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Pick up handouts Open notebooks to page 25

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1 Pick up handouts Open notebooks to page 25

2 United Nations

3 United Nations Facts Goal: Prevent another World War and Promote Peace
International security, economic development, social progress, human rights, civil rights and liberties, political freedom, and democracy In 1945 there were 51 members. Today there are 193 members Excluded: Vatican City, Kosovo, and Taiwan Current members of the Security Council Permanent: China, France, Russia, England, United States Rotating: Angola, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Spain, Venezuela

4 Domino Theory The domino theory was a foreign policy theory, promoted by the government of the United States Speculated that if one country in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect.

5 National Security Act of 1947
Military Industrial complex Created the Department of Defense The Department of Defense presides over the three military services. Joint Chiefs of Staff are top military and naval officers who advise the president and Secretary of Defense. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) coordinates foreign intelligence gathering and conducts covert operations to help friendly regimes.

6 Containment Containment refers to the foreign policy strategy of the United States in the early years of the Cold War. The goal was to stop nations moving politically towards Soviet Union-based communism, rather than towards European-American-based capitalism using economic, political, or military force.

7 George Kennan His "Long Telegram" argued that the Soviet regime was inherently expansionist and that its influence had to be "contained" in areas of vital strategic importance to the United States. Kennan also played a leading role in the development of the Marshall Plan.

8 Containment Three parts of Containment: 1) Truman Doctrine
2) Marshall Plan 3) NATO

9 Truman Doctrine - March 12, 1947
It stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into Soviet control. Truman called upon the U.S. to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures,” which generalized his hopes for Greece and Turkey into a doctrine applicable throughout the world.


11 Containment Three parts of Containment: 2) Marshall Plan

12 Marshall Plan - July 12, 1947 It was the primary plan of the United States for rebuilding and creating a stronger foundation for the allied countries of Europe, and repelling communism after World War II. What does the Marshall Plan do?



15 Containment Three parts of Containment: 3) NATO

16 NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The agreement made in 1949 to stand firm against Soviet military threats. It was made between the United States, Great Britain, France and eight other nations. It included Europe under the American nuclear shield. A key clause stated “an armed attack against one or more” members of NATO “shall be considered an attack on all”.

17 Potsdam Conference Truman, Stalin and Clement Attlee met July 1945.
Germany - major country of discord Germany divided into 4 parts Capital city Berlin divided into four zones. (4 parts)



20 Iron Curtain The "Iron Curtain" was the symbolic, ideological, and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II until the end of the Cold War, roughly 1945 to 1991. In 1946 Winston Churchill made a speech at Missouri College’s graduation in which he said an “iron curtain has descended on Eastern Europe.”

21 Berlin Airlift – Berlin Wall
June May 1949 When the Western Germans were given their freedom and the three free zones were merged, Stalin blocked roads and rails of West Berlin. An airlift would force the Soviet Union into the position of either taking military action in a morally reprehensible fashion that would break their own agreements, or backing down.




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