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Minority Strategic Partnerships

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1 Minority Strategic Partnerships
State Government Affairs Annual Task Force Meeting December 15, 2011 Presented by Paula Hoisington Net Communications

2 About Net Communications
Net Communications is a public policy and advocacy firms specializing in African American, Hispanic, and women’s constituencies. Strategic advisors for major companies: Energy Water Advanced communications Information technology Manage several cross disciplinary policy issues and branding campaigns. Located in California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, New York, and D.C. National network of over 60 field operatives.

3 National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL)
646 African American state legislators. 42 states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. More than 50 million Americans of all racial backgrounds. NBCSL adopts policy resolutions that directly impact federal and state policy.

4 National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL)
Over 300 elected Hispanic State legislators through out the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Represents over 25 million Americans. Mission is to organize Hispanic state legislators who advocate on behalf of Hispanic communities across the country. Works with Congress and the White House to influence and direct these important national priorities.

5 National Organization of Black Elected Legislative (NOBEL) Women
Acts to communicate the needs of Black women to the media, legislature and government to affect change.   Stands more than 223 members strong. Represents over 15 million Americans.

6 National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM)
More than 650 African American Mayors across the country. Represents over 48 million citizens. A leader in the redevelopment of our most vulnerable communities and works towards the empowerment of leadership on the local level.

7 National Association of Black County Officials (NABCO)
NABCO is an affiliate of NACo, which provides essential services to the nation’s 3,068 counties. NACo's membership totals more than 2,000 counties. Represents over 80 percent of the nation's population (more than 247 million Americans). Governed by an executive committee representing both elected and other county officials who operate in a major policy role within county government.

8 National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO)
NBC-LEO is an affiliate of National League of Cities (NLC), a resource and advocate for 19,000 cities, towns and villages. Represents more then 218 million Americans. Mission is to increase African American on NLC’s steering and policy committees to ensure that policy and program recommendations reflect African American concerns and benefit their communities.

9 2011 Highlights of Stakeholder Engagement
Policy/Education 316b advocacy. NBCSL policy resolution. NBCSL and NHCSL nuclear energy webinars. NHCSL energy forum. NBCSL and NHCSL France fact-finding trip. Letters of Support Letters of support from state legislators, local elected public policy makers, and various community leaders/concern citizens from across the country.

10 2011 Highlights of Stakeholder Engagement (cont’d)
Conferences NEI presentations at the following: NBCSL Executive Board. NCBM Annual Conference. NCBM “Congressional Day on the Hill.” Media Article in “NBCSL Legislator” magazine, “American response to Japan.” Front page digital coverage on Politic365.

11 Framing Message for Effective Outreach
The nuclear industry’s interests closely align with the minority stakeholders’ interests in these five respects:  Jobs. Nuclear energy creates stable, high paying American jobs. Affordability. Over the long term, nuclear energy is the lowest cost energy source, and it is not subject to major cost fluctuations or dependence on foreign suppliers. Environmental Justice. Public health statistics demonstrate that minorities often bear the brunt of unhealthy air and water. Nuclear energy produces zero greenhouse gases. Like wind, solar and hydropower, nuclear energy is nonpolluting and renewable. Safety and Security. American nuclear facilities are the world’s leaders in safe design, operation and waste storage. Local Tax Base. The economic activity of America’s 104 nuclear plants generates on average around $20 million per plant in state and local tax revenues.

12 Outreach through Organizational Stakeholders
Secure support and recruit advocates for nuclear energy. Intergovernmentals Civil rights leaders Business leaders Other minority and women national organizations’ and their member affiliates Develop policy papers, adopt resolutions, and secure letters of support for national nuclear energy policies. Create energy policy platforms at the stakeholders’ annual, regional and local meetings and conferences.

13 Outreach through Organizational Stakeholders (cont’d)
Engage influentials to disseminate NEI core messaging through: Opinion editorials Articles Media interviews Engage the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies to conduct research and issue policy papers on key NEI issues that can be used to educate key stakeholders and opinion leaders.

14 Outreach through Minority Print, Broadcast and Social Media
Leverage partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA). More than 200 Black community newspapers from across the country. Readership of 15 million constituents. Leverage partnership with National Association of Hispanic Publications (NAHP). Leverage partnership with International Black Broadcasters Association (IBBA). Use nationally syndicated radio formats and media personalities to further engage and inform constituents about nuclear energy. Arrange for key stakeholders to conduct radio interviews promoting the Coalition’s key objectives. Leverage partnership with Politic365, the nation’s only newsmagazine focused on politics and policy issues impacting communities of color.

15 CBC Braintrust Session: Mobilizing the Masses Social Media Panel:
Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC) digital outreach to S.C. constituents and the nation. Politic365 developed all scripting, production, marking collaterals for town hall focused on jobs, nuclear energy and the economy. Politic365 secured 100 community stakeholders to participate in the event. Politic365 published several well-received articles about the event. News of the virtual town hall spread to several local and national media outlets, including: TLC NapTown, WTLC FM News Talk Cleveland, 1490 AM CBC Braintrust Session: Mobilizing the Masses Social Media Panel: Politic365 coverage. Cross content publication: Jack & Jill The Grio

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