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Chapter 7 Unemployment.

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1 Chapter 7 Unemployment

2 The Chapter Covers: … the natural rate of unemployment: what it means
what causes it understanding its behavior in the real world 1

3 Natural rate of unemployment
Natural rate of unemployment: The average rate of unemployment around which the economy fluctuates. In a recession, the actual unemployment rate rises above the natural rate. In a boom, the actual unemployment rate falls below the natural rate. The natural rate of unemployment is the “normal” unemployment rate the economy experiences when it is neither in a recession nor a boom. It’s a result of frictional and structural imperfections in the labor market.

4 Actual and natural rates of unemployment, U.S., 1960–2017
October 1, 2017. Actual and natural rates of unemployment, U.S., 1960–2017

5 A model (“Bathtub Model”) of the natural rate
Notation: L = No. of workers in labor force E = No. of employed workers U = No. of unemployed L = E + U U/L = unemployment rate On this slide, we begin section 6-1 of the book.

6 Assumptions: 1. L is exogenously fixed. 2. During any given month,
s = rate of job separations, fraction of employed workers that become separated from their jobs f = rate of job finding, fraction of unemployed workers that find jobs s and f are exogenous This slide spells out the three variables we assume to be exogenous: the labor force, the rate of job separations, and the rate of job finding.

7 The transitions between employment and unemployment
s E Employed Unemployed f U Figure 6-2, p. 165

8 The steady state condition
Definition: the labor market is in steady state, or long-run equilibrium, if the unemployment rate is constant. The steady-state condition is: .01 x 100 = x 5 s E = f U # of employed people who lose or leave their jobs # of unemployed people who find jobs In order for the unemployment rate to be constant, the number of people who become unemployed in each month must equal the number of formerly unemployed people who find jobs.

9 Finding the “equilibrium” Unemployment Rate
ΔU = s  E – f U raises U lowers U This equation tells us how the unemployment rate evolves over time. At steady state ΔU = 0: f U = s  E f U = s  (L – U ) f U = s  L – s  U (f + s)  U = s  L Solve for U/L:

10 Example: Each month, Find the natural rate of unemployment:
1% of employed workers lose their jobs (s = 0.01) 19% of unemployed workers find jobs (f = 0.19) Find the natural rate of unemployment:

11 Policy implication Insight of this model - A policy will reduce the natural rate of unemployment only if it lowers s or increases f. S = 0 ? f = 1 ?

12 Why is there unemployment?
If job finding were instantaneous (f = 1), then all spells of unemployment would be brief, and the natural rate would be near zero. There are two reasons why f < 1: 1. job search 2. wage rigidity

13 Job search - frictional unemployment
frictional unemployment: caused by the time it takes workers to search for a job occurs even when wages are flexible and there are enough jobs to go around occurs because workers have different abilities, preferences jobs have different skill requirements geographic mobility of workers not instantaneous flow of information about vacancies and job candidates is imperfect

14 Sectoral shifts def: Changes in the composition of demand among industries or regions. example: Technological change more jobs repairing computers, fewer jobs repairing typewriters example: A new international trade agreement labor demand increases in export sectors, decreases in import-competing sectors These scenarios result in frictional unemployment

15 Public policy and job search
Govt programs affecting unemployment include: Govt employment agencies disseminate info about job openings to better match workers & jobs. Public job training programs help workers displaced from declining industries get skills needed for jobs in growing industries.

16 What About Unemployment Insurance (UI)
UI pays part of a worker’s former wages for a limited time after losing his/her job. UI reduces f because it reduces the opportunity cost of being unemployed the urgency of finding work Studies: The longer a worker is eligible for UI, the longer the duration of the average spell of unemployment.

17 Benefits of UI By allowing workers more time to search,
UI may lead to better matches between jobs and workers, which would lead to greater productivity and higher incomes.

