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The Skull and Cross Bones

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Presentation on theme: "The Skull and Cross Bones"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skull and Cross Bones
What does it stands for? What does your family think about it? What do your children say it stands for? What do your relatives or friends from area’s not associated with military think about it? Here are a few things to think about!

2 The symbols used for; Danger and Poison

3 The symbols used; for pirates and piracy

4 Symbols that represent, Outlaw Clubs/Gangs

5 Symbols that represent The Klan

6 The symbol of the Nazi SS
The "Death’s Head" was the symbol of the SS-Totenkopfverbande (one of the original three branches of the SS, along with the Algemeine SS and the Waffen SS), whose purpose was to guard the concentration camps. Most of the original members of this organization were later transferred into and became the core of a Waffen SS division, the Death’s Head Division

7 US Navy Chief Is this what we really want to represent who we are what we stand for and where we came from?

8 Standing for what is right!
US Navy Chief “ Patriots” Standing for what is right!

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