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ICOTS VINEWatch January 1, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ICOTS VINEWatch January 1, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICOTS VINEWatch January 1, 2014

2 Summary Background/Implementation of VINEWatch
ICOTS and ICOTS VINEWatch Administration of VINEWatch Getting started with VINEWatch Resources/Support

3 Background of Implementation
2012 ICAOS Annual Business Meeting (Madison, WI) Approved VINEWatch project Workgroup formed Fall 2013 Design finalized for testing States were polled regarding interest to use VINEWatch Project was approved at a cost of $4k per month with the support of 39 Commissioners A workgroup was formed tasked to define ICOTS activities which should trigger VINE notifications Shortly after the 2013 ABM in Boston, final testing took place and states were polled to find out who is interested in using VINEWatch for ICOTS related notifications. Those who responded with interest were invited to attend one of the three training sessions offered by Appriss.

4 Background of Implementation
December 2013 VINEWatch launched into production Appriss conducted trainings Compact Office Staff Various Victim Services Groups The session today we put together for those unable to attend or who wanted additional information on implementing ICOTS VINEWatch in their state.

5 ICOTS & VINEWatch Registers victims to be notified for ICOTS specific activities Phone ICOTS VINEWatch and ICOTS are independent systems, require separate logins. ICOTS VINEWatch is used to register victims to receive a select number of notifications when activities occur in ICOTS.


7 Phone or ONLY Our current contract for ICOTS VINEWatch only offers notification via telephone or via . Text notifications are not available.

8 Registration Confirmation

9 Personal Identification Number
4 digit code required to register a victim May be updated/changed Victim MUST provide to receive successful phone notifications Stress to the victim not to misplace their PIN. They get a call when the activity occurs and then every 2 hours for 24 hours (between the hours of 7:00am and 9:00pm for most notifications) if no PIN is provided. After 24 hours the calls stop and the notification is classified as ?unsuccessful.

10 Notifications Requested transfer to another state
Approval of requested transfer Offender address change Violation of supervision conditions Offender departed the state Offender arrived in the destination state Offender departed but never arrived in the destination state Offender's supervision has ended Offender is considered an absconder Unsuccessful notification Victim registration confirmation States\victims can choose which notifications to register victims to receive.

11 Successful Arrival

12 VINEWatch Reports Reports are available to assist in managing notifications and registrations.

13 Access ICOTS VINEWatch
Available to any state to: Register victims for ICOTS specific notifications Manage victim registrations Generate notification reports Request user name/password via National Office Access should be limited to administrators and/or victim advocates Any state may choose to use ICOTS VINELINK to provide victim notification for compact specific activities. All registrations must be completed and managed by an administrator and unlike a state’s VINE or VINELINK system, victims cannot self register. All user roles in ICOTS VINELink are high level. States choosing to use ICOTS VINEWatch we recommend a very small number of users and it is recommended states do not provide access to field staff.

14 Resources Support Quick Reference Guide User Manual National Office
For distribution to Victims User Manual Available within application National Office Mindy Spring

15 Questions?

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