18 Why is there unemployment?
The natural rate of unemployment: Two reasons why f < 1: 1. job search 2. wage rigidity DONE  Next 

19 Unemployment from real wage rigidity
Supply Labor Real wage If real wage is stuck above its equilibrium level, then there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Unemployment Demand Rigid real wage Amount of labor hired Figure 6-3 on p.170. Abbreviation: “eq’m” = equilibrium Amount of labor willing to work

20 Unemployment from real wage rigidity
If real wage is stuck above its eq’m level, there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Then, firms must ration the scarce jobs among workers. Structural unemployment: The unemployment resulting from real wage rigidity and job rationing. Other texts define “structural unemployment” as unemployment that results from a mismatch between the skills or locations of workers and the skill or location requirements of job openings. This would occur, for example, if there were a decrease in demand for domestic steel (and hence steel workers) and a simultaneous increase in demand for financial consulting services (and hence employees of such firms). However, if wages are perfectly flexible, then the decrease in demand for steel workers would simply cause their wage to fall until all were again employed, and the increase in demand for workers in financial firms would simply increase until equilibrium in that labor market was reestablished. So, the critical ingredient for structural unemployment is wage rigidity. Hence, Mankiw’s definition.

21 Reasons for wage rigidity
1. Minimum wage laws 2. Labor unions 3. Efficiency wages

22 1. The minimum wage The min. wage may exceed the equilibrium wage of unskilled workers, especially teenagers. But, the minimum wage cannot explain the majority of the natural rate of unemployment, as most workers’ wages are well above the minimum wage.

23 2. Labor unions Unions exercise monopoly power to secure higher wages for their members. When the union wage exceeds the equilibrium wage, unemployment results. Insiders: Employed union workers whose interest is to keep wages high. Outsiders: Unemployed non-union workers who prefer market equilibrium wages, so there would be enough jobs for them.

24 Union membership and wage ratios by industry, 2013
# employed (1000s) Union % of total wage ratio Private sector (total) 104,737 6.9 37.0 7.5 13.0 2.1 1.1 20.4 4.9 10.5 7.2 14.0 122.6 121.1 114.9 112.6 99.1 90.2 123.5 102.4 107.2 96.4 151.7 Government (total) 20,450 Construction 6,244 Mining 780 Manufacturing 13,599 Retail trade 14,582 Transportation 4,355 The wage ratio equals the average weekly earnings of union members divided by that of non-union members. (Here, “union members” does not include non-union members who are represented by unions; however, including them in these calculations does not substantively change the results.) For example, in Transportation, 20.4% of workers are in unions, and on average they earn 23.5% more per week than non-union members in that industry. In 2013, 11.8% of all workers in the U.S. were members of unions. The data on this slide show two things: union workers typically earn more than non-union workers (about 22% more on average). 2) the greater the percentage of union workers in an industry, the higher the wage ratio (the correlation is about 0.5) Source: Note: Due to space constraints on the slide, a few industries were omitted. Finance, insurance 6,111 Professional services 12,171 Education 4,020 Health care 15,835 wage ratio = 100 × (union wage) / (nonunion wage)

25 3. Efficiency wage theory
Theories in which higher wages increase worker productivity by: attracting higher quality job applicants increasing worker effort, reducing “shirking” reducing turnover, which is costly to firms Improving health care of workers(in developing countries) Firms willingly pay above-equilibrium wages to raise productivity. Result: structural unemployment.

26 Duration of unemployment typically rises in recessions – but the rise in was unprecedented. October 1, 2016.

27 Unemployment in Europe, 1960-2008
Percent of labor force updated version of Figure 6-4, p.181 Source:, obtained from

28 http://epp. eurostat. ec. europa. eu/statistics_explained/index

29 Percent of workers covered by collective bargaining, selected countries
United States 13% United Kingdom 35 Switzerland 48 Spain 80 Sweden 92 Germany 63 France 95 Greece 85 Table 7-1 Source: OECD.

30 Chapter Summary 1. The natural rate of unemployment definition: the long-run average or “steady state” rate of unemployment depends on the rates of job separation and job finding 2. Frictional unemployment due to the time it takes to match workers with jobs may be increased by unemployment insurance 29

31 Chapter Summary 3. Structural unemployment results from wage rigidity: the real wage remains above the equilibrium level caused by: minimum wage, unions, efficiency wages 4. Duration of unemployment most spells are short term but most weeks of unemployment are attributable to a small number of long-term unemployed persons 30

32 Chapter Summary has risen sharply since 1970
5. European unemployment has risen sharply since 1970 probably due to generous unemployment benefits, strong union presence, and a technology-driven shift in demand away from unskilled workers 31

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