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January 31, 2018 U.S. History Agenda: DO NOW: DBQ

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Presentation on theme: "January 31, 2018 U.S. History Agenda: DO NOW: DBQ"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 31, 2018 U.S. History Agenda: DO NOW: DBQ NOTES #34: What economic reforms occurred during the Progressive Era? CLASS ACTIVITY: Progressive Era DBQs


3 What economic reforms occurred during the Progressive Era? Notes #34

4 The Meat Inspection Act was passed in 1906 to require the U. S
The Meat Inspection Act was passed in 1906 to require the U.S. government to inspect meatpacking factories.

5 The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906 to force foods and drugs to reveal their ingredients.

6 The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 to regulate the money supply and interest rates of the U.S. Current Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen (2014–present) Eccles Building (Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington, D.C.)

7 The graduated (progressive) income tax was created in 1913 to base tax rates on a person’s ability to pay. 16th Amendment (1913)

8 Throughout the early 1900s, state governments began to pass child labor laws, eight-hour day laws, and minimum wage laws.

9 Federal Trade Commission (1914) President Woodrow Wilson
The Clayton Antitrust Act was passed in 1914 to strengthen the power of the U.S. government to maintain competition in business. Federal Trade Commission (1914) President Woodrow Wilson

10 1.

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12 3.

13 4.

14 5.

15 6.

16 7. During the Progressive Era, public demands for direct consumer protection resulted in passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act Underwood Tariff Pure Food and Drug Act income tax amendment

17 8. Which action could the Federal Reserve System take to reduce the problem of recession? lowering spending on social programs lowering interest rates raising tariffs on imports raising federal income taxes

18 9. Supporters of a graduated national income tax argued that it was the fairest type of tax because the rate of taxation was the same for all persons rate of taxation increased as incomes rose income tax provided the most revenue for the government income tax replaced state and local government taxes

19 10. The Clayton Antitrust Act was passed to
restore business competition end stock market speculation prosecute corrupt labor unions break up city political party machines

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