. Create a spreadsheet to organize your gift list. (Follow the example on the next page.) Create a pie graph using the recipients’ names and the total cost of each gift. Put pictures and prices of all your gifts in a Word document. Click here for resources

12 Important Sales Information!
Apply these discounts to your purchases. Clothing 25% off Electronics 15% off Books, CDs, Videos 10% off Jewelry % off Everything Else % off

13 8th Grade Evaluation Novice (7 points) Apprentice (8 points)
Practitioner (9 points) Expert (10 points) Spreadsheet Spreadsheet does not follow format and lacks some information. Spreadsheet follows format but lacks some information. Spreadsheet follows format with all column headings. All of Practitioner and includes formulas for all calculations. Gift Page A word document that is poorly organized and lacks some information. A word document that includes most of the; pictures of gifts names of recipients prices An attractive and well organized word document that includes; All of practitioner and includes an attractive Title Page for the project. Graph A pie graph missing some information. A pie graph that includes legend but no data labels or title. A pie graph that includes; title data labels legend All of practitioner and another type of graph. Math Calculations Three or more errors in math calculations. One to two errors in math calculations. No errors in math calculations. All of Practitioner plus; a typed explanation of how to put formulas in a spreadsheet. Total Points (out of 40 points ) ______________________

14 SPREADSHEET Make a spreadsheet using the following column headings:
Person Gift Original Price Category Discount % Discount Amount Sale price Sales Tax Total cost Once the spreadsheet is make, fill in the working formulas for each column.

15 Resources
Click for 6th grade process Click for 7th grade process Click for 8th grade process


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