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Ideological differences Communist Capitalist Global revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Ideological differences Communist Capitalist Global revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideological differences Communist Capitalist Global revolution
Content: Adjectives Sentence starters Grand Alliance Common enemy Ideological differences Communist Capitalist Global revolution Dollar imperialism Tehran Conference Yalta Conference Spheres of influence Roosevelt Stalin Churchill Truman Poland Greece A-bomb Japan Potsdam Conference Reparations Iron Curtain Speech Long telegram Novikov’s telegram Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Isolationism Satellite States Buffer Zone Rigged elections Cominform Comecon Two camps Bizonia Trizonia Berlin Blockade Berlin Airlift GDR FRG NATO Warsaw Pact Hydrogen Bomb Hungarian Uprising De-Stalinisation Rakosi Salami tactics Nagy Reform Free radio Europe Co-operate Share Conflict Limit Compromise Intimidation Aggressive Ally Rivals Influence Misunderstood Security Tension Isolated Alone Betrayed Undermined Weakened Attack Protection Bribe Expansion United Divided Split Propaganda win Drifted Uneasy Untrustworthy Exacerbated Fear Mistrust Perception Oppressive Animosity Enmity The Cold War was caused by… The Grand Alliance collapsed because… They went from allies to enemies because… Ideological differences meant that…. The USSR felt threatened because… The USA felt threatened because… The USA were a threat to the USSR because.. The USSR were a threat to the USSR because… The USSR was weak because… The USA were strong because… Europe was divided because Germany was divided because The Berlin Airlift was a propaganda win because… The USSR took the satellite states because… Germany was a source of tension because… This was a long term source of tension because.. In the short term this resulted in… This was the beginning of… This was significant in international relations because it resulted in… ...caused a change because… …was a long term cause of … This confirmed the fears that… This undermined ………… because… This further divided… This exacerbated tensions because…

2 Key Words Adjectives Sentence starters Flashpoints Refugee crisis Ultimatum Geneva Summit Camp David Paris Summit Vienna Conference Berlin Wall Foreign Representative Arms race Stockpile Tsar Bomba B52 Bombers ICBMs Ballistic missile Sputnik Batista Cuban Revolution Bay of Pigs incident CIA Thirteen days Secret Deal Hawks and Doves Limited Test ban treaty Hotline Détente Mutually Assured Destruction Secret Police Socialism with a human face Dubcek Prague Spring Czechoslovakia Brezhnev’s Doctrine Moscow Protocol Non-violent civil disobedience Censorship Eurocommunism Acknowledge Escaped Humiliated Obsolete Co-operate Stalemate Conflict Limit Compromise Security Cooperation Freedom Interfere Stabilised Ally Rivals Tolerate Influence Aggression Protest Invest Disarm Collapse Reform Negotiation Reduce Deteriorate Dissolve Import Assassinate Detonate Stand-off Bluff Exploited Acceptance The USSR felt threatened because… The USA felt threatened because… This increased tension because… This antagonised the USA because…. This antagonised the USSR because… This compromise resulted in…. Peaceful coexistence was achieved through…. Peaceful coexistence could not be sustained. For example… Tensions were heightened because… The tension eased under…. This directly opposed previous agreements…. This built upon previous agreements by extending… This change in ideology meant that…. Reform to….resulted in…. This ultimately led to….. Consequently it was agreed… An agreement could not be reached because… This caused… This meant that… This links to… One reason why… However, it could be argued… On the other hand… Evidence to support this… An example of this is… This crisis caused a long-term change because…. This caused détente because… This showed that both sides of the Cold War were more interested in stability because  This caused a stalemate in the Cold War because…

3 Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (1968) SALT 1 and 2 (1972)
Content: Getting along ( ) Content: Tensions rise and the USSR falls (78-91) Adjectives Sentence starters Détente Outer Space Treaty (1967) Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (1968) SALT 1 and 2 (1972) Strategic Ballistic Missiles Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) Apollo Soyuz (1975) Helsinki Agreements Internal affairs Kabul Revolution (April 1978) Oil Rich middle east Afghanistan Brehznev Carter Doctrine Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Economic sanctions Diplomatic relations Boycott Olympic Boycott games Second Cold War ( ) Ronald Reagan Evil Empire Peaceful coexistence Individual Freedom SDI Strategic Defence Initiative– Star Wars Nuclear umbrella Satellites/lasers Nuclear stockpiles Mikhail Gorbachev Chernobyl ‘New Thinking’ Glasnost Perestroika Geneva Summit (1985) Reykavik (1986) Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) Malta Summit (1989) CFE Agreement (1990) Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) Democratic elections Warsaw Pact (deteriorates) Yeltsin Coup Co-operate Conflict Limit Compromise Security Cooperation Human Rights Freedom Interfere Stabilised Ally Rivals Tolerate Influence Aggression Ratify Protest Moral (war) Invest Disarm Collapse Reform Negotiation End Reduce Deteriorate Dissolve Exacerbated Obsolete The Cold War was caused by… The USSR felt threatened because… The USA felt threatened because… This increased tension because… This antagonised the USA because…. This antagonised the USSR because… This compromise resulted in…. Peaceful coexistence was achieved through…. Peaceful coexistence could not be sustained. For example… Tensions were heightened because… The tension eased under…. This directly opposed previous agreements…. This built upon previous agreements by extending… This change in ideology meant that…. Reform to….resulted in…. This ultimately led to….. The end of the Cold War was caused by… The USSR’s collapse resulted in…

